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Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Chapter 297: The Key Of Agartha
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< Congratulations you completed the Quest: Flower of Death! >

< Flower of Death >

Mission Rating: S

< Quest Objective >

– Kill the Monstrous Terror Death Tyrant.

< Quest Rewards >

+10 to Skeleton Summoning Skills

+10 to Skeleton Archer Summoning Skills

+2 to Golem Summoning Skills

+2 to Skeleton Mage Summoning Skills

+5,000 Body Cultivation Points

– 500,000 Gold Coins

– Beholder's Legacy

– The Flower of Death


< Bonus Rewards >

– Sacred White Lotus

+10 to Summon Skeleton Fighters

+10 to Summon Skeleton Grand Archers

+5 to Summon Skeleton Mage

+ 1 to Summon Rock Golem

5,000 Body Constitution Points


Immortal Dragon Conqueror's Legacy

Rating: D

Progress: (5,000 /16,000)

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'I acquired another Sacred White Lotus?' Lux wondered upon seeing the flower that was currently inside his inventory. He didn't take it out and simply observed it.

However, he only needed a single glance to see that the flower rewarded by the quest completion was highly similar to the flower that Cai had received from the Death Knight. This unexpected boon made Lux smile inside his heart because it only meant one thing.

He hit the jackpot!

Originally, Lux thought that the "Flower of Death" that was meant as a reward was the flower that they were looking for. But it turned out that it was completely different.

'... So, this is the Flower of Death,' Lux mused as he gazed at a flower that greatly resembled that Sacred White Lotus.

They only differed in color because this one was completely black, with faint crimson colors along the edges of each petal. Unlike the Sacred White Lotus that emitted life, this one emitted death and decay. As a Necromancer, Lux was quite sensitive to these things, so it was easy for him to know that this flower was truly associated with death.


< Flower of Death >

– Together with the Sacred White Lotus, this flower is the key to create a Panacea that can cure all diseases and injuries in the world.

– If used alone, as long as any dying creature still has a single breath in them, they will be saved from death. However, they will enter a comatose state for a month. By the time the month ends, they will have a body that is completely immune to poison.

Their vitality will also increase, allowing them to live for decades to come. There are also rare occurrences when those who had consumed this flower would revert to their youthful selves, allowing them to recover the strength of their younger days.

– Be warned. Only dying or near death creatures can ingest the Flower of Death and gain its effects. If a person is healthy and ingests this flower, they will die within a minute.


A cold hiss escaped from Lux's lips as he read the information of the Flower of Death. This was simply a very powerful consumable item that could completely reverse the death of a dying person or creature.

Lux knew that he couldn't let anyone know, aside from his Grandma, about the black flower in his possession. This was simply something that would be coveted by those who were in a position of power. Letting the world know of its existence would bring him more trouble than harm.

'Now, what rewards did I get from my other mission…,' Lux flipped the page of his Soulbook after he had regained his calm.

But after reading the information about his rewards, the Half-Elf's hands, which were holding the Soulbook, shook, almost causing him to drop it.


< Congratulations! You have finished the mission: Return of the Kings! >

< Return of the Kings >

Mission Rating: S

< Quest Objective >

– Kill the true Monstrous Terror Death Tyrant

– Quest Duration 24 hours.

– Quest will automatically end in failure if you, as well as your entire faction, die in battle.

– Quest will automatically end in failure if you fail to kill your target within 24 hours.

< Rewards >

– Key to the Legendary Kingdom of Agartha

+100 Reputation Points with the Kingdom of Agartha


< Key of Agartha >

– Legendary Item

– Once a week, you will be able to instantly teleport to the Kingdom of Agartha by using the Key.

– You may return to where you came from anytime by using the Key a second time.

– This Item is Soulbound to Lux Von Kaizer


'Key of Agartha?' Lux scratched his head in confusion. "Kingdom of Agartha?"

His surprise initially came from seeing that the key he received was a Legendary Item. However, after his shock passed, he was baffled because he had never heard of a Kingdom named Agartha before.

Vera wasn't stingy when she taught Lux about history and even the geography of the region that they belonged in. However, the Half-Elf couldn't recall hearing about the Kingdom of Agartha, causing him to frown.

It was then when he was hit by a realization that he had an item that could give him the answer to his question.

'Good thing I have the Elysium Compendium.' Lux smirked as he used its search function to look for the keyword, Agartha.

A minute later, the smirk on Lux's face gradually faded and was replaced by disbelief. He didn't expect that the Key in his hands would lead him to a place that was beyond his wildest dreams.


< Kingdom of Agartha >

Kingdom Rank: SSS

– The Kingdom of Agartha is found near the core of the World of Elysium. For thousands of years, its existence has remained a mystery to those who live on its surface. However, regular expeditions were made to the surface to better understand the world that they lived in.

