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Tame Me My Brother -in-Law

Chapter 16
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TMe My Brother -in-Law Chapter 16 The world seemed to freeze as | entered the room, the people aroundtook a deep breath, looking at me, shocked. Their eyes widened as their gazes jumped fromto Brylee, and from Brylee then back to me.

Everyone was stunned as they stared at my calm and relaxed expression but suddenly, my eyes were beginning to hurt from the sudden stinging sensation caused by the flashes of camera that were going off all around 1. me. | lifted my hand to try to cover my face when | heard one of the reporters askeda question.

“Are you sure that it’s actually you? The woman in the video?” “Yes...” | didn’t blink an eye as | stared at the reporter and answered him directly and to the point. “That woman in the photos and in the video is me...” That was the only words | was allowed to say.

11:09 Sun, 8 Oct N Chapter 16 Scapegoat 2/8 | just stood there motionless with a blank look written all over my face as the crowd jeered atand barragedwith a never-endkl stream of questions and sarcastic comments.

After finishing what | had to say, | was silent for the rest of the conversation. | didn’t say anything and I simply allowed them to take pictures ofand abusein any way they wanted. Speople even cursed atand urgedto get the hell out of the city.

| just shrugged my shoulders and pretended not to pay any attention to them as | was preoccupied with watching the clock in anticipation of ten o'clock, which was the moment at which I would be able to leave and return to the hospital. | don’t want mom to get worried about me. | told her that | would be gone for the next two hours in order to take care of sreally important matters.

As soon as the hand of the clock struck ten, | raised my hand to stop everyone from talking. “Can | go now?” They fell silent but their eyes were focused behind me, and when | turned 11:09 Sun, 8 Oct 1 DN.

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Chamer: 16 Scapegoat around, | was met with a forceful slap to the face. Of course, there was no 3/8 need forto look up in order to determine who had hurt me. That would be JuLauren, my ever dearest father.

Everyone was taken aback by his unexpected gesture, but he didn’t appear to care as he lifted his hand once more to slap me. “You're such a disgrace to the family!” | lowered my head, fixing my gaze on the ground, but there was a faint smile plastered across my face that every people in the room couldn't see.

Then | straightened my back, pulled my chin up, and locked eyes with my father, who was completely captivated by the blackness in my pupils and the cynicism in my visage. Although | could see the softening in his eyes as he glanced back at me, | found that it had no effect onanymore.

| wore a fake smile and then lifted my hand to lightly touch his cheek making him flinch before opening my mouth in a tone that was only audible to the two of us. “Don’t forget your promise, dear father...” 11:09 Sun, 8 Oct N.

Chapter 16 Scapegoat After then, | turned around and left the room, ignoring my father as he shouted my nfrom the stage.

4/8 As | walked out of the building, then the rain suddenly poured down. The dark sky, mirroring my current mood, felt smothering.

My chest was heaving up and down as | bit my lip and restrained the feelings that were about to cforth. As | stood there, | watched the rain while my emotions were on the verge of exploding.

In a paroxysm of despair, my hands were clutching the hem of my skirt as | recalled the whole scene earlier.

“What kind of help do you want from me?” | asked, giving him sideway glances.

“If you want to continue the treatment of your mother, you need to be Brylee’s scapegoat,” my father declared as he stopped puffing on the cigarette and set it down in the ashtray on the table.

Chapter 16 Scapegoat “What if | won't?” “Then you can’t stay in the city anymore!” he roared on my face. “Do you think you can bear watching your mother die just like that? | know you can’t refuse me, Celine. You have no choice but to follow my orders!” 5/8 “No!” | yelled back as | turned on my heels to leave, but he grabbed my arm roughly and preventedfrom leaving.

“Ill talk to your mother and | know that she will listen to me...” he spoke through gritted teeth and his cold voice crept down my spine as | stared at him murderously.

Indeed, he was right. He had mom wrapped around his little finger, knowing that she wouldn't dare to disobey him. | have no clue what could have caused her to react in such a fearful manner toward her ex-husband.

But JuLauren knew that | would never leave my mother behind. Therefore, | had no choice but to accept the offer because the price of a damned reputation was nothing compared to my mother’s treatment and operation.

Chapter 16 Scapegoat “It must be her! The slutty looking woman who is currently shown on the television. She is the woman who has no shame!” | was startled, pullingout of my thoughts when three young women suddenly appeared out of nowhere and poked their fingers atwhile givingdeath glares.

6/8 | felt my chest tighten and my breath catch in my throat when they ran up toand shovedto the ground.

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“How is it that you can be so shameless, huh? You flirt with other men and almost got Brylee involved in a controversy because of it. You are nothing more than a bitchy-whore who is greedy with men!” the brunette-haired said.

“Exactly! How did Brylee have a sister like you?” The chubby girl looked atdisgustingly.

The girls helddown, yanked at my hair and clothes, and generally had a great tdoing it, but | didn’t put up much of a fight and just let them have 11:10 Sun, 8 Oct ON.

Chapter 16 Scapegoat their way with me. | laid there on the freezing ground and allowed them to beat me, let them torment me, kickingeverywhere.

My mind kept racing with questions about how and why my dad could treatlike this. What have | done to deserve this punishment? | couldn't comprehend the reason behind his unjust treatment of me. I, too, am a human being, consisting of flesh and blood and a need for affection.

It causeda lot of agony. Even though the anguish in my heart was excruciating, | refused to shed a tear for him. He's not worthy of my tears. | wanted to sob, | wanted to scream, | wanted to cry. To pour out all my emotions and let the rain water drown them. But | don’t know why | couldn’t do it. I don’t know why I'm afraid to do it.

Suddenly, the girls stopped beatingand the rain stopped pouring on my spot.

When | looked up, | saw a man in a black coat, holding a black umbrella while glaring at the girls who were shocked, staring back at him with their mouth hung open. His aura was cold, his stance was tall and upright, and his cobalt blue eyes were calm and domineering.
