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Tattooed Luna

Chapter 140
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Chapter 140

Chapter 0140 “I didn’t say that.” I said out loud as I took my helmet off. The sounds of drills, saws and the smell of sawdust filled the air. In the distance, we could see the top of the building. “Oh?” We started walking up the hill. “Just whenever we take a trip, we can take our bikes. I honestly hadn’t thought about what your mom said too much. “Okay.” “What do you think we should do?” “That is completely up to you.” Alec wasn’t givingan inch. “This is something we should decide together.” “No, it’s not. Since I met you, you do things your way. If I was to say, we are doing this, you would instantly pull back from it. No, I know you. You need to do things your way, on your time. Which is why I was upset when mom even said anything.” We walked up to the metal fence that was around their building sight. Alec walked right pasted the signs and to the trailer that had a generator running. Knocking once, he walked right in. “Who in the f u-… Mr. Alec. I wasn’t aware you were stopping by today.” A beefy guy walked our from behind a desk to shake Alec’s hand. “Mr. Henrick, this is my wife, Kristen.” I was slightly taken aback but Mr. Henrick’s was a human and didn’t know about wolves. A wife was equal to a mate. “Hello.” I held out my hand and he shook it too but slightly annoyed. “I wasn’t aware you were married.” He looked directly at Alec. His belly hung over his jeans. Sthe suspenders managed to keep them up but just barely. “You never asked. I cto check on the process. Where are we with things and I would like a walk

through, please.” “Certainly. Mr. Henrick grabbed his baseball cap and walked outside. Following him, I just stayed a step behind and observed. “We have all the framing done.” There was blueprints off to the side. So, as Alec and Mr. Henrick discussed the joints, I sl*pped over to them. The event center was massive. According to the blueprints, there was going to be a football size

“Okay, what the f uck are you thinking about?” Alec finally asked. It had been twenty minutes of me thinking of S**ual things. I knew he could feel it from me. “Just how you like your di ck stroked with my tongue or the way you like when I’m on to-” I started. Alec interrupted me. “Enough! Or I will take you right here. In the middle of the highway.” It wasn’t just a threat but a promise. Laughing, “Looks like I might win this.” Getting on the throttle, I blew past Alec as we had part of the highway. I was free! The wind on my face, the feel of the gravel under my tires and the being my legs. id just hit an open power There was a wave of both pleasure and happiness from Alec that warmed my soul. I had really found my better half. However, I’d never tell him that. “Slow down or you will miss the turn off.” Alec finally spoke to me. “I want to take a cross country trip on our bikes. Like ride them to where ever we go on vacation!” I said without thinking. “So… you are taking mom and dad’s offer?” Alec asked, surprised. Mrs. Smith Author

Thank you all for reading! 17 3 Chapter 0141 “What are we doing here?” I asked. “I have a surprise for you.” Alec shrugged as we followed the spath as last twe were h here. “I’ll never get tired of this view.” Stopping for a second, there was a break in the trees, allowingto look down at the city. “You won’t have to.” Alec was ahead of me, waiting forto keep walking. “What do you mean?” I asked as I started up to him. “Csee.” Alec walked another hundred feet before stepping off to the side. There, in the middle of the forest was a gigantic treehouse cabin. Framed and waiting for electricity and plumbing, it was being built along side of the convention center. I “What is this?” I said, breathlessly. Completely shocked, my hand barely touched the wooden handrail that would soon becthe walkway to the front door. “You said you loved this place and I know it isn’t the beach but this will be our own private get away. Just ours. Our haway from hif you will.” Alec didn’t move, he waited and watched me. “You did this? For me?” Still trying to wrap my head around it, I glanced over at him. was in place “For us but yes. Csee.” Alec walked down the path and into the treehouse. The flooring for the most part so it was easy to not trip as we went higher and higher. “This is the livingroom. Over there is the master bedroom. Two bedrooms over there and there will be two bathrooms. The kitchen is right here.” Alec walked into the livingroom to the other side and opened his arms wide. It was an open

layout. “Two bedrooms?” I asked. “For our kids or if you want to invite Emmy and Jasper out here.” Alec grabbed a blanket that I hadn’t even realized was here. Going out to what will be the front porch, he laid it down. Following his lead, I sat down beside him. “This view…” It was perfect. Clear view to the sky and down to the city below. The tops of the trees followed the slope of the hillside, making it seem like waves. “I agree, beautiful.” Alec was looking directly atwhen he spoke. As my eyes met his, I got chocked up. Tears of happiness threatened to fall. I doubt Alec was ready forbut as I through my arm around his, he fall back on the ground. far as bathrooms, open spaces and general layout. It wasn’t until I looked at the attic and roof structure that something wasn’t adding up. “Alec?” I called, as I looked at them.. The men stopped talking instantly to look back at me. “Yeah?” “I think we have a problem.” Turning back to the blueprints, I pulled out the roof design. “What’s the problem?” “The angles, they won’t be able to hold the weight of the space.” “Impossible! We ran those numbers multiple times!” Mr. Henrick was instantly defensive. “I have no doubt you did. All I am saying is the raof space between each arch, plus the type of connecting joints you are using. This thin on wood will not be able to handle any type of pressure. Like snow or a full house. I can almost guarantee you will see a failure here and here.” I pointed to two separate spots that were most concerning to me. “Possibly more.” “They are holding up fine!” Mr. Henricks gestured to the build. “Well yeah, there is no sheetrock or thousands of people in it.” The annoyance was starting to show. “You need to place additional support beams in those locations to keep things secured.”

“Wh-” Mr. Henrick started. His eyes were narrowed at me. “I think that is a great idea. See that it is done, Mr. Henrick. Also, we will be coming up more frequently to check on things.” Alec grabbed my hand as we continued on our tour, They hadn’t started on electrical or plumbing yet so there wasn’t much to see. Each room looked appropriate to the blueprints and seemed to be put together correctly. Not a single gap between each joint. It took us about an hour to walk the whole thing and observe it all. Mr. Henrick was quite p issy with me but I just ignored him. Alec took care of most of the talking. As we were leaving, Alec grabbed my hand and pulledtowards the forest. Today’s Bonus Offer GET IT NOW