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Stop It, She’s Remarrying!

Chapter 224
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Chapter 224

Stop It, She’s Remarrying! By Stellar Strands Chapter 224

Sapphire was stunned before her smile beceven more widened and honest.

“Even then, that’s the person that we love. Isn’t marrying him a dream ctrue?”

“…” Fia could only remain silent.

“Fia, we’re both the same. Neither of us is any better than the other, so don’t adviseto give up just like I never advised you to. Even if the path we take is a lonely one and we find out that we have chosen wrongly, we at least tried it and gave it our all. That’s better than not doing anything at all.”

But slowly, Sapphire’s smile disappeared from her face, and she looked at Fia cynically.

“You and Eileen Reid are good friends, right?”

Fia’s hand tightened. She couldn’t hide any of her emotions from Sapphire anymore as she looked at her.

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“I know that the reason you askedto cover is to let go of Victor, am I right? All of you think that he doesn’t love me, so I shouldn’t pester him. But my feelings are genuine. Why should I be the one to let him go? He didn’t ask for my help this time. I was the one that offered it. In exchange, he will openly declare who I am and marry me!”

Sapphire took in a deep breath and gave Fia an apologetic smile. “All I want to do is to grab my happiness.”

There was nothing else Fia could say despite her preparation. “But both you and Eileen are innocent.”

“If I’m innocent, then she isn’t.” Sapphire sighed. “In the beginning, maybe she was still innocent because she didn’t know about me. After that, she knew.”

“Victor was the one that pestered her.”

“Even so, he only pestered her because she gave him a chance!” Sapphire’s expression suddenly becsharp. “Fia, letbe frank with you. The situation betweenand your good friend is different from the situation between you and your cousin.

“Both you and Eare innocent and not innocent at the stime. Both of you knew Conrad at the stand fell in love with him at the stime. In the beginning, Ewas Conrad’s true partner. However, she gave up at the last moment and gave you the chance to step up. That was her foolishness!

“However, despite knowing of Conrad’s regrets three years ago, you still took advantage of him. It might not be music to your ears, but everything you experience right now is karma!”

Fia looked at Sapphire in astonishment. She had always thought that she was different from her mother–in


But only at this moment did she finally see Beryl’s shadow on Sapphire.

“But compared to Eileen, I’m really the innocent one! I waited for him for twenty years! I knew him far longer than she did!”

“Sapphire… When it comes to relationships, the order doesn’t mean anything.”

“Of course it does! Do you know how much effort I put in to set myself apart from all the other girls so that I can stand by his side and bechis fiancée ? But Eileen… Someone who cafterward

ruined everything that I worked so hard for!”

Sapphire was almost losing control as her eyes becred.

Outside the door, Conrad frowned and was ready to rush in at any time.

“As long as you know what you want, Sapphire. Thank you for helping Eileen.” Fia knew that there was no point in continuing the conversation.

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“You’re welcome. I’ve gotten what I want.” Sapphire stood up, and her eyes stopped at Fia’s stomach which was covered by a thin blanket. “Now that you’re pregnant, steer clear of Esme. She’s not someone


“Okay.” Fia gave Sapphire a smile. “Thank you, Sapphire.”

There’s a hint of helplessness in Sapphire’s eyes. “I wish that we didn’t have to stand opposite each other. I wish that we could becfriends.”

Sapphire walked out of the ward and looked at Conrad for two seconds. “You’re a dad now, so don’t let your emotions get the better of you. Take good care of Fia. Don’t let Emake a fool out of you again.”

Conrad scowled and said, “You don’t have to worry about it.”

Sapphire was used to his tone and didn’t mind it. She patted his arm and said, “You don’t have to worry abouttoo. I’ll take care of it, so don’t try to talkout of it like Fia, alright?”

Conrad wanted to say something, but in the end, his expression simply beccalmer.

“I don’t have tto worry about you two.”

He was simply worried that if Sapphire was mistreated, the Starlings would cand annoy him instead.

Next day, in the morning.

Fia woke up. She grabbed her phone and began scrolling through Facebook and realized that Victor and Sapphire had both appeared on the local popular searches.

Chapter 225