On several occasions, this Mysterious Kingdom also lent its hand to help dealing with calamities that befell upon the world. While the common folk have never heard of them, many Kings, Emperors, and other powerhouses in the world, treat them as Untouchables.

– Only those lucky enough to acquire the Three Keys that led to this Legendary Kingdom are permitted to stay for long periods of time.

– The Key of Agartha can only be activated when you reach the Initiate Rank.


'... Damn!' Lux cursed internally because he had acquired a priceless treasure. 'Are you for real?!'

When the Half-Elf saw the Kingdom Rank of Agartha, his jaw almost dropped from surprise.

The Six Kingdoms that belonged to their region were only Rank A Kingdoms. Even so, their rule had been unshakeable over the past hundred years, and no invaders had been able to breach their capital cities.

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Simply put, a Kingdom's Rank was based on its strength. His Grandma Vera had told him in the past that outside the borders of the Six Kingdoms, there were several other Kingdoms, as well as Empires, that were S-Ranked.

The Half-Elf couldn't even fathom how powerful a SSS-Ranked Kingdom was. He was also very curious about what kind of things he would see in the mysterious city.

'Do they perhaps sell Legendary Weapons, Armors, or Artifacts?' Lux's imagination started to paint pictures of shops selling Legendary items in Bulk, which made him wish he could go to Agartha right away.

'As soon as I step into the Initiate Rank, I'll go there right away,' Lux vowed in his heart before closing his Soulbook.

He then took deep breaths in order to calm his overflowing emotions from seeing the things he gained from the Dungeon Expedition. A few minutes later, he looked at his comrades who had also recovered their strength and were just waiting for him to finish whatever he was doing.

"Let's go back," Lux said. "Our job here is done."

Cai, Keane, Einar, Vall, and Xander, nodded their heads. Deep down, they felt relieved that they didn't need to challenge the other gates, whose difficulty level was similar, or even greater than the Gate of Death that they had just conquered.

Everyone followed Lux as he headed towards the Teleportation Portal that was located behind the Five Gates, which would instantly teleport them back to the entrance of the Hidden Domain.

They were not aware that as one of the handful of people who managed to clear the Dungeon, they gained the right to enter and leave the Hidden Domain whenever they pleased.


Entrance of the Hidden Domain…

The moment Lux opened his eyes, he found himself in a familiar place, where several young men and women were gathered.

The members of the Rowan Tribe, who had died in fighting against the Death Tyrant, all ran towards Lux, Cai, and Xander, to ask them how they won against the Boss Monster that had killed them all.

The same thing happened to the Barbarians who immediately went to Einar and Vall's Guild Members, who all had smiles on their faces.

For them, their leaders' victory was their victory, and they had a share in their glory. No one had been able to clear the Hell Mode of the Sacred Dungeon before, but now that it had been cleared, they gained the bragging rights to tell everyone that they had done what others had failed to do.

Lux allowed Cai and Xander to tell the story of the battle to the members of the Rowan Tribe.

"I was the one that killed it!" Cai raised its snout in an arrogant manner. "If it wasn't for me, all of us would have been wiped out! I'm the MVP! Isn't that right, My Daddy?!"

"Yes." Lux nodded. "You are indeed the MVP."

Cai glanced at the members of the Rowan Tribe with the "See? I told you so!" gaze, making them cheer in happiness.

The Half-Elf didn't want to ruin Cai's exaggerated story because even though the Boar had made it seem like it had been the one who single-handedly defeated the Monstrous Terror Death Tyrant, it wasn't an exaggeration that it played a crucial role in the battle.

Destroying the central eye of the Death Tyrant, as well as delivering the final blow to the back of its head, when no one had been able to, allowed the Boar to feel good about itself.

Even the proud Barbarian, Einar, and the narcissistic, Vall, didn't say anything, and just shrugged when asked if the Boar's claims were true.

Looking up at the gate that led to the Hidden Domain, Lux saw his name, alongside his companions, glittering in the darkness. It was proof that they had left their mark on history.

It was proof that humanity had managed to conquer the unknown, and lived to tell the tale of the dangers that lurked within the Four Gates that represented Conquest, War, Famine, and Death.

"Four horsemen of the Apocalypse, Conquest, War, Famine, and Death," Lux said softly. "These four laughed at the folly of humanity, and watched mankind take its final breath."

Staring at the gate in front of him, Lux wondered what diabolical monsters lay behind the fifth and final gate that was inside the Sacred Dungeon.

Although he didn't say it out loud, he had a hunch that whatever lay beyond that tightly shut door…

Had something to do with the Abyss.