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Stand User in Marvel Universe

Chapter 828
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Quicksilver rushed towards the monster’s body and was surprised to discover the truth about the monsters that attacked the Earth this time. That was also why Quicksilver dragged out Spiderman this tto show him the truth! Pietro thought that he ought to open Peter’s eyes to the truth!

Meanwhile, Peter was completely stunned! He still couldn’t believe that Quentin Beck that earned his trust, was an outright liar! Peter also blamed himself for all this as he gave EDITH that Tony Stark left for him to Quentin Beck!

“I am the dumbest man on Earth!” Peter said as he couldn’t forgive himself for falling for Mysterio’s lie. “I need to report all this to Mr. Fury!” Peter said hurriedly.

“You don’t have to do that! Do you really think that Nick Fury would believe others that easily? Nick Fury doesn’t even believe Steve Rogers!” Pietro said as he grabbed Peter’s arm to stop him from making a hasty decision.

“Instead of worrying about that old man, you should think of what you should do first!” Pietro reminded Peter. Pietro’s words immediately calmed Peter down as he was forced to think about what he ought to do first. Peter has always been reluctant to interact with Nick Fury as he always got uncomfortable around him for sreason.

But Pietro was definitely right! A man that couldn’t even believe in Steve Rogers and Brando could deal with this situation himself.

“So, what should I do now, Mr. Quicksilver?” Peter asked curiously.

“Well, maybe we can give a little surprise to that guy! After all, this is only an illusion!” Pietro smiled as he looked towards Mysteoutside of the monster. Peter looked over at the drones that flew around the air and quickly understood what Pietro meant.

Peter got to work without any hesitation. He started to combine the drones with his webbings, and Pietro immediately left Spiderman on his own device. Peter could handle himself and therefore, Pietro and Luci had to make sure the monster didn’t get any further.

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Still, Pietro had to be careful here as the last tthey were helping Peter in Prague, called them and scolded them for not cleaning things thoroughly! Pietro was annoyed, and he kept saying to himself if it weren’t for the child inside Wanda’s belly, he would have taken a shot at killing himself!

“Forget it! That man doesn’t deserve my anger! You can’t let Wanda’s child be born without a father!” Pietro muttered to himself before leaving.


“William, the drone’s formation was disrupted. What happened?” Mysteasked through the communication channels.

“Maybe they hit a few birds, don’t worry!” William answered back.

“No, I want to check things through, take control of the drone, switch it to manual!” Mystesaid as he had a bad hunch about all this. William did as he was told, and Mysteimmediately saw what was happening inside the illusion he had set up.

“How did Spiderman get inside the illusion body? Wasn’t that kid busy saving people just now?” Mystesaid confusedly. Mystethen switched to the drone that kept tabs on Peter earlier, but he couldn’t see him anywhere in the street, which meant the Spiderman inside the giant monster was real!

He rewinded the video to see what happened, and he immediately saw a figure appear out of nowhere that dragged Peter away like a teleportation!

“Damn it! it’s the Avengers!” Mysteyelled annoyedly. The last tthe Avenger showed up, it almost ruined his entire plan! Obviously, Mystedidn’t want that to happen again! Mystewas extremely annoyed. These people said that they had retired, but they kept showing up uninvited!

“So, what happened? Did you find anything wrong?” William asked.

“Spiderman is inside! I have to deal with him first!” Mystesaid annoyedly. He didn’t want to kill Peter as he saw Peter as a silly boy trying to be a hero, but now that Spiderman had discovered his secret, Mystecouldn’t let him live.

After he dealt with Peter, then Quicksilver would be next!


“Hope this trick will work!” Peter said as he webbed several drones together and tapped the Spider Logo on his chest. Suddenly, an intense current passed through the webs and spread out in all directions.

Nothing was more devastating for these drones than the power of electricity! Hundreds of drones were destroyed in a blink of an eye as the high-intensity electric current passed through them. From the outside, the super elemental monster was starting to blur as if sof its body parts kept missing and reappearing like a glitch.

This was due to the drones trying to shift themselves to fill in on the damaged drones. At the stime, one of the drones was hovering in the air in front of Nick Fury and aimed a laser sight at Nick Fury’s head.

But Nick Fury didn’t seem to be worried at all. “Where do you think you are aiming for?” Nick Fury asked indifferently. But before he could continue, suddenly, the drones exploded and fell to the ground.

“Got it!” Agent Maria Hill said as she walked towards Nick Fury. She shot down the drone from its blind spot and successfully destroyed it with a single shot.

“Turn them off!” Mysteshouted as he knew that half of his plan had already failed. He saw that he failed to assassinate Nick Fury, and now, Spiderman had messed his masterpiece.

“Everyone will immediately notice what happened here!” William said worriedly.

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“They will see what I want them to see!” Mystesaid coldly.

“Alright, your choice!” William said as he turned off the drone’s augmented reality mode. The huge monster immediately disappeared from the sky and was replaced by a huge amount of drones.

“Found you, Mr. Beck!” Peter said as he swung to the top of a building, closeing the distance with Mysterio.

“It’s a pity, I have to kill you now, Peter Parker!” Mystecoldly said as he began to control the drone manually.

At the stime, a voice was heard from Mysterio’s communication device.

“Did you still want the cloak?” Janice asked.

“Of course, the cloak is important, Janice!” Mysteanswered annoyedly.

“Alright!” Janice said as she hung up the call.

Mysterio’s entire plan had been foiled, but he was still confident in this kind of situation. It was like Mystestill had a backup plan if things went south.

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