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Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 735 - 735 Can I trust You Enough
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735 Can I trust You Enough

“Drawing inspiration from you?” Adele sassed at her without holding back her anger. She said to her, “It’s just like the kettle calling the pot black, that’s quite rich coming from your mouth, mother.” Her tone held a note of finality that sliced through the air around them.

Angelica’s mouth opened and closed at the same time without a single word coming out and she almost looked like a fish that had stepped out of its comfort zone and was now gasping for air on land. She looked at her daughter with her wide, unbelieving eyes and couldn’t take the insult lying down.

Adele’s comment provoked an outburst of anger from her, she said through gritted teeth, “I don’t know what vendetta you have against me, Adele? I’m guessing it’s probably revenge for giving you away to your father’s family, but then I would do that over and over again! Your family was the one that was capable enough to give you a bright future! This… !” She pointed to her stomach with a look of disdain,” is exactly why I never had you stay with me?!”

“Well, reality check one,” The corners of her lips lifted in a sneer, “It didn’t exactly work out the way you wanted, why? They never cared about me! And perhaps, if you were eager enough to fight for me and weren’t obsessed with a man that doesn’t give a fuck about you, then this wouldn’t have happened! I would have been raised with love and enough guidance not to repeat your mistake?!” Adele shouted back at her.

“You rude brat!” Angelica lifted her hand to slap her but she caught it and said in a condescending tone,

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“Don’t even think of it when you don’t have the right to do so! You shouldn’t be surprised anyway, after all, like mother, like daughter.” She fling her hand away and waited to see her next reaction.

With the way her mother’s chest was heaving up and down, Adele thought that she would try to start a fight with her or even kick her out. However, her mother did the opposite by breaking down into tears and leaving her dumbfounded.

And that was the point where Adele knew that she had to leave. Nobody was going to emotionally manipulate her into doing something that she doesn’t want to. However, Adele took just one step when Angelica grabbed onto her

“Please don’t leave,” She looked up at her with her teary eyes and began to apologize profusely, “I’m so sorry! Your mother is so sorry! I shouldn’t have given you up so easily, please forgive me, Adele.” Angelica begged her so desperately that even though Adele still held grudges against her, she had to give up on them for the moment.


“I’m not leaving, so can you stop pulling my arm before you dislocate it,” Although her words were not cold as before, they still lacked warmth, but then it was baby steps, right?

A few minutes later, her mother had composed herself and the both of them were seated down, conversing amicably for once. Angelica was smoking away at another cigarette and she looked so composed when compared to her meltdown earlier.

“Who’s the baby’s father?” Angelica asked, more like interrogating her. At least the judgemental look in her eyes was gone and Adele could endure her a little bit more.

“Someone you wouldn’t know,” Adele answered honestly, yet vaguely.

Her mother gave her the look, she wanted more.

Adele sighed, “You wouldn’t know him anyway, but his name is Elijah and currently both of our families are not on the best terms so you can understand why I came to you. This news can’t get out, not while tension is still tight between both families.”

“Is he rich enough to take care of you and the baby?” Her mother’s primary concern was his financial status. She refused to believe that her daughter was knocked up by a nobody. If there was any trait her daughter should have picked up from her, it should be her ability to select the “right” men.

“Well, his family is old money, so you can say he’s rich enough. But then, he wouldn’t be taking care of me because he has no knowledge of my pregnancy and would never know. I’m training my child all by myself!” She stated firmly.

“No, no, no, no!” Her mother shot up to get her feet, beginning to panic. She whirled around to Adele and said to her with red-shot eyes, “You really want to end up like me? Is that it?”

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“That’s where you are wrong….” Adele stood up to her feet and told her, “I would never end up like you because I have worked so hard and made a future for myself. I am in a position in the family where I’m second to the best. I have my own money, can eat whatever I want, and buy whatever I want without me having to hook up with a man.” Although Adele knew that it was too rude of her to bring that up and rub it in her mother’s face, it was the best way to sink the information into Angelica’s head who thinks the entire world revolves around men.

She went on to say, “This child is my foolish mistake and a temporary setback. And I would raise him or her without the father and give my baby the best life. So don’t give me that sympathetic look because my future is secured already. I can do it without him.”

“But then, he -”

Adele cut her off with her cold glare and Angelica shut her mouth, swallowing numbly. Adele said to her, “The only reason I came to you is that I know nothing about childbirth. So don’t think too much about it because as far as I’m concerned, you’re still that woman that abandoned me after birth.”

“Fine,” Angelica took a deep breath, “Then sit down and let me make you something to eat, you’re a mother now and need all the nutrients that you can get. After that, we talk.”

Her mother said and was about to walk past her, only for Adele to grab her arm and halted her in her steps,

“The Draven family and our family are not on good terms which means that Benjamin cannot know of my pregnancy for the moment. Can I trust you not to go spill your guts to him?” Adele searched her gaze, knowing that she was taking a huge leap of faith here.

Angelica stared back into her eyes, saying, “I know that I have many shortcomings as your mother. However, no matter what, my daughter comes first before any other thing. It’s my time to make it up to you, Adele.” She promised her.

“Good,” Adele said, finally letting go of her arm with an air of relief.