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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 86
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Chapter 86

Annie placed her cup back on the saucer before she explained, “I’m sure you’ve heard about my past

already, especially when it comes to the other Duke.”

The fact that she struggled to say Greg’s name earlier and was avoiding saying his name now didn’t go

unnoticed. The fear and discomfort was very much alive and lingering in Annie even after all these years.

Lucianne’s face was unperturbed as she said softly, ‘I have.”

Annie smiled meekly before she took a deep breath and said, “When I slowly started to believe that

Christian really loved me, my fear of the people he works with never really went away. The other Duke

was the worst but it wasn’t just him. Some ministers and random people we’d see at goverment functions

were really condescending as well. They said things that made me feel…” she groped for the right


Lucianne then whispered, ‘Small? Unworthy? They make you question your very existence?”

Annie’s eyes widened, and she exclaimed in excitement at someone understanding her,(This will

be daily updtaed at www.jar.com) “Yes, exactly! I felt like I had no place in Christian’s life. Him being

the second most powerful person in the Kingdom, and me being a girl from a small town, who had to

depend on aid and scholarships t o get through my education. And unlike him and his type of society, I

never went to the best schools. I was just happy to get into a random school that would give me a degree

to get a job that makes money. We’re so different, Christian and I. I’ve never told Christian this but, on

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my worst days, I sometimes ask myself whether…my husband made a mistake in choosing me, whether

I’m anything of value in his life.”

Lucianne then asked her seriously, “Annie, do you think that there’s a reason for your existence?”

Annie was surprised by the question but she said, “I don’t know, Lucy. I guess it depends on who you

ask. If you asked Christian, then

“No, Annie. It doesn’t depend on who we ask.” Lucianne then inched towards her and looked her in the

eye before she declared in all certainty, “There Is a reason for your existence. You ARE worthy. Your life

MATTERS. These things don’t depend on who we ask. The only person who has a say in these things is

yourself. Not Greg. Not the Ministers. Not even Christian. Just you. When you realize that you’re here for

yourself, to live your life on your own terms regardless of what anyone may think of you, you become

truly free. You get to choose who you want to have in your life, and who you want to listen to. Everyone is

entitled to their opinion of you, of me and of anyone else, Annie. And we are entitled to NOT care.” 6

Annie couldn’t help the grin that was slowly gracing her features when she felt the strength from

Lucianne’s words. She muttered as she internalized them, “Everyone is entitled to their opinion of me,

and I’m entitled to NOT care.” Lucianne nodded with a smile while taking a sip from her cup. After a short

moment of silence, Annie was still smiling as she said, “I like that. There’s so much power, and so much

truth in it.”

Lucianne nodded gently with a smile, “There certainly is. Look, Annie. Whatever people throw at

you is just a reflection of themselves. It has nothing to do with you. They see things how they want to see

and they react accordingly. I pay heed to the opinions of the ones I care about and who care about me

but beyond that, I honestly couldn’t care less. I’m not saying that their words never affect me. All I’m

saying is that… I won’t dwell on it.”

Annie nodded as Lucianne spoke before uttering with a smile, “You changed your story. You refused to

play the weak character in your book.”

Lucianne returned her smile as she said, “We’re the authors of our own lives, Annie. We hold the pen,

and we OWN the book. Whatever life throws at us are just pen smudges or coffee spills. We can still turn

to a new page and start better and stronger than before.” 3

Annie shook her head with a radiant smile as she said, “Goddess, we’re so lucky that you’re our Queen.

(This will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)You have no idea how many people need your


“A Queen isn’t the only person who can project strength, Annie.” She looked at the Duchess and said

gently, “We all can. We just have to choose to do it. It’s a choice. It can be the most difficult and

uncomfortable choice to make but in the end, it’s still a choice. Anyone can make it.”

Annie shook her head again with a radiant smile, and scoffed lightly before saying, “Your humility

reservoir really doesn’t run dry, Lucy. But I get what you’re saying. Thank you for helping me understand

this, to understand that I get to choose.”

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“Thank you for asking. I didn’t think I would get to spend time with you this soon.” Lucianne admitted


There was a glint in Annie’s eye before she said, “I don’t know, Lucy. We might get to spend time

together again very soon too.”

“Really?” Lucianne asked in curiosity.

Annie was contemplating as she smiled, “I’ve always wanted to join Christian when he attends

government events. You know, to show support, maybe even to contribute in some way as Duchess. But

I’ve been hiding all these years because of what happened in those few weeks, almost two decades ago.

Maybe it’s time to stop hiding.”

Lucianne reached for her hand and squeezed it gently in encouragement as she said in assurance, (This

will be daily updtaed at www.jar.com)“You’ll do great, Annie. You have a good heart. And you

won’t be alone. We’ll be with you even after you’ve taken off your training wheels to assimilate yourself

into that part of his world again.”

The Duchess threw the Queen-to-be a grateful smile, and for the first time in a long time, she actually felt

hopeful that she could be in the same room as the people who she tried to avoid all those years.

After Lucianne and Annie settled the bill, they walked out of the restaurant with Russell holding tightly to

Lucianne’s hand. When they were making their way to Annie’s car, Lucianne caught an unfamiliar scent.

It was pungent and she almost choked on the smell when it reached her nostrils. She commented in

passing, “What is that smell?” Annie stopped in her footsteps as she asked in bewilderment, “What
