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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 114
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Chapter 114

As soon as the door of the interrogation room opened up for Sasha, Sebastian didn’t even wait for the

policewoman escort to leave before he snapped at his sister, “WHAT THE H*LL WERE YOU


Sasha glowered at her brother as she sat. Unlike him, she let the door close with a thud before she

smirked and said, “It’s nice to see you too, Seb.”

Sebastian emitted a low growl before he said, “DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA THE DEPTH OF SH*T


“Considering that I’m the one who’s here with the charges, I think I have a pretty good idea.” Sasha

replied nonchalantly. 1

“How could you do that?!”

“How could I do that?” She scorned her brother before leaning towards him and shouted,for more Daily

updates visit :- www.jar.com “How could you still defend her after everything she did?! Dad’s in here

because of her! I’m in here because of her!”

“Lucy never did anything wrong, Sasha! It was all your own doing!”

“Still calling her like you’re both still mates. Hmph. Pathetic. You’re willing to toss the sister you’ve known

all your life for a wolf you spent time with for three weeks. What about dad? You’re casting him out too?

“The charges against him are not proven yet, and I doubt…”

“What if they are? What would you do then?”

Sebastian’s onyx orbs fixed on his smirking sister as he asked, “Do you know something I don’t about


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Sasha scoffed darkly, “So, you’re not sure if you’ll even be there for our father. The one who brought us

up and basically paid for everything including the company you built.”

“He only helped me start, Sasha. I handled things on my own after that. Unlike you, I’m proud to say I

know how to make my own money.” Sebastian glowered. When his sister said nothing and continued to

scowl, Sebastian added, “Never saw the need to find a job, did you? Always so sure that you’d be Queen

one day and look where you are now.”

Sasha’s cuffed hands slammed the table and she shouted, “SHE WILL NEVER BE QUEEN! NEVER! I


“Wake up, Sasha. It’s not happening.”

Sasha breathed heavily in fury. If she didn’t have Oleander cuffs on, she would’ve already shifted right

then and there. She then turned her brother’s own attack against him, “Given up on winning her back

already, I see. Well, it’s about time. It was embarrassing to be related to a high-status businessman when

h e was shamelessly going after an irksome scum.”.

Sebastian growled but he didn’t scare Sasha. She smirked victoriously when Sebastian spoke slowly,“

Lucianne is a much better creature than the Cummings can ever hope to be. If we’re labelling, then the

shameless, irksome scum is you, for what you did today and for all the times you tried but obviously

failed to seduce the King. She made you scared, didn’t she?”

Sasha’s infuriated eyes met her brothers as he continued, “Last year, you saw the King checking out

Lucy.for more Daily updates visit :- www.jar.com I wasn’t the only one who saw it. You felt

threatened by her. You were scared that he would choose her.”

Sasha tried crossing her arms then remembered she couldn’t do that with the cuffs on so she rested her

hands on her lap in frustration. She gritted her teeth as she spoke, “And you think I didn’t know what you

were doing, Seb? You pulled her away, far away, from the King whenever you saw him looking at her.

Like i tor not, we were accomplices in keeping them apart last year.”

“She was MY mate. I had the right to do what I did.”

“You should be thanking me, you know. I’m the reason you’re still alive, Seb. If the King really fell for her

last year, he would’ve challenged you to claim her, and we all know how that would end.”

“At least then Lucy would know that I’ll fight to the death for her! She doesn’t even know how much I care

about her now after what happened! AFTER WHAT YOU DID!”

“After what I did? Apart from getting you to lie to her about going to the bar, I never told you to lie about

anything else. I wasn’t the one who stopped her from meeting the ministers that she annoyingly went on

and on about wanting to meet to save her little pack. I wasn’t the one who told her that her fighting skills

would never rival a Lycan’s.”

She leaned forward and continued, “You did those things, Seb. You said those things to her. You were

the one who made her feel unwelcomed with dad and his colleagues. And you were the one who got

mad after your ego broke from losing to her in combat. She left you because of your own doing. It was all

you. You may think that the set-up with Livia was the reason why she rejected you but the truth is, you

were already losing her. You baked your cake of her rejection, Seb, I only placed the icing on top.”

Tears flowed down Sebastian’s cheeks from his glistening eyes. He couldn’t deny any of those things. He

tried so hard to keep Lucianne away from the ministers and the King, and he said things to make her feel

that she can never be good enough to meet most of the ministers and the King himself.

Sasha showed her brother no mercy as she continued, “Why can’t you see that she was nothing but a

problem? For you, me and dad!”

“She was NEVER a problem. She was my mate.” Sebastian spat with a vision blurred by his tears.

“The mate-bond was a mistake, Seb! Why can’t you see that?! She’s the reason dad is behind bars!

She’s the reason his career and reputation are at stake!”

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“The King is the one who ordered the arrest, Sasha! Wake up!”

“The King didn’t arrest dad for eighteen years! The wolf shows up and he gets charged for insane

crimes! The wolf just wants to take everything from us!”

“And why would she do that? She’s not you, Sasha. Revenge is not Lucy’s thing.”

“Hah! Do you know how stupid you sound when you say that? All women have a revenge streak. It just

takes the right experience to ignite the thirst for it.”

“That’s you. Not her.”

“Hmph. Pathetic. Hopelessly pathetic.“ Sasha muttered.

Sebastian then declared cockily, “I’d rather be pathetically in love with her than be you. At least I’m not

the one behind bars. At least I’m free.”

Sasha glanced at the young policeman with an unperturbed expression at the comer before her eyes

met her brother’s as she said, “Hm. If you say so. And if all we’re going to talk about is your irksome,

ugly, little e x-mate, I’d prefer to return to my cell now.”

Sasha got up but was stopped by her brother’s voice. “If you know something about dad, you’d better

speak up, Sasha. Hiding the truth won’t do you or him any good.”

She locked a murderous glare at her useless sibling before she spat, “I suppose you’d know that since

you have ample experience of hiding the truth.” That really hit Seb’s nerve.

Sebastian lost count of the number of times he told Lucianne lies and half-truths, just to keep her away

from Xandar.for more Daily updates visit :- www.jar.com His sister didn’t even give him a chance to

recover before she continued, “But since you survived despite hiding the truth, I’d say my own chances

are pretty good. When you wake up from the illusion that your ex-mate is the picture perfect being, I

hope it wouldn’t be too late for you, Seb.” 2

She turned and left with the policeman without another word. Sebastian drove back to his apartment and

continued to dwell in his sadness and remorse alone in his room.