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Stealing Spree-Novel

Chapter 281: Normal Like
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Chapter 281: Normal Like

All I can remember about Nikaido was that she's a fairly silent, modest and pure girl who sometimes steals a glance at me during my last year in middle school. Apart from that, everything was blank.

When she visited along with Aoi and Ria, she helped me to somehow understand that what I was planning to do wasn't taking responsibility and the girls fell for me because of something I did for them at one point in our twisted relationship.

And during that time, she also expressed her like towards me and with only me being mysterious for her as the foundation. I called her out for that, saying it's just her curiosity towards me when we last met each other but in the end, nothing really changed, she's now aiming for me to like her as well.

I couldn't get it before but upon remembering how I seem to easily like someone I am interested in, just like with Shizu-senpai or Arisa-senpai, I guess it's in line with what Nikaido is feeling for me.

"Here try this. This will be good for you." Nikaido picked up a product and put it on my cart with a bright smile on her face.

It's already 15 minutes and we're still circling different sections of this supermarket, at times she will suggest something to me and if I find nothing wrong with it, I will take it. And in this way, we looked like a couple shopping for when we will start living together.

Also, during this time I am with her, she neither told me how she likes me anymore nor asked me to like her as well. In exchange, she's just silently accompanying me while staying close by my side.

Even if I didn't have any reaction, for this girl, spending this time with me was already enough for her.

After another 10 minutes, we went out of the supermarket with two large bags in both of my hands.

"Thank you, Nikaido."

"You're welcome, I enjoyed my time with you, Onoda… Next week, can we shop together again?"

All this time inside the supermarket her smile never let up, especially when the clerk once again thought of us as a couple. And this time, there's only one cart so… I never bothered correcting her. Due to that, her already bright smile bloomed even brighter as she unconsciously held onto my arm.

However, that changed when her last question left her mouth. Perhaps she's afraid that I will say no.

Our three meetings happened in this part of our neighborhood and the supermarket was the common place for us. She possibly thought that only during this time will she have a chance to spend time with me.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Because of my somewhat busy schedule, she couldn't do anything for her plan to make me like her. However, unbeknownst to her, what I think about her is already bordering on her goal.

Perhaps, I'm only restricting myself to completely cross that border in consideration for the girls chasing after me. Now that I already met them, that restriction is starting to loosen up.

"Sure. I appreciate your suggestions as well. We're already talking in Messenger so just tell me when will you come, I will restock at the same time as you." I nodded and smiled at her which made her face brighten once more, her slumped shoulders raised as she unknowingly ran up and hugged me.

When she realized what she did, her enchanting face instantly became tinted red as she slowly backed away from me.

This girl is trying to be careful with me, huh? Let's see…

"Un. I will. Well then…" Nikaido turned around, maybe to escape from being embarrassed further.

"Wait. Do you want to stop by somewhere? My treat." Before she could even take the first step, I called out to her which froze her in her spot.

A simple thank you is not enough, in my vocabulary at least. Or I'm just trying to make an excuse to extend this time with her.

"Won't I be taking up more of your time?"

Although her question was filled with consideration, the way she turned around exaggeratingly along with that expecting and brightly lit eyes tells me how she loves my suggestion.

"Not really, I'm free until later in the afternoon. You helped me so I will feel bad if I let you go like this when you especially went to accompany me. But can you wait for a while? I will bring this home first." I lifted the two large bags and wryly smiled. With these, it will be weird to stop by somewhere with her.

"Un. I'll wait at the café, like last time." Nikaido nodded excitedly.



Around 20 minutes later, after telling Akane and Miwa-nee that I'm going out for a while, I reached the same café where we met a week ago.

Like last time, she was sitting on one of the chairs at their outdoor table.

Upon seeing me, Nikaido smiled and waved at me excitedly.

Déjà vu, eh?

I approached her table and to her surprise, I took her hand and clasped it on mine.

Of course, I accounted for anyone who would possibly know us before deciding on doing it.

