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The Alpha’s Contract by Taylor West

Chapter 343
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Chapter 0343 "My half sister's nis Neah Kitson. She is the female Lycan Alpha." I mumble, staring into the orange flames.

"What?" "It's true. We share the sfather. In fact, if you looked at us, you would think we were twins. We are not, we have different mothers." "Why have you waited until now to tellthis?" "Would it have changed anything?" She smiles at me, "Yes, I could have helped you get to her. She can put a stop to Cooper." I shake my head, going to her wasn't an option. She would killand I couldn't even defend myself.

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"I tried to screw her over." I blurt out In the prison that Cooper was holdingin, I had nothing but tto think over every little movement I had made. At first I blamed Jenson, then myself for getting involved with him. And instead of cutting him loose, I had made him suffer every the failed at something. Hoping that he would improve to my levels. I had fallen for him, yet anytwe argued, he would bring her up, comparing us. I had wondered if he told them that before he died. But ironically, none of that was what gotinto trouble.

So many had tried to warnthat I was making the wrong move, trying to take something that isn't mine. Even my own mother. But I had been hellbent on getting what I wanted, what I thought I deserved. Maybe this was what I deserved.

"I tried to take what was hers." I mutter, keeping my gaze on the orange and yellow flames "But Cooper didn't know about any of that. He punishedbecause I almost revealed our kind to the human eye. Apparently he has been cleaning up my mess for years." "I could go to her. I could tell her all of that. I can explain what happened." "And if she doesn't believe you, or chooses not to believe you, she will kill you. Then who will look after your chickens?" She rolls her grey eyes at me. "I don't think she will kill me. She doesn't know me. Maybe she will at least be reasonable and listen." "And what are we going to achieve by you doing that? We won't be Lycans again. We will be stuck this way until the day we die." She creeps over to where I'm sitting. "At least your conscience will be clear." "How are you so optimistic?" I ask. Somehow, she saw the good side of everything.

She gently cups my face with her warm hand. "I'm free and you could be too. And we could be together." We stayed up until late into the night, talking. tell her as much as I can. I answer every single question she throws, at me, no matter how difficult it was to share. Sammie fills a glass of wine and hands it toand shake my head, something that I wouldn't have done before Cooper, but it turns out I now can't stand the taste of alcohol, no matter the quality.

Sammie did have to keep remindingthat things are completely different now that I have lost my Lycan. It's almost seven in the morning when I think we are done. I'm tired. My brain hurts. I feel more exposed than when I was being watched in the showers. Sammie had huggedmultiple times, and I had cried more often than I liked. Content belongs to I wouldn't have done that before. I would have taken myself off, or forced the tears back.

"I have to go to her before Cooper gets a chance too." She mutters

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"You said he would go to these places. Places where he thinks he can find me. For all we know, he might already be there. He might be whispering things to Neah. He could get his hands on you." "She needs to know about him, Blair. She is his Alpha."

"You can't go alone. I've been there.

They have guards Letcome,11 can show you where to go."

"You can't cwith me. You are still weak and malnourished I can't fisk you collapsing on me." "I won't let you go alone." X