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The Alpha Chose Me by Missy Elliottxo

Chapter 324
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Chapter 324 Chapter 324 What was the point in trying to keep it a secret if they already knew. There was no point in denying it because I know she would continue to hassleif I said I wasn't. "Yeah". I chewed my bottom lip. "We're having a baby". "I knew it". Alanna laughed. "I knew your scent had changed. I can't believe I'm going to be an auntie".

"Amazing news Leah I'm so happy for you". Lacey spoke.

"You'll be a great mom Leah". Lana added.

I was the one that wanted to keep it a secret, but I felt so much relief after telling them. Visit Job ni bto read the complete chapters for free. Keeping a secret this big was hard especially from your best friends. Jake on the other hand, I wasn't sure how he was going to react totelling them. "How far along are you?". Lacey asked. "You must all promisethat you won't say anything. Jake doesn't know I've told you".

"Great". Lana huffed. "Another reason for him to hate me".

Eh? "Not this again". Alanna sighed. "She thinks Jake doesn't like her".

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"Why wouldn't he like you?". I asked.

She shrugged. "Just a feeling I have".

She was being ridiculous and if Jake didn't like her, she would know for definite. He wasn't shy when it cto people he didn't like. In fact, he wasn't shy about anything. If he had something to say best believe he would say it. Good or bad. "Well, your feelings are all wrong because if my brother didn't like you, he'd tell you to your face".

She hit the nail on the head with that one. But I didn't want this to turn into a bickering match between them. We all know how much they loved to argue with each other.

"So, can I count on you all to keep my secret?". I asked.

They all agreed to keep it hush hush. I wasn't worried I trusted them. We stayed a little while longer catching up. Drinking coffee and eating cakes.

"Can I ask what the pack meeting was about today?".

I didn't miss the look Lacey gave Alanna. The look of you need to answer that because I've got nothing, and I'll tell her the truth.

"Boring as always". Alanna sighed. "I mean it's the srubbish every twe have one. You didn't miss much trust me".

Hm. It scareda little at how good of a liar Alanna really was, but I didn't push for the truth. I would find out eventually. "I've missed this". Lacey smiled. "I've missed us all hanging out together and to think this could be our last time". Thinking about that madesad.

"No, we still have the graduation party my mom's throwing for us". Alanna spoke.

"Have you decided on what you're going to do yet?". I asked.

Maybe it wasn't the right tconsidering what happened between us last night, but I still wanted to know.

"Lana lets go for a walk along the beach". Lacey suggested.

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"Eh no its freezing".

"Then cwithto the bathroom".

"I'm going with him. We leave Monday".

"And you're still not happy about it?". I frowned.

"I'm leaving my family behind, my pack behind. I don't need to be happy about it Leah But She paused. "I can't live without him, and I know if I don't go, I'll be miserable".

"He doesn't want to go". I spoke. "He feels like he has to. Theres so much pressure on him to do the right thing. I want him to stay but he has to make the decision on his own, you both have to make the decision".

"We did and we decided to go. We talked last night, hashed everything out and cto the agreement that We would try it. I know we've always got a place here if it doesn't work out". Ashburn