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Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 189 - An Evil Monk and an Unruly Mammy
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Chapter 189 An Evil Monk and an Unruly Mammy

After guessing for a while, Lin Mengya failed to figure it out.

“Thank you.”

Night nodded and disappeared out of sight.

The whole night passed, but Lin Mengya still didn’t know why Concubine De treated her in such a way.

The next morning, a noise resounded from the yard before she got up.

It sounded like Baishao was rebuking someone. She always acted so mighty.

“Master, are you awake? Can you sleep longer? It’s early now.”

Baiji, who noticed that Lin Mengya had awoken, pulled back the curtains and walked inside.

But Lin Mengya saw the unnatural smile on her face.

“What’s going on outside?”

Baiji hesitated and then shook her head. But under Lin Mengya’s stare, she lowered her head and said in a low voice, “It’s a mammy from the outer courtyard. She offended you with her words. Baisu is irritated. She is quarreling with her.”

“The mammy from the outer courtyard?” Lin Mengya’s reward system convinced everyone in the inner and outer courtyard to obey her order and respect her.

“But why today? A mammy from the outer courtyard quarrels with Baishao.”

“Hold me up and I’ll have a look.”

Baishao was shrewish, but she wouldn’t cause trouble with others endlessly.

“Master, forget it. It’s our thing. You should not be bothered.”

Baiji immediately stopped Lin Mengya.

Lin Mengya turned her eyes and wanted to have a further look.

Noticing that she couldn’t stop Lin Mengya, Baiji had to pray that the quarrel would end soon.

“Hmph, see? Demonic air filled Prince Yu’s Mansion. Baishao, you are a girl. You won’t understand. Master, he is popular in the Capital City. I tried my best to invite him here with good intentions. Now, you stood on our way. Is that a little unkind?”

An unfamiliar voice of a mammy was heard as Lin Mengya just opened the door.

Faced with that mammy, Baishao resolutely grabbed the door of Liuxin Courtyard with her hands.

“Nonsense! Liuxin Courtyard is a wonderland full of outstanding people and saintly air. How dare you say it’s demonic air! And you old bald Buddhist! Watch your tongue, or I’ll tear your mouth to pieces first!”

No one imagined that Baishao at such a young age could be so skilled at trash talk.

Her scolding overwhelmed that mammy and that so-called Master so much that they could do nothing with her.

“Miss, if you really act so unkindly, then don’t blame me for being rude. Guard, take this girl away!”

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That outer mammy flew into a rage out of humiliation. She really started to use her hands.

Lin Mengya sneered. She had not seen someone else hit one of her people in the mansion in a long time.

“Today, anyone who dares to step into Liuxin Courtyard has to leave one of their legs with me, and will be thrown out.”

A cold voice mixed with killing intent came.

Lin Mengya’s figure came into sight among them.

Outside, many servants and maids stood, hustling and bustling.

They came here not to hunt monsters, but to search her house.

The leader looked very unfamiliar, not the usual servant in the mansion.

Next to her stood a monk with a shaved head in a red gown, particularly showy.

But that monk with an ugly, ferocious look, seemed unkind.

Besides that, his sordid eyes cast over their slim waists as he saw the four maids in Liuxin Courtyard. Apparently, he was a lecher.

“Ahem! How rude Baishao is. How could she disturb the princess? It’s my fault. Greetings, Your Highness.”

That mammy immediately became well behaved once she saw Lin Mengya.

She kept greeting her and shifted the blame onto Baisu.

But, there was no smile on Lin Mengya’s face.

She looked cold, even her maids felt frightened.

“Who are you? Don’t you know the rules here?”

As the hostess of Prince Yu’s Mansion, Lin Mengya’s appearance succeeded in making those servants fall silent.

But she was just promoted from the outer courtyard. Obviously, she knew little about Lin Mengya’s temper.

“Your Highness, I’ve just been promoted from the outer courtyard. I was ordered by Concubine De to come here. Concubine De said that there was something dirty in the mansion. So I invited Master here.”

Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows slightly and ran her eyes over that monk.

Concubine De practiced abstinence from meat and said prayers, but she would not have blind faith.

As a matter of fact, Concubine De just wanted to cover up her real intention by using that.

But now, she came at someone like such a strange mammy to drive out evil spirits.

Instantly, it made her full of wonder.

“The rule in the inner courtyard is that no one is allowed to enter without Master’s permission. Steward Deng has no right to break that rule, let alone you.” Baiji, who stood in front of Lin Mengya, tenderly proclaimed.

