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Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 368.1: Strange Grief Wants to Retire ⑧
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Mana Materials can sometimes give rise to terrifying monsters.

A dragon that destroyed many countries, a demon king who cclose to conquering the world, and――A god supported by an ancient evil cult. Maybe the theory that the cause of the downfall of the numerous civilizations reproduced in Treasure Shrines due to a calamity brought by Mana Material is true. If so, we may be very lucky that our world has not been destroyed yet.

The enemy this tis definitely the strongest we have ever faced. I feel like I say the sthing every tsomething happens, but as expected even I thought I was done for this time.

I should have at least grown a little bit each tI get involved in an incident, but the enemies have gotten so strong that I don’t really feel it at all.

Just how strong was Ark’s ancestor, who was said to have defeated the Phantom of a god…… And would Ark have been able to defeat Keller? I know there is no point in thinking about it now, but………… Ark is never around when it really matters. Let’s not think about calling him next tbut make sure to take him withnext time. Yup, let’s do that.

Even if I am like this, I am Level 8――When I have to do something I will step up. Although a lot of unexpected things happened this time, if I can learn something from this failure, I am sure it will be useful for something next time.

As I *un, un* nod my head, the *boroboro* battered Serene speaks toin the scold voice as when we first met.

“So, human. Is that all you wanted to say?” (Serene)


After escaping from the battle of the gods, a few hours passed since I took a nap in the town inside Mimic-kun. When Serene and the others tookout of Mimic-kun, the first thing I saw was――A ruin.

For a moment, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

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There is not a single trace left of the simple and beautiful townscape. The houses that had been built using large trees were broken into pieces and are stuck here and there. The ground was dug up, and large cracks and burn marks were visible. The springs had evaporated exposing the bare ground.

It didn’t look like the town where the people of Yggdra had been living just a few hours ago. At a quick glance, there are no corpses lying around, but that is quite strange in itself.

However, strangely enough, a vague sense of peace can be felt amidst the collapsed Yggdra.

The dark clouds that were hanging in the sky have disappeared and sunlight is shining through the gaps in the clouds. The ground is muddy, evidence of the storm that had just occurred, but the air is *pokapoka* warm and the surrounding atmosphere is so calm that it makesfeel sleepy.

There is no roar, no thunder, no screams, no yells. Instead, all I can hear is the voice of the residents of Yggdra cleaning up the shattered city.

In the end, I don’t know what happened, but when I see that neither Keller nor the Ani Kitsune and the rest can be found――.

I squint my eyes and say badassly.

“Peace, huh…………” (Cry)

“Ho-How dare you say something like that after seeing this horrible scene!?” (Serene)

Yells Serene, while her shoulders are *buruburu* shaking. Well…… She is not wrong.

Yggdra is in such a bad state that it would be better to rebuild it from scratch rather than reconstruct it. Honestly, I don’t know what kind of battle could have happened to create a scene like this. I didn’t want to ask if possible, but it is not like I can do that. I don’t know why, but it seems like Keller call the way to Yggdra because he had something to do with me.

“What happened? It seems like a lot has changed in the little tI have been away――” (Cry)

“That Keller uprooted our houses, our trees and brandished it as a weapon!” (Serene)

“………… And about that fissure on the ground, you know, that big hole over there?” (Cry)

“Keller turned the city upside down!! In order to destroy Yggdra’s barrier that was in the way!! It was a sight that seemed unreal!!” (Serene)

Heeeh…… So he turned the city upside down, huh………… Turned the city upside down!?

………… That is dangerous. It seems so unrealistic that I can’t really be surprised. We have fought many powerful enemies up until now, but no one has ever turned a city upside down. It is not like there is a point in turning a city upside down in the first place――.

As expected of something called a Phantom of a god.

And there, I fearfully check something that has been on my mind for a long time.

“……………… Were there any deaths?” (Cry)

Serene’s eyebrows *pikuri* twitches in response to my question. Her body stops shaking slightly, she sighs and answers.

“No, there isn’t. It is because I immediately gave the order to evacuate…… Although I am sure everyone would have run away even without that order.” (Serene)

Hearing what she says, I breathe a sigh of relief. Cities can be fixed. Wounds can be healed. But it is not possible to resurrect the dead. It is undoubtedly fortunate that no one died when a god capable of destroying the world appeared. I don’t know if this is good luck or bad luck tho’.

I don’t have any words of comfort to offer――But I hope that Serene will not be discouraged by this situation and will rebuild the beautiful Yggdra.

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“Well, well, don’t be so disheartened. It is good that everyone is safe, no? We can just repair the city again. I am sure that Serene and the others can create an even more amazing Yggdra than before. The people who had turned into Phantoms have returned, too, right?” (Cry)

“……………… Of, course. Although, human, I hate to be told that by you, the one who summoned the fox god.” (Serene)

Serene quietly tries to frme with a completely false accusation.

I didn’t summon her…… She cof her own accord. But let’s not delve into the details now.

To be honest, I don’t understand the situation at all. In fact, I think Serene and the others have a much better grasp of the current situation than I do. At the very least, they probably know why Tino was being chased around by Keller――.

But for Treasure Hunters, results are everything. Whether good luck or bad luck, the result is that no gods are currently attacking Yggdra. So ,isn’t that fine?

Maybe because Serene has finally calmed down a bit, she speaks in a calmer voice than before.

“Well, it is true that a deadly situation was averted. The temple that had been nesting within the World Tree has disappeared and the threat is gone. And the way we fought the gods is also――It may not be of much use to us, but it can serve as an example. Yggdra will surely talk about this day for a long tto come. Human, I suppose we owe you our gratitude.” (Serene)

That is pretty exaggerated. As I have said many times before, I don’t need any thanks. I have no right to receive any thanks. Let’s be more friendly. We are already friends now, right?

“There is no need to thank me, I didn’t do anything………… By the way, just to confirm, who won, Keller or the Fox God?” (Cry)

“………… What?” (Serene)

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Thanks for reading! Now Cry’s legend will be passed down from generation to generation The one who summons a god to destroy a god!