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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 106
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Killian's point of view

Still, I couldn't believe everything I had just witnessed. Sheila and Kaiser. That was something I didn't

want to believe even though the harsh truth was staring right at me.

I stopped racing past the slothful trees in the forest, pausing for a moment to get my rage under control.

It had been out of control the last few days and it was only getting worse because of tomorrow's night

crescent moon.

I swallowed as much air as possible when I heard the subtle movements in the woods behind me. I

turned around to strike when my eyes landed on Thea's darkened brown irises.

"Argh! Can't you just let me breathe?" I growled. Her presence alone was suffocating. I turned my back

to her to leave, but her words made me stop.

"You see, I was right all along. Sheila had a lover, and he was Kai Black. She betrayed you, Killian. You

saw it with your own eyes, that bitch doesn't deserve you."

Another furious growl left my lips, and my legs closed the distance between Thea and me. As soon as

she was next to me, my nails sharpened into claws and I gripped her neck, slamming her hard against

the trunk of a tree.

"I warned you, Thea, speak that way about my mate and kiss your life goodbye," I growled, my sharp

claws piercing into her flesh, and her blood began to run down her neck, soaking her dress.

"Killian, you are hurting me," she croaked, and my hold on her only tightened.

"That's exactly what I want to do to you and anyone who drags Sheila's name in the mud," I had lost

control. Aside from the rage I felt, I also felt the urge to defend Sheila. I didn't want anyone, no matter

who the fuck they were or what they meant to me, to speak ill of my mate and their Luna. I was

prepared to end Thea's life without hesitating, when suddenly, Thea pushed me off her with unearthly


For a second I could swear that she didn't even lay a finger on me. But I wasn't sure. I wasn't in the

right state of mind. All I could think about was my mate. I couldn't shake off the bloody image of her in

Kaiser's arms.

Fucking hell, I should have murdered the bastard. No one had the right to touch my mate.

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But the look on her face told me she would have hated me for it. It pained me to admit, but she cares

about that fucking asshole. Sheila cared about him so much that she might be willing to leave me for


Oh, Goddess, I would die if that happened. Sheila was my life. Nothing mattered in my life if she wasn't

next to me. I needed her badly.

I didn't know that I had zoned out on Thea and was fighting against the bitter reality of my life.

"Killian," My eyes snapped angrily back on Thea. "Sheila cheated on you, and still, you keep her in

your heart."

"Have you forgotten I had done the same thing with you to her?" I asked, not expecting an answer from

her. "That was the greatest mistake of my life,"

The look on Thea's face was that of disbelief. But I didn't even care about her feelings, I was just so

desperate to sort things out with Sheila. I wanted us to return to how we were before any of this


"Killian, what the hell is wrong with you? That woman has you under one of her fucking spells. Didn't

you see her in Kaiser's arms, she was even willing to save him from you?" She spoke, groaning,

pressing her hands hard on the wound on her neck to stop the bleeding.

My eyes furrowed at her, understanding her words, and there was only one thing I could deduce from it.

"Were you following me or you were following my mate?"

Her gaze froze on me. "I was only worried about you," she muttered, taking a step back as I took a step

forward to her, my amber eyes burning with rage.

"Who the hell are you, Thea?" I asked, honestly confused. This wasn't the sweet, innocent Thea I had

known. It was as if she had turned to someone else. Someone I couldn't recognize.

Her brown eyes hardened, and her hands on her neck fell on both sides of her waist. "You turned me

into this monster, Killian," her words were so deep that for a second, I had imagined an unwarranted

hatred in her voice.

I moved closer to her until we were a breath away. "This side of you is terrifying," I said, and she didn't

utter a word. I gazed hard into her now foreign gaze. "Right after the curse is broken, I want you out of

my territory at dawn."

"Killian, you can't," she was completely shocked. Finally, I realized that Thea was one of the biggest

problems that existed in my relationship with Sheila.

"I can, Thea, and that's final," I swerved away from her, walking away.

"You will regret this, Killian, I swear," I heard Thea say behind me, but I didn't stop, I kept walking away.

I morphed into my wolf and left my territory. I just needed to think calmly and I knew there was no way

that could happen in the pack. I went to the one place that seemed to be the best option for me. The


Soon, I left the capital and I found myself in front of the cottage. I had to sort my emotions out.

Tomorrow was the crescent moon rising and I couldn't have all this bothering me.

I stepped into the cottage, and Sheila's sweet scent from the last time we'd been here together invaded

my nostrils. I lay on the bed, burying my head into one of the sheets that smelled like her. I didn't know

when I fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was so bright outside. It was noon already, I had slept soundly through the night,

burying my head in Sheila's scent.

Strangely, in the weirdest way, I felt calm and my head was clear. My mind went over everything that

happened in the last few hours, and though the image of Sheila in Kaiser's arms haunted me, I realized

that I was as good as dead without her.

I didn't know when my feelings for Sheila grew this intense. I needed her more than anything. It hurts

like hell to know that she felt something for that bastard, but whether she had a lover, or not, didn't

change anything. The truth was I loved her and was willing to do anything for her love and be whoever

she wanted me to be.

I sighed, I desperately wished I could talk to Ryker. The curse was affecting him badly, separating

Ryker from my consciousness. But tonight, hopefully, the ritual will go as planned in the pack, and

Sheila and I will have a fresh start in life. Hopefully.

I shut my eyes, now wondering what it was that she wanted to tell me, but just couldn't until after the

ritual tonight. It had me on the edge. I couldn't stop my thoughts from coming up with nonsense.

Whatever it was that she had to tell me, oh goddess, please give me the strength to bear it.

I left the cottage and headed back to the capital. I had to see Sheila before we got busy with the ritual. I

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just had to let her know that I loved her, and will always.

I reached my territory, unblocking the mind link that connected me to the pack. I had blocked myself

from being mind-linked because I wanted to be alone.

Immediately, I got mind-linked by Allen, he was fucking worried about me and informed me Sheila had

been looking for me.

That alone made me smile internally. I was almost at the castle when I heard a piercing growl of a wolf

that filled the air and lasted only for a second.

Sheila. That growl belonged to Sheila's wolf, Adie, and it spelled danger.

I mind-linked Ria immediately, asking about Sheila. Just then I reached the castle and hurried to my

mate's chamber, finding Ria and Brielle at the door.

Before I could ask, Ria spoke up. "She isn't here."

"I've asked around, but no one knows where she is," Brielle