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Starting with A Divorce by Gloria Warren

Chapter 97
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Chapter 97 Birthday

Hearing this, Manuel let out a sigh of relief and put his phone back into his pocket. “Maybe she thinks we

have an affair and wants to take the opportunity to destroy our relationship.”

“It seems that she doesn’t want me to get close to anyone. Whenever I get close to someone else, she

will think that I have bad intentions. Don’t care about it. It’s just a misunderstanding” Ainsley lowered her


She didn’t stop, but Manuel suddenly approached her and asked, “Is it just a misunderstanding?”

The warm breath blew on Ainsley’s forehead, and her face blushed “Yes!”

She did not look at Manuel, but continued to walk forward and quickened her pace.

Manuel looked at her back, and her nervous expression made him happy.

It turned out that he had misunderstood that photo because of being too emotional.

Otherwise, he could realize that Ainsley would not be so close to Cason. After all, she hated Cason so


Manuel smiled softly and chased after her.

There were many mosquitoes in the garden of the apartment. Ainsley just stayed for a while before she

was bitten by mosquitoes

“Don’t you still have to go to the Gage’s house?” Ainsley said softly.

Manuel looked at the red lump on her leg and nodded. “Okay.”

When Manuel got into the car, Ainsley said goodbye to him.

The car lights flashed twice. Ainsley turned and entered the corridor. At that moment, her phone rang

instantly. It was a call from



“Don’t you like that bracelet?”

Ainsley looked at her wrist in a daze. She remembered that she had put the bracelet away. “Yes, I like it

very much. I just forgot to wear

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it today.”

“If you don’t like it, you don’t have to wear it,” Manuel said gently.

“I like it,” Ainsley said as she entered the elevator.

Her face blushed all the way home. When she opened the drawer, she saw the bracelet she had put

away Then she put it back on.

Compared to her mood from a few days ago, she was especially shy today.

Perhaps it was because she knew that Manuel became so strange because of that photo. She must

have gone crazy to have her heart

beat so fast.

Ainsley touched her cheek. It was so hot!

Then she smelled a sense of the cedar, which was just like the smell of Manuel.

She forgot to return the coat to Manuel!

When she took the coat and ran to the window, she could see that Manuel was not there.

Looking up at the stars in the sky, she smiled and went back to her room.

Days went by as usual. The only difference was that Manuel always brought a cake when he came to

pick up Serina.

When Kaitlin saw that Ainsley was not affected, she gritted her teeth in hatred. On the same day, she

decided to teach Ainsley a


“My family has received an invitation to Mr. Gage’s birthday!”

“What? I don’t even know about it Is it going to be my idol’s birthday?”

“Yes I wonder who will receive the invitation this year. Unfortunately, our family is not qualified to get


Kaitlin heard their discussion She was pleasantly surprised. It was Manuel’s birthday! Her family would

definitely receive an


But when she returned home to ask Lindsay about it, she received a negative reply

“How is that possible? Even though our family can’t compare to the Gage family, we are one of the noble

families in Seattle Why

aren’t we invited?” Kaitlin was stunned

Lindsay said with a face full of disappointment, “It must be that ****! Last time, the Gage family invited us

to the banquet, but we are not invited this time Ainsley always goes against us, so she must have told

something ill of us to Manuel

As Kaliyah listened quietly.

As Lindsay and Kaitlin were scolding, Cason just happened to come back from work.

“Cason, why didn’t the Gage family give us an invitation this time?”

Cason’s expression darkened. “It’s because of you! You framed Serina last time, so how can we be


Kaitlin was unwilling to admit it. “But we are the members of the Baldry family in Seattle.”

“Enough! In front of the Gage family, we are nothing. After you did those things to his sister, he was kind

enough not to target us.

Even though Manuel did not say anything, there were quite a few companies that wanted to terminate

their cooperation with us. It was

not easy for me to deal with it, so don’t cause me any more trouble!” Cason said coldly.

Kaitlin did not dare to say anything again. Her face was pale, and she had never known that there would

be such a thing.

Ainsley and Serina were at the University of Washington.

They left the consulting room side by side. Serina handed her an invitation card with a gold seal on it.

“Ainsley, it’s Manuel’s birthday

the day after tomorrow. I want to invite you to his birthday party.”

Ainsley was stunned for a moment before she took the invitation card. And she was surprised by it.

“Manuel’s birthday?” Ainsley asked doubtfully.

Serina smiled, “Yes, I only invited you.”

“Does he know about it?”

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“I didn’t tell him that the invitation was for you. Ainsley, Manuel definitely wants you to come.”

Ainsley put the invitation into her bag, wondering what birthday present she should prepare.

“Serina, what does Manuel like?”

“Do you want to prepare a gift for him? Why don’t we go and choose together tomorrow? We still have to

try on the dress. Ainsley, let’s

go together,” Serina said happily.

“Okay, let’s go together”

Summer was a rainy season, and people began to become restless.

More and more people came to Ainsley’s Psychological Counseling Room. People who cried miserably

came for help, and some came because they were during a bad breakup.

After the last person left, another female student who had been lowering her head came in.

Ainsley looked at her with some doubt. “Hello, how can t help you?”

The female student raised her head. It was Jenny!

Although Ainsley had saved her last time, it did not mean that she had forgotten what Jenny had done.

“Jenny, what did you come here for?”

Jenny had a nervous expression. Even her arms were unconsciously trembling. She stuttered and said,

“Kaitlin… Serina…”

Her voice was so low that Ainsley could only hear these two names.

“What happened to Serina?”

“Kaitlin went to find Serina,” Jenny said timidly.

Ainsley suddenly stood up and said harshly, “Where are they?”

“In the equipment room.”

Ainsley could no longer care about anything else and immediately ran out.

Ainsley thought, what exactly is Kaitlin trying to do? She must have seen through the abnormality of

Serina last time!

The equipment room was on the second floor of another school building. When Ainsley arrived there and

was panting, she heard Kaitlin’s cursing coming from inside.

“Are you a fool now, Serina? 1 didn’t expect that you would become ****! I heard that you were sick. Are

***tally ill? I didn’t expect that. I’m very curious how you became like this,” Kaitlin said with contempt.

Just as Ainsley wanted to rush in, she heard Serina’s voice, so she suddenly stopped.