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The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 132: Gryffindor's secret treasure?
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"Yes, this is a developing potion."

During a rest time after a meal, Albert handed the glass bottle containing the developer potion to Shanna, "Do you know how to use the developer potion?"

"I know how to use it, thank you." Shanna reached out to take the glass bottle and thanked Albert. "But I'm curious, when did you make the developing potion."

"A few days ago." Albert did not hide it. "I have used the photo, and the developer potion is indeed effective."

"Thank you." Shanna thanked Albert again.

With Shanna's current potion level, it is completely unrealistic to make a developing potion by herself. If you want, you can only buy it yourself. However, even if Shanna had Kanon in her pocket, she didn't know where to buy the developing potion.

To be honest, Shanna hasn't tried owl mail order so far, and her impression of the magic world is still stuck in Diagon Alley and Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The entire magical world is too strange to the Muggle wizards at Hogwarts.

"You're welcome." Albert didn't care too much about these things. He had already reserved some developing potions for himself, and the small bottle for Shanna was considered to be distributed to the other party.

"Albert, Albert!" George and Fred hurriedly rushed into the auditorium and ran towards Albert.

"Aren't you writing homework on the history of magic in the library?" Albert raised his head and looked at Brother Weasley suspiciously.

Before he could say a few words, Albert was held up by the twins and pulled away from the hall of the auditorium.

Lee Jordan, who followed the twins, smiled awkwardly at the others, helped to pack Albert's things, and quickly followed the three to leave, leaving students with curious faces.

"What's wrong with you?"

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When the four came to a remote corner, Albert took the lead to break the silence.

"Look, what did we find in the library?" The Weasley twins looked at each other and said in unison.

"What did you find?" Albert asked very cooperatively.

"Punch!" George took out a piece of parchment from his pocket with his own voice, and handed it to Albert.

Albert took the parchment, scanned the information on it, his face twitched slightly. He had just been struck by the "Gryffindor's Secret Treasure" on the parchment.

He turned the parchment over, and on the other side was a simple map with trees, number 1, campfire, and a fork.

Albert looked up at the three and asked, "What the **** is this?"

"Gryffindor's secret treasure." Li Jordan said excitedly.

"What kind of treasure?" Albert asked again.

"Gryffindor's secret treasure." Li Jordan said seriously.

"Okay." Albert said irritably, "I admit... this is really interesting, but... if this is taken seriously, it would be too stupid."

"We found this parchment in the middle of a book." Fred said.

"The mezzanine of that page is very secret, and we also discovered it by accident." George added.

"Occasion?" Albert sneered at this. If he wanted to, he could create a hundred such accidents.

"So... are you going to hunt for treasure?" Albert has already guessed the minds of the three. These guys want to hunt for treasure and take risks. Maybe they don't care if this so-called Gryffindor secret treasure is true. of.

They just want... adventure, treasure hunt?

To some extent, adventurous and treasure hunting are actually very interesting, but...the problem is treasure. What if you finally find yourself tricked by someone as a monkey?

I'm afraid it won't be so bad.

"Is this supposed to be put on purpose by someone?" Albert looked at the strange picture and said angrily. "And I don't think Gryffindor will put the secret treasure in the forbidden forest."

Yes, the Forbidden Forest.

The tree in the picture should refer to the Forbidden Forest next to Hogwarts.

"Sure enough, in the forbidden forest." The three said in unison.

"The tree should refer to the forbidden forest, the number 1 should refer to the unicorn corresponding to the ancient magic text number 1, and the bonfire refers to the human population, that is, the place with people. The only people in the forbidden forest can be called "people". Horseman, there is a fork. That should be where the treasure is." Albert saw through the map mark at a glance.

"Wow, you just cracked this map." Lee Jordan opened his mouth in shock.

"The secret treasure?" The three looked at Albert.

"Maybe it's near the horse camp." Albert suddenly sneered. "To be honest, even I don't believe what I just said."

Isn't this just a prankster? Otherwise, the so-called Gryffindor’s secret treasure should be hidden in Hogwarts College, not in the Forbidden Forest.

"This..." The three of them were silent, and they had actually guessed at this point.

"What are you doing here?" Filch had long been staring at the few people in the corner who were whispering, with an unfriendly tone.

"Nothing." Albert said lightly.

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"If you don't have anything, don't just whisper here and get out of here." Filch drove away these four mysterious creatures like a fly.

"I'll say it again, don't believe this kind of ghost." Albert looked at the three of them. "It's like you borrowed a book from the library someday, and then deliberately wrote a word in it, telling others that it is hidden there. What precious things, when the other party worked hard to find the so-called treasure, the result? The other party only found a few big dung bombs that you put in the box."

The few people looked at each other, and they agreed with Albert's guess. Because several people had similar ideas at first, but after getting Albert's analysis, it is more likely that this is the true situation.

Are you kidding me?

There really is such a possibility.

"By the way, there's more." George raised his hand and scratched the back of his head.

"What's the matter?" Albert asked.

"This parchment was originally hidden in the interlayer of a two-page book, and then... you should have guessed it." George showed a helpless wry smile.

"Don't you know how to use the repairing curse?" Albert asked puzzled.

Two-thirds of the first grade has passed. In the past six months, everyone has also learned a lot of spells, including repairing spells.

"That..." George's expression was a bit embarrassed, and he pushed his head frustratedly and said, "We can't use spells to repair that book~www.mtl.com~ Fred took out "Uric's Biography" from his backpack. It's actually a homework on the history of magic, and they all need to write a thesis with a medieval wizard.

"It's hidden, and we almost didn't even notice it." Albert turned over the page that had also been damaged by Fred, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Put away the books first, and go back to the dormitory to study in the evening." Albert reminded, don't let other people notice what you did, if you let Mrs. Pins know about it. "

"She will kill us."

"Why are we and not you?" Fred asked angrily.

"Stupid, because we are twins!"


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