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That Can Be Arranged (Tessa and Nicholas)

Chapter 306
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Chapter 306 

After a while, he answered calmly, “I’m on a business trip.”

A business trip? 

Tessa was stunned, but she was also unconvinced, as she figured it wasn’t possible for there to be such a

coincidence. The area where she lived was a residential area, which was several blocks away from the commercial


She found it strange, and she felt that Nicholas was actually looking for her. But, as soon as this thought popped up,

she suppressed it. She had already made up her mind to forget him. But now, he suddenly showed up…

As she stared at Nicholas, who was standing coldly in front of her, Tessa felt overwhelmed with emotions. So, she

turned around and planned to run off like a deserter. However, before she could take a step, she felt the collar

around her neck tighten.

Nicholas grabbed the collar of Tessa’s shirt and pulled her back. “What are you running away for?” As he spoke, he

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let go of Tessa with slight annoyance, his voice a little cold.

Tessa’s shoulders trembled slightly, and she reflexively retorted, “I wasn’t running away.”

Nicholas snorted, obviously not convinced. Tessa was also aware that what she had just said was rather hard to

believe. She bit down on her lip and looked at the tall man in front of her with complex emotions, then said in a

strained voice, “President Sawyer, I wasn’t running away. It’s for everyone’s good. I think we should keep our


On the silent street, Nicholas and Tessa stopd face-to-face. Beside them, shadows were cast by the light-one tall,

one short. It painted a beautiful image from a distance that was both austere and gentle. However, that wasn’t the

case for them.

When Tessa said the words ‘keep our distance, Nicholas began to exude a frosty aura. Tessa was so overwhelmed

by the heavy atmosphere that it felt like she was physically suffocating under pressure.

Just as she wanted to say something to ease the stiff atmosphere, she found that the man’s oppressing aura had

vanished. Nicholas seemed to have forgotten what Tessa had just said as he said confidently, “I kept all my things

elsewhere, and I have no

place to stay tonight.”


Tessa was a little confused as she thought about how drastic the change in topic was. Also, how could the dignified

president of the Sawyer Group have no place to stay? Even if he didn’t have a place to stay, there were many

hotels around.

“President Sawyer, there’s a hotel just down the street from here.” Tessa pretended not to understand Nicholas’

hint and pointed him to a street.

Nicholas didn’t even look at where Tessa was pointing as he continued to stare straight at her, which made her

uncomfortable. Still, she said with strong composure, “If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first.”

Almost as soon as she spoke, she turned and left. This time, she successfully left-it was so successful that it made

her feel troubled and upset.

She walked sullenly for a while, then finally couldn’t help but stop and turn around, only to find Nicholas leisurely

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following behind her with his hands in his pocket. His innate temperament gave him an indescribable sense of


She forcefully suppressed her pounding heart and frowned as she asked, “Why are you following me?”

“I already said that I have nowhere to go.” Tessa’s mood turned sour when she heard the man’s righteous voice.

In the end, she had no other way but to take Nicholas home. After entering the door, Tessa only said one sentence

before going straight into the kitchen with her groceries in tow. “Make yourself at home on the sofa. I’ll be cooking


Nicholas silently watched as Tessa entered the kitchen before sitting on the sofa in the living room as she

instructed. He surveyed Tessa’s new home and found that the house was tiny, with only one bedroom, but the

decor was cozy.

Tessa finished cooking after a while, so she called Nicholas over to eat together. During the meal, neither of them


As Tessa peered at the man opposite her who was dining in silence, she actually wanted to ask about Gregory.

However, when the words reached her lips, she swallowed them back. Now that she had decided to stay out of their

lives, it was better if she didn’t ask, lest she got hung up and could not forget them.

After the meal, Tessa figured Nicholas didn’t have any clothes to change into for the night, so she asked, “Do you

want to go out to buy some clothes and toiletries?”