Everything in the inner courtyard was under her control. It was apparent that she was the steward there.

Therefore, all the servants in the inner courtyard dared not contradict her.

Besides, Baiji was in charge of their wages.

They depended on that wage to support their families. So offending Baiji meant cutting off their livelihood.

“But, it’s Concubine De’s order. In Prince Yu’s Mansion, is the owner Concubine De or the princess?”

That mammy had backing, and her words were also wily.

Lin Mengya looked at her and cracked a faint smile.

“It’s quite new to see someone make trouble in my place.”

“Fine, since it’s Concubine De’s order, I’d better not stop you. But in Liuxin Courtyard, there are lots of rules and people. You’d better obey our rules, otherwise, even Concubine De is unable to save your life,” Lin Mengya slowly said, in a cold voice.

Now that Master had said that, the four maids gave way.

That mammy felt immensely proud. They told her that Princess Yu was hard to deal with. But now, Princess Yu had to do what she wanted her to since Concubine De had ordered it.

“Please don’t worry, Your Highness. I’m not a rude person. I won’t break your rules.”

“Well then, this way.”

Lin Mengya turned back into her yard. Every onlooker outside felt confused.

“Is she still the Princess Yu whom we know?”

Lin Mengya sat in her room, and Baiji was combing her hair.

She went out too hurriedly just now and had let her black hair fall all over her back casually.

Through the window with water-caltrop patterns, Lin Mengya saw that monk pointing here and there, all bluff and bluster.

She picked up a wooden comb and tenderly combed the hair on her shoulders.

“Master, Qinghu says that everything is ready. We’ll just wait and see them lift a rock to drop on their feet.”

Baiji calmly told her, as if she had already prepared herself to see them hit the skids.

“Okay. Have him do it only if no one loses his life. Guard, close the door. No one is allowed to open it without my permission.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

As they just entered the yard, the four maids walked into the main room in Liuxin Courtyard, as if they were in a rage.

That mammy felt pleased and looked around along with that monk.

The maids and those old female servants all lived in wing rooms. Because Lin Mengya was rich enough, the decoration in their rooms looked precious.

The four maids’ rooms especially had more delicate decoration than those ladies’ from an ordinary family.

Immediately, an insatiable greed emerged in that mammy’s eyes.

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“They are right. Liuxin Courtyard is really the most gorgeous place in Prince Yu’s Mansion.”

Then, she couldn’t help touching that blue-and-white porcelain in Baizhi’s room.

What she was thinking of was all how to take possession of them.

“Why don’t you start from this room, Master?”

That mammy winked at that monk. The latter instantly understood it.

He put his palms together devoutly and fussily claimed, “Liuxin Courtyard is yin. It’s too strong here. Guard, move the things in this room to dry out under the sun and absorb yang.”

Some strong mammies competed to move those things out of the four maids’ rooms without any hesitation.

Even the brocade quilts were moved out.

In no time, those things cluttered the yard.

That leading mammy and that monk grinned ear to ear.

If they actually kept those things, they would not worry about their life for a year.

“Amitabha. I’ve examined these things. They are truly contaminated by evil spirits. I’m afraid that absorbing Yang Qi may not be enough.”

That monk did really well in his acting. That mammy understood him immediately. Then, she asked loudly, “Then, in your view, how should we deal with these things?”

That monk said Amitabha again, and then, he answered, “Why not move them to my place in Buddha’s light to drive out their evil spirits.”

They might become trash if they were really moved to that monk’s house.

But in the main room, no voice came, it was calm and quiet.

Therefore, that mammy became bolder.

“Hey, move them out of here.”

That mammy, in a transport of delight, held a blue-and-white piece of porcelain by herself. She thought to herself that she would have a feast if she sold it in a pawn shop.

But when she was lost in her imagination, that bottle in her embrace suddenly exploded.

“Bang!” It became just pieces.

Thanks to her quick reaction, that mammy’s face escaped from being cut.

“Ah! My bottle made in the official ware! It’s worth five mace!”

Inside the main room came Baizhi’s surprised scream.

But it sounded like she gloated.

“It doesn’t matter. They are Concubine De’s people. If they break our things by accident, I believe they will compensate by the cost, won’t they?” Baishao said. Everyone knew that she was making fun of them.

That mammy stood still and stared at her hands in disbelief.

“Why? It looks to be in good condition so why did it explode?”