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Tattooed Luna

Chapter 284
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Chapter 284

Chapter 0284 “Woman, you are making this hard.” He said through gritted teeth. Grabbing his shoulders, I started bouncing up and down. His hands. helpedkeep pace. My fangs descended and Alec pulledtightly against him. As myasm hit, my fangs went in until they hit bone. His arms tightened arounduntil I pulled out and licked it clean. Alec didn’t wait as his fangs sank into me. Thankfully his arms were still aroundas they keptin place. My head fell back as hisasm hit and my b*dy exploded. When he finally pulled his teeth out, he didn’t allowto move. Instead, he leaned back and pulledagainst him. Every now and then, his d ick would twitch in me but I just kept my head against his chest, feeling each heart beat. “We need to head out.” I said after I glanced at the clock and it read 3: 15pm.

“Yeah, don’t want to be late for your ribbon cutting.” Alec pulled my head back and k*ssedsoftly. Putting both hands on either side of his face, I looked deeply into his eyes. “Alec, I love you so much.” “You have no idea how much I love you.” Alec grabbed the back of my head and pulledtoward him. This was the type of k*ss that screamed loved, protection and acceptance. He was truly my other half to my soul. Alec letgo and I was able to get off of him. Grabbing my dress and underwear, I went back to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Alec went to another bathroom. So, by the tI was done, he was ready too. “We aren’t telling anyone about this, right?” Alec asked as he put my helmet on me. “Not yet. I can only be a few weeks along. I want to wait till later. There isn’t any sickness or anything yet.” Alec helpedget on my bike before moving to his own bike. Part ofwas confused as he has never helpedwith my bike before. Maybe put my helmet on but that madethink he was going to be a little extra while I was pregnant.

“Okay.” “Are you wanting to tell people?” I asked as he got on his own bike. “I can’t wait to tell everyone you are pregnant with my pup.” Alec had this tw inkle in his eye at informed me I was going to have a long pregnancy. He was going to be very doting and attentive. Part of me loved it, the other part knew I was still capable of doing it myself. “I’m still going to start working out and gaining my muscle back.” I said in the mind-link as we started our bikes and got on the road. “With certain moderations you sure can.” “Modersations?” “You don’t need to squat 150lbs.” “You realize that a healthy workout routine is good for my b*dy and what is good for my b*dy is good for the baby.” “Yes but you haven’t been able to work out in how long? Your b*dy. isn’t used to it anymore. I’m not asking you to not work out but just don’t over do it, please?” Alec looked back at me. I could only see his eyes but the rawness of his worry was clear. “Okay, I’ll take it easy.” I could feel the worry through the bond. “Alec?” “Yeah?”