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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83

Lucianne shrugged, “Until we have more information, we can’t be sure either. Our best guess is that

killing pack leaders is just a cover-up. It’s no secret that most rogues were rejected from their packs, by

their Alphas or Lunas. So, killing them would make it seem like it was for…”

*Revenge. Rather than to siphon funds.” Xandar finished, finally understanding.

Christian then muttered ominously, “That’s one very-carefully thought-out system.”

Xandar locked eyes with his cousin, “We’ve been kept in the dark for too long. Innocent people are

dying. We have to step up and speed up this investigation.”

Lucianne suddenly picked up a familiar scent. As Lucianne continued to sniff the familiar scent a s subtly

as she could, Xandar looked at the alliance and started speaking, “The locations mentioned in the rep-”

“Good morning, your Grace.” Lucianne cut Xandar off when she saw Greg looking their way from the

corner of her eye. It was Greg’s scent that she picked up earlier. Everyone stiffened when they saw this

other Duke.

Greg was walking close to the alliance to steal a glance at Lucianne. But he didn’t think he’d get caught

doing it. He’d been doing it for days! His eyes said it all. The Duke was surprised he was caught looking!

Greg composed himself and cleared his throat before he offered a small smile and a bow in Lucianne’s

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direction as he greeted her in a gentlemanly manner, “Good morning, my Queen.”

But Greg’s smile faltered when he reluctantly turned his sights to his cousin and nodded the King’s way

as he uttered, “Your Highness.” Lucianne and Xandar both nodded curtly in return. Xandar’s face

showed distaste but Lucianne’s expression was unreadable.

Before the alliance could offer Greg an obligatory bow, Greg stopped them with a hand gesture and said,

“I don’t think you all have to do that. It’s no secret that I’m not worthy of a bow.”

The wolves looked at each other in surprise and confusion. Wasn’t this Duke the self-entitled one? They

looked at Lucianne, waiting for a signal of what to do next but her expression was un perturbed and her

smile was flat as she noted to Greg, “Self-reflecting on that subject already, I


Greg offered her the same small smile, and bowed slightly as he said, “As my Queen commanded. I shall

take my leave now. Apologies for the intrusion.” He felt the very hostile atmosphere by the way they were

all throwing looks at each other and at him.

“No need for an apology, your Grace. I was the one who stopped you.” Lucianne said with the same

unperturbed face.

Greg wasn’t expecting that cordial response from Lucianne. He bowed again with his small smile before

striding away from their circle. The Duke stole the glances he wanted to steal before things got

suspicious. What bothered him most was his cousin’s hand around the Queen’s waist. Not that

there was anything he could do about it. When he was far enough, he smiled to himself as he

acknowledged the fact that Lucianne spoke to him. Him! 5

After he left, Xandar’s and Christian’s faces were still hard, watching the other Duke walk away, as if

waiting to catch him doing something he shouldn’t be doing. Lucianne wrapped her arms around

Xandar’s arm affectionately to get her mate’s attention before saying, “How about we continue this

discussion later, darling? Maybe in a less crowded location?”

When Xandar met her doe-eyes, his heart melted and the corners of his lips curled up as his animal

purred. He then pecked a kiss on her forehead, and faced the alliance as he suggested,” Maybe we

could discuss this after lunch at my place?”

This sent another round of shock among the wolves. “Uh…” Toby tried to say something but even h e

was lost for words. They all were. Did the King really just invite them to his place? And by his’ place’, he

meant his home right? As in where he lived? And he was talking to them, was he?

Xandar furrowed his eyebrows in concern in the awkwardly-silent atmosphere before he said, “Or we

could reschedule if any of you already had something planned?”

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Lucianne chuckled from his side, pulling Xandar’s attention to her as she explained, “They’re just

shocked, Xandar. Look at them! Even the most-feared leaders and Gammas are taken by surprise!

Again!” She continued laughing mercilessly at her friends.

The wolves narrowed their eyes at her until Toby taunted, “Well, I’m sorry that we’re not used to such

gestures, my Queen. Not all of us have a way of taming and controlling the fiercest of beasts.”

Lucianne’s laughter stopped abruptly, and everyone else started chuckling at what her closest friend just

said to her. Her eyes turned fierce when she took one step forward and said, “Toby! I’m gonna—”

Xandar hauled her back by her forearms and pecked a sweet kiss on her cheek as he cooed, “There

there, baby. We’ve talked about this. And you know that I’m your indecent beast.” Lucianne tried but

failed to press back a smile as she blushed.

Xandar raised his eyebrows and his eyes sparked nothing but anticipation. So, Lucianne sighed and

dotingly muttered, “I know.”

“Good.” Xandar said in satisfaction before giving the alliance his attention again, “Uh, so? After lunch at

my house?”

Toby smirked and said, “After what you’ve just done to save me from that dangerous five-feet thing next

to you, your Highness, I have to accept.” Lucianne narrowed her eyes at him in mock annoyance, and

the rest of them laughed at their exchange as Xandar pecked another kiss on Lucianne’s temple. So, it

was agreed that they’d meet at Xandar’s home after lunch.