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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106

“Yeah, cuz. Why?” Christian asked between trying to lay a punch on Xandar at training after Xandar told

him about Greg’s message.

When Xandar pinned Christian on the ground and got him to surrender, Christian accepted his best

friend’s outstretched hand to help him up as he smiled and said, “Wow, the Queen sure knows her stuff.

Within five minutes of teaching you the new technique, she got you to take me down faster than you ever

have. I’m practicing it next, just to be fair.”

When Xandar offered a meek smile and said nothing, Christian patted his shoulder and asked, “So, does

she have any theories on Greg?”

“No.” Xandar answered flatly.

“Do you?” Christian asked.

When the cousins locked eyes, Christian saw that he had hit the jackpot, “So, what’s your theory, cuz?

Judging by the way you look, I doubt you told the Queen.”

Xandar instinctively looked around to make sure Lucianne wasn’t nearby before he asked his cousin,for

more visit :- www.jar.com “Do you think Greg may be in love with her?”

Christian’s eyes snapped wide before he scoffed and burst out laughing. Seeing that many were starting

to look their way, Christian decided to use their mind-link, ‘Greg? Love? Cuz, how did your brain even

relate Greg to that word? The dude knows nothing about something as sacred as love! H e never did! He

sleeps with a different woman every night, remember?’

“I asked the Chief about his whereabouts this morning. Greg’s still missing. And when they looked

through the footage from his house, only one woman came and left his house once in the last nine days.”

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‘So, the significance of that is that Greg knows what love is?’

‘No. The significance of that is that Greg and Lucy met nine days ago. I counted.’

‘So? It wasn’t the Queen who went to his house. He’s still sleeping around…well, more selectively now, it

seems, with one woman and all.’

‘That’s the problem.’Xandar’s eyes locked with his cousin before he continued, “They didn’t sleep

together. He threw that woman out on his lawn despite the advances she made.’

This got Christian’s attention. Doubt began to grow in his eyes. ‘Greg doesn’t reject offers. Are they sure,


Xandar nodded. The police had already looked through three weeks worth of footage when I called.

Before Greg and Lucy met, he had a woman every night. But from the night after they met, the women


Christian got lost in thought before he linked baselessly, for more visit :- www.jar.com ‘It’s not

possible. Greg wouldn’t…love. He doesn’t even know what that is. And he never puts anyone before


‘Then why would he leave that incriminating evidence to Lucy before disappearing? Why not just leave it

with the police or with you or me?’

‘Okay, cuz. First, he hates us as much as we hate him. Second, he hates everything and everyone i n

law enforcement that includes the police.’

‘Lucy’s on our side. Why doesn’t he hate her like he does us?’

Christian was left speechless. He didn’t have an explanation. So, Xandar continued, ‘Remember the

other day at the hospital? He came and asked about Lucy? He said I was supposed to protect her?’

Christian scoffed. ‘He yelled, you mean?’

‘I thought he was just trying to make me feel worse than I already was. What if his outburst was because

he actually cared about what happened to her?’

‘Just because he demanded to know the truth, it doesn’t mean he cares, cuz.’

Then why did he go see the assassin’s corpse after he left our floor, and asked the nurse in-charge

about the murderer’s condition and identity? I didn’t even do that.’

Christian’s eyebrows raised in surprise as he linked, ‘Greg did what?’

‘You heard me. The nurse was probably the last person who spoke to him before he disappeared.’

‘Wait…’ Christian paused to digest everything before he asked, ‘Why would Greg want to know who

almost killed the Queen if he was the one who ordered the kill.’

‘Maybe he wasn’t the one who ordered it.’

‘Tanner… Christian began pondering.

Xandar helped him through his thoughts, ‘May have been acting on her own when she hired the assassin

for Russell. for more visit :- www.jar.com If she was coerced, it’s getting difficult to believe that it

was Greg.’


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‘But if Greg is innocent, why would he see the need to disappear now?’

‘He’s innocent in this, in not killing Russell or Lucy. But he is still involved in the corruption we have

against those five. He can’t get away with that. He handed every piece of evidence to incriminate the five

people and himself.’

‘Greg? Incriminate himself? Why would he do that? What’s he playing at?’

Xandar shook his head, ‘I don’t know. As insane as this is going to sound, I hope this is just another trick

of his. I don’t want him falling for my mate.’

A memory suddenly came to Christian. On the night after the Kyltons came and were kicked out b y

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Lucianne, and a few of them went out to get some air, Greg left the hall with them. ‘Let’s not start another

scene, distant cousin. Our Queen has handled enough for one night.’, was what Greg said. Christian

remembered being surprised by how sincere that other Duke sounded.

Christian sighed, ‘When I said the Queen was attracting every other mateless creature, I didn’t mean

Greg, too. Probably shouldn’t have said that.’ After a moment of silence, he asked ‘Does the

Queen believe he’s guilty?’

‘Yes, but not to the extent of what Cummings and the others are claiming Greg to be. for more visit :-

www.jar.com She thinks Greg is involved but he isn’t the mastermind.’

From Xandar’s stoned face and worried eyes, Christian himself couldn’t believe that he had to say this

next sentence just to assure himself, ‘Please tell me you don’t think she may be in love with Greg

‘She’s defending him.’



Xandar looked at his cousin, and Christian fierce voice continued to ring through their link, ‘If you answer

my question wrongly, cuz. I’m getting the Queen to teach me a technique to beat you up for the rest of

today. Maybe I’ll be able to knock some sense into you.’

Xandar could only look at the ground when he linked, ‘You have no idea how scared I am of losing her, of

her choosing someone else over me.’

Christian punched Xandar in his jaw without warning, and the King fell to the ground in shock. The Duke

had had it with his cousin’s almost zero faith in Lucianne’s loyalty to him so he declared mercilessly, “You

needed that, cuz. The Queen would’ve done the same thing if she heard what you just said.”

“What did he say?” Lucianne’s voice came all of a sudden, and both cousins flinched at her presence.

Toby was next to her as he studied the situation.