However, because Nikaido didn't expect it, she almost tripped when she stood up.

"Careful, let's go in." I caught her on her waist and waited for her to stabilize herself before leading her inside.

After spending around 20 minutes of a coffee break there, we went out and started strolling around our neighborhood.

As always, even on weekends, our neighborhood is silent. There are no kids running around to play, and even if there's a park, it's mostly unused.

Because Nikaido couldn't collect her thoughts throughout our stay in the cafe, we spent it in silence. Apart from her continuous sneaky glances at me as well as lightly slapping her cheeks as if she's checking if she was dreaming, nothing else happened.

On my part, aside from watching her somewhat silly antics, I started to think about our situation. Although I kept telling her last time to think her situation through and that I'm the worst person to be involved with, I have no right to control her decision.

And now, after a week, her decision to like me was still the same. This was evident with our conversation in Messenger as well as the way she acted around me. Nothing changed except for the fact that she's not exactly working on her parting words from before.

Back then, Nikaido told me that she will make me admit that I like her as well.


Wait… Now that I think about it, although she's not doing anything else, the fact that I'm already thinking about her and even asked her on my own initiative to spend more time together… isn't this more effective than her doing something to make me like her?

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Do I like her already?

When I reached this thought process, I sneaked a glance at the girl walking timidly at my side. Will I stay here with her if I don't like her? There's the option to reject her but I'm not inclined to do that…

Haa… This is not just repaying her goodwill anymore.

I'm trying to convince my in-denial self that I already like her.

"I'm really happy today, Onoda. Last week, I once again contemplated every word you said to me. I was na?ve, true. But the more I spend time with you, the more I want to prolong it… I'm actually content with the few minutes with you at the supermarket but you called out to me… And that raised my hopes up." As her chestnut-colored hair swayed from the cool breeze which passed by us, Nikaido decided to break the silence between us.

It's already almost noon and the sun is almost on top of our head. That's why before replying to her, I pulled us towards the unused park and took shade on a tall and lush tree in the middle of it.

"Onoda, is it fine for me to assume that you're starting to like me? Or maybe this is just you repaying gratitude?" Nikaido carefully asked while staring at our still-locked hands once we reached the tree.

In return, I tightened my hold on her and recollected my thoughts before opening my mouth to respond to her, "The truth is… I'm also contemplating whether I already like you or not. You see, back then, I'm considering the position of the girls chasing after me so I couldn't really explore the thought of someone liking me normally. I might've told you this countless times already but I will repeat it again. I'm not normal, especially in my relationship with girls. I love all of them to the point that I already decided to build a future with them." Slowly, I turned towards her and she did the same, I lifted my free hand and placed it on her face. It's warm and it's because of the blush on it that might be mistaken as permanent since it never disappeared ever since our time at the supermarket.

"Perhaps I already like you but it's not to the point of me wanting to make you mine. I still want you to truly think it through. Because you see, if I seriously consider taking you in, I will be including you in that future."

Just like with Shizu-senpai, I like her enough that I am actively trying to court her or Arisa-senpai, I like her enough that I want to know more about her. But Nikaido is… she's the one who expressed her feelings towards me. Am I now the same as the other guys who will think 'why not try it?'?

"Although you still have the choice to leave me if you decide to at some point in the future, my like will surely evolve to love. You'll be restricted to only being mine while you will continuously see me with other girls."

In the first place, I never really planned to court or even steal her. However, now that we reached this point, it's time to make it clear. I guess.

If she still stood by what she's currently feeling for me, I will stop restricting myself and make her mine.

"I now understand. You're truly trying to think what's best for me and that you truly care for me… Thank you. I will certainly think it over again, Onoda. Next week I will tell you my decision." Nikaido nodded and took a step forward before wrapping her free arm to my back.

With her soft and lean body this close, my free arm naturally did the same and pulled her closer.

The decision is in her hands now.

Being in a normal relationship, that's what everyone wants, but with me, that will never happen…