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The Alpha Chose Me by Missy Elliottxo

Chapter 269
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This was a new hotel. I had never been here before, but I knew it was still posh. The valet parking, the interior design and how pristine the waitresses looked. Not a hair out of place.

Already I felt uncomfortable. Places like this weren't my scene. I didn't grow up with money or around money. It was hcooked meals and take out once in a blue moon.

Don't getwrong my gran took us out but it was never to places that looked like this. I hated feeling like I didn't belong.

He pulledto a stop his arm wrapping around my waist.

"I know what you're thinking, and I want you to stop".

I chewed the inside of my cheek and nodded my head. This was my life now and it was best I get used to it. His parents didn't act rich, they weren't snobs, didn't throw money in your face.

They weren't your typical rich couple.


"I know". I sighed. "I'm trying".

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"You do know this is all for you right?".


A chuckle fell from his lips. "Mostly you". He placed a soft kiss on my cheek. Sparagraphs are incomplete if you are not reading this on .net. Visit to read the complete chapters for free. "You know how much I love you and how much my family loves you. Please don't feel like you don't belong here".

Sometimes it felt like he knewbetter than I did.

"I am trying it's just". I looked around the foyer area. "It's real fancy and I feel underdressed".

That was a lie. I knew I wasn't underdressed. The dress Charlotte giftedwas exactly what you would where to a place like this.


"Okay fine. I'm a little uncomfortable".

"Do you want to leave because-...".

"No". I cut him off.

"Mr Taylor, Miss Wilson if you would like to follow me".

I glanced at the waitress and smiled. She acknowledged my presence, for once I was seen. Tothat was big, and it maderelax a little. To not be ignored and treated as if I wasn't there. "Give us a sec?". Jake grabbed my hand and pulledto the side.

"I'm okay".

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Tonight, is about you, to celebrate us. If anyone or anything makes you feel uncomfortable you letknow". "She acknowledged me".

He grinned. "This place isn't like the last. They wouldn't dare not acknowledge their Luna".

Wait what? She was a werewolf, and she was part of our pack? I wanted to know how big the pack was. I knew he had wolves scattered all over, but I wanted to know how much.

Was this a hotel for werewolves? It amazedat what lay right under my nose. If I wasn't his mate, I would never know the difference. But I guess that was a good thing for them.

Wait, how cI couldn't smell that she was a wolf? Maybe I wasn't good at this whole wolf thing because my mom was human. But they did say I was full wolf. I squeezed my eyes shut tight before opening them again. I was thinking way too much about this. One of my many bad traits.



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"Sorry what?".

"I said are you ready to go through?".

8 courses.

Who has an 8-course meal?

I was stuffed. I didn't eat every course, but I tried everything that was served to me. I was relaxed and fit for nothing but my bed wasn't + uncomfortable anymore, that feeling faded as soon as we walked into the room filled with our family and friends. They were all here to celebrate us.

The ring on my finger didn't go unnoticed. Rylee sniffed that gutas soon as I walked through the door.

ม She could tellthe make and what carat it was. Of course, I didn't let her.

I didn't care how much it cost. Like I said before he could have givena candy ring and I would still wear it.

I had managed to get around and talk with everyone. Small talk, hellos and the general chit chat was having a ve.

good night, enjoying myself and not worrying about anything. But of course, something was bound to happen to ruin it. And it did as soon as she walked through the door.

My nemesis.
