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Tattooed Luna

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38

Chapter 0038 “Why did you stop me?” I was disappointed. Colt just gavea look. “Ice, c’mon,” Pulling out her journal, I started skimming it. “Yeah, yeah. See you boys.” Walking off to the cafeteria, it was already filling up. Putting the journal away, I waited in line. Colt walked in and sat down beside Kara. She looked happy but was at the stime. As soon as I got my lunch, I felt someone tap my shoulder. “Hey girl! Csit with us!” Emmy had a huge smile on her face. Looking at their table, Alec just sat down. Looking at my table, Ace was staring at me. “Maybe tomorrow. I’m actually not hungry.” Throwing away my food, I bee-lined right out of there and went outside. The wind caused my hair to whip my face as I kept going. I expected Emmy to follow me, or even Ace but it was Colt that caught up to me. Gabbing my shoulders, he forcedto turn and look at him. 1 “What’s wrong? You never let that girl stuff bother you before.”

“It’s not them. Well, not directly. It’s everything. You realize we will be 18 in four days. For you, nothing changes. For me, everything changes.” I wanted to confess my feelings to him but something stopped me. “Csit,” Colt tookto a near by tree and we sat down. He put his arm over my shoulders to comfort. me. “Tellwhat’s really bothering you.” “Why do yo-“I started “Don’t. The truth.” “S hit. Everything. What if Ace is my mate? I’ll be stuck here. This whole twe said no feelings and if one of us developed feelings, it would stop. He never toldand now if we aren’t mates, he will be hurt.”

“What about Alec?” Colt asked. “What about him?” Colt hear my heart s kip a beat. “Do you think he is your mate?” The million dollar question. “It just feels different. Ace is like a protector, has been my whole life, but Alec feels like an equal. He doesn’t knowlike you guys do so he just letsdo my thing.” “That’s not what I asked.” “Alec offers a new place to live away from A nn.” “Kristen, stop thinking with your head and start feeling from your heart. Your head isn’t going to tell you who your mate is. You have no control over that. Only your heart has these answers.” “Yeah…” I said lamely. “I see the way Alec looks at you. You can’t feel guilty for letting go of a childhood friend for your mate.” “So you think Alec is my mate?” I smirked looking up at him. “I just think you can’t feel guilty if it isn’t Ace.” Colt havea half smile. “Will you feel guilty if it isn’t Kara?” I asked. “In a way. She isn’t Luna material but I do have feelings for her. I don’t think I’ll have as hard as a t letting her go.” He didn’t need to add the last part forto understand his direction. ‘I just want to go to the beach and hide away” I half joked. “Maybe for a graduation present.” Colt laughed as we stood up. “If I’d known that. I would had graduated 4 years ago.” “HA! I’ll see you later.” Colt said as he walked off. “Not forcingto go to class?” I asked looking at the school “Naw, take the afternoon off.” A huge smile crept across my face. Colt cup and k*ssed my forehead. “Just don’t makeregret this and find trouble.” “I’ll go right to my shop.” I promised. “Good.” Colt turned back to the school and I turned to go my shop. It felt good and my spirit was lifted. I was such a good mood that I didn’t pay attention to what was going on around me.

Mrs. Smith Author Thank you all for reading! Please leave a gem and helpout! 22