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Stomp on Your Broken Heart With Our Babies

Chapter 1672
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Nancy was full of confusion, "Why can't | use this perffor a good reason?"

She has been using this perffor more than ten years without any problem!

"It's not that there's a problem with this," the doctor licked his dry, flaky lips and phrased it as best he could, "it's just that this

perfisn't suitable for use anymore."

"There has to be a reason why it doesn't apply." Nancy asked, plumbing the depths.

"Mother, you need treatment now, and many of the ingredients in the perfwill conflict with the nebulizing medication, so it's

best not to spray it, it's better for your condition." Jay explained from the sidelines.

Following that, he looked at the doctor again, "That's right, isn't it?"

The doctor was full of the expression of seeing the savior and nodded his head desperately, "Yes, yes, that's what | mean."

"So after you finish your treatment, you can keep using it?" Nancy asked.

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The doctor opened his mouth, still not knowing how to answer.

And at this time, the nurse knocked on the door and cin, "Patient Nancy, please cwithto the examination room, there

is a basic test that was missed just now."

Nancy reluctantly stood up.

The first foot had just left, and then Jay spoke with a sullen face, "There's something wrong with this perfume, isn't there?"

The doctor's eyes dodged, "Did not you just say yourself, just afraid of the ingredients in the perfand the drug conflict, that's


"Such words can fool my mother, | won't believe it. Although | don't have deep research on this aspect of tumor, but I still have

basic medical common sense."

Ordinary perfthat will not have any effect on the treatment.

Unless there is something wrong with the perfume!

"It really is Dr. Leonard," the doctor sighed helplessly, "and it's true that nothing can fool you."

Yes, in fact, the doctor knows Jay's hidden identity.

This is the main reason why he is willing to cand sit in private hospitals.

On the surface, it is to help treat the patient, but in fact it is to make a good relationship with Dr. Leonard, so that we can ask a lot

of questions in the future.

"Since you also know who | am, there's even less need to lie." Jay's eyes burned, "This perfume, what's wrong with it?"

"I have never seen this perfume, but the ingredients in it | have been exposed to and know very well what it does." The doctor


At the words, Jay's heart thumped and already felt bad.

"What is the role?"

"Short-term use can lead to infertility and miscarriage, and if used for a long time, it can cause conditions like your mother's,

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myomas, and even ...... cancer."

But these words, the doctor can not be said in front of Nancy, especially Nancy is also extra fond of this perfume.

Thinking of this, the doctor pretended to be relaxed again, "Anyway, just tell your mother not to use this perfin the future."

Rupert did not take this, his gaze was deep, "Since you know the ingredients in this perfume, do you also know, where it comes


Jay has been studying medicine for so many years, but he can't see through this perfume.

It's not that they are not academically proficient, but they rarely see the ingredients inside, so they can't figure it out.

Now that the doctor knows, does that mean that he also knows where it comes from?

As expected, Jay's words landed and the doctor's eyes began to flicker.

"I'm exposed to so many things every day that I've long forgotten."

"I hope you can tell the truth, or when | find out for myself, I'll treat you as an accomplice." Jay spoke coldly, "And even, to make

you lose your reputation in the whole medical community!"