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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 120: Bird laying silver eggs
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Before leaving the forbidden forest, Hagrid deliberately helped Albert dig some matsutake, but this thing was scarce, and in the end he couldn't find a few.

As soon as Hagrid opened the door of the hut, the black hounds fangs came out of the hut, happily running around a few people, and liked to sniff around.

Albert knelt down and touched Yaya's head to let it settle down.

Hagrid took the matsutake out of his pocket and put them all on the table. He squeezed a matsutake, looked up and down and asked, "Are you sure this thing is really good when grilled on charcoal?"

"Leave it to me to deal with it!" Albert believes himself, he is as stable as Mount Tai on the surface, and as stable as Mount Tai on the inside.

"If you want to fish, I have some fresh meat left here. You can get some to make bait." Hagrid pointed to the big wooden barrel in the corner.

"What are you?" Albert looked at the raw meat in the bucket and raised his eyebrows. He had just smelled a **** smell, which was coming from the bucket.

"Food prepared for Ye Qi. In winter, it is difficult for Ye Qi to find food. I occasionally feed them in the woods to ensure that the young individuals in the group can survive the winter." Hagrid reached out and rubbed his hands. Rubbing Yaya's head, "Is this leftover meat the dinner I prepared for Yaya?"

"Are you sure this thing is really edible?" Lee Jordan asked, staring at Matsutake.

"Of course." Hagrid lit the unburned firewood in the fireplace, put the copper kettle on it and boiled, and then went outside to make a bucket of well water for Albert.

Albert took a sharp knife from the kitchen and scraped off the mud from the roots of the matsutake. After repeatedly cleaning it, he drew out his wand and played a complicated posture. He pointed the stick at the newly cleaned matsutake and chanted the drying spell. The matsutake has evaporated.

"You don't look like a first-year student now." Hagrid looked at Albert who was casting the spell, and said softly, "Your use of the spell is beyond my imagination. It's hard to imagine you come from a Muggle family? "

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"Yeah!" George said softly with emotion, "I dare to use the two silver Sicos in my pocket to bet that this guy knows more magic than a second-year student."

Albert ignored the ridicule of a few people and asked, "Hagrid, do you have olive oil here?"

"There is some left. If you want to use it, I'll get it for you."

"Excuse me."

Albert concentrated on using a sharp knife to cut matsutake into thin slices.

"You are too stingy!" Li Qiaodan pinched the matsutake thin slices with the tips of his fingers and said with contempt: "This thin slice, how does it feel to eat?"

"It's thinned, and it will be cooked later." Albert glared at Lee Jordan and brushed a thin layer of olive oil on the matsutake. Then he took a piece of wood, turned it into a barbecue, and used tongs to pick out a few pieces of charcoal from the fireplace that were not completely burned out and put them in the brazier, put the barbecue up, nodded with satisfaction: " I finally feel like a barbecue."

"I think you are making a big fuss." Fred looked at the busy Albert and rolled his eyes.

"Well, it tastes good." Hagrid put his own sausage aside, reached out and squeezed the still roasted matsutake and threw it into his mouth, chewing and nodding, "It's good, but the portion is too small."

Fred and several people looked at each other as they swept away the golden matsutake that had just been roasted as quickly as possible.

"I find this stuff is pretty chewy."

"But, is it better to add some salt?"

"I think there should be some sauce."

"Asshole, you have eaten all of my share." Albert saw his freshly roasted matsutake being robbed, and couldn't help glaring at the three of Fred.

"George ate your portion!" Fred and Lee Jordan raised their hands to George.

"Cough cough, there is still a lot on the plate anyway." George gave a dry cough and picked up the sausage: "Or, how about we grill the sausage?"

"Wait until I finish roasting the matsutake." Albert stared at the three people irritably and continued his work.

The barbecue did not last long. The amount of matsutake was too small, and everyone only got a few slices, but everyone had to admit that the taste of matsutake was really good, and the aftertaste was endless after eating.

Afterwards, they baked Hagrid's own sausages, and returned to the Gryffindor lounge after drinking a few cups of tea.

As for the biscuits that Hagrid made by himself, several people tactfully rejected it. After all, the mouth is not so good, and they can't eat the thing.

When I returned to the Gryffindor lounge, the banquet celebrating Gryffindor’s victory was not over yet, but the cakes and pies prepared were basically eaten up by everyone, leaving some toffee and some vegetable pies.

"Where did you go?" Angelina stared suspiciously at the four who had just entered through the entrance.

"Go into the woods with Hagrid." George said smugly.

"The hunting ground administrator will actually take you into the forest." Angelina was very surprised.

"Albert succeeded in persuading him." Fred explained: "We also heard that Professor Kettlebo, who protects magical biology, lives in the woods."

"Are you kidding?" Shanna leaned over and joined the discussion.

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"No, it's true. We just met a witch who was going to visit Professor Kettlebo, as if for the bird and snake." Lee Jordan said.

"What is a bird and snake?" Shanna asked curiously.

Lee Jordan choked, turned his eyes to Albert, and asked his friend for help.

"The bird snake is a two-legged animal with wings. It comes from Asia and can stretch and retract its body at will. Therefore, the bird snake can be big enough to fill all the space, and it can shrink the body according to the available space."

"I'm curious how do you know birds and snakes so much?" George joked. "Why don't you know "Where are Fantastic Beasts" by heart?"

"Birds and snake eggs are also one of the ingredients in the making of the elixir," Albert said grimly, "so I checked it out."

"By the way, the shell of the bird snake egg is made of sterling silver, which is silver." Albert looked around looking at the shocked expressions of several people, nodding satisfied and continued, "It is said that , The famous writer Guidro Lockhart used bird snake egg to make a bird snake egg yolk shampoo, the effect is really able to "lock the gloss", but due to the price and danger, the bird snake egg yolk shampoo is not It could be produced for the mass market and sold only on the black market, but it quickly disappeared."

"Why?" Shanna asked puzzledly.

"Because it's too expensive," Albert said of course.

"No wonder the blessing potion is so expensive." Fred said with emotion.

"It's not that expensive, but it's impossible to buy." Albert said grumpily: "Later, I specifically checked the raw materials of the elixir, only to find out why basically no one would make that thing. The raw materials are very expensive. If the manufacturing process fails, it will be an unbearable disaster for any pharmacist."


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