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Taken By The Mafia Lord

Chapter 95
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95 The Scream From Downstairs

Mimi intentionally decided to go to work late today knowing that Victor would be in bed as usual. She knew about the party last night since that Marcel had invited her over.

But she declined his offer knowing the tense relationship between her and Victor. Knowing his kind of personality, Mimi was sure that he would try to exact vengeance on her but she was not scared. Moreover, she got Marcel on her side.

If she doesn’t learn faster, she would put the whole of the blame on him and Marcel must know of his cousin’s tendencies. In one word, she was covered.

She had already dressed up to leave and made it downstairs only for her mother to appear in her way suddenly, startling her.

“Mother!” She exclaimed, trying to calm her racing heart.

“Sorry about that, I was just trying to be done with it before you left,” She said.

“Huh? Done with what?” Mimi was confused by her statement only for her mother to lift a food flask and all blood drained from her face. God, this can’t be happening.

“No, no, mother -”

“You should give this to your teacher first and then tomorrow I can prepare another one for your boss,” She commanded amid Mimi’s plea.

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“Mom, I can’t do this,” Mimi refused, trying to return the flask into her mother’s arms but the woman only pushed it back to her chest.

“What do you mean you can’t do it?” She frowned at her attitude, “Moreover, this is not the first time I sent food to friends and neighbors,”

“This is my teacher for Christ’s sake. Moreover, I’m sure he doesn’t eat this kind of food. They are so rich that they hire professional cooks to make their meal,”

“Then explain to them that it was prepared by me with love, care, and attention. I’m sure it’s been long that they eat food prepared with a mother’s affection,” The woman was so proud of her handwork.

She could not beat this woman in an argument, it became clear to Mimi and so she gave in. Her mother was the most stubborn person she had ever seen – with Arianna taking the second position, says the kettle calling the pot black.

“Fine, I would do it but don’t blame me when he doesn’t accept the food,” Mimi reminded her of the possibility of that happening.

“Fine,” Her mother agreed to her relief.

Good then.

In that case, instead of throwing away the food her mother cooked with so much love, when Mimi arrives at Marcel’s place, she would give the food to one of the guards she’s familiar with. But then, her mother had other plans.

“When he finishes the food, don’t forget to make him thank me properly over a phone call,” her mother added and Mimi felt like crying.

For sure, she could set the call up as well but what was the use when her mother founds out she lied eventually.

“Fine,” Mimi agreed knowing there was no way she could refuse Victor the food now. Gosh, she hated this!

Mimi boarded the arranged taxi that brings her back and forth to Marcel’s place on a routine. As developed as Marcel’s neighborhood was, it was hard to grab public transport there.

She could almost say that everyone in that vicinity owned a car because there was not a trace of a taxi nor a bus and she would have to leave the street entirely to get a ride.

It was quite annoying to be honest because most of the taxi drivers refused to come to the district for reasons best known to them. She had to triple the amount she paid on a normal basis just to hire this particular driver before he agreed to take her.

She wondered what they were so scared of. Yes, it was true that the houses here were intimidating and Marcel’s mansion alone covered hectares of land – plus his men carried about weapons they were licensed to for protection. But that was all. It was not like they would shoot an innocent citizen on sight, right?

Mimi noticed something was off in the atmosphere before she even stepped foot in the mansion. The guards stood a lot straighter, their faces grim as if they were mourning or something. The tension was great and suffocating. Mimi was sure that something happened.

They even searched her – it was a first – and had to inspect her food flask before she was granted access into the house. As expected, Victor was not present in their working place aka the kitchen for their lessons.

Mimi decided to wait in the living room as she does on other days, however, the awkward silence and the vigilant look of the men guarding the place made her pretty much uncomfortable. They were staring at her like a suspect, and that made her brows furrow. What was going on?

Unable to stand the awkwardness anymore, Mimi decided the lion’s den aka Victor’s room was pretty much cozier than here – she just hoped he wasn’t having sex again.

He must be sleeping, Mimi thought. She would have to drag his ass down here – and try not to kill him. Once the lesson’s over, she’d leave as fast as her feet can take her. She didn’t like today’s atmosphere at all.

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Unlike the last time, nobody stopped her from entering Victor’s room and only gave her curious looks.

So she burst into the room.

“Seriously, what time is -!”

Mimi stopped short at the scene before her.

“Holy mother of God!” Mimi exclaimed at the scene of limbs mixed in a mess of bodies. The girls on his bed were much, about eight of them. Don’t tell her that Victor did it with all of them last night. If that was the case, his stamina was terrifying.

Almost immediately, one of the sleeping girls stirred awake and struggled to separate from the others. When she finally sat up, the girl yawned and stretched her body before her gaze fell on Mimi.

She grinned, “If you’re coming to join us now, you’re late,”

“J-join y-you?” Mimi stammered, traumatized by the scene. Why would she join them? This was too much even for her.

But the girl asked her, “Where is Victor?”

Good question, where was Victor?

As if they somehow conjured his presence, Victor appeared from his walk-in closet, all dressed up. His gaze immediately fell on Mimi and his face changed. For good or bad? She couldn’t tell.

However, Mimi heard a scream from downstairs and it was so familiar that her ears perked up while the hairs on her body stood on edge.

No way, how was that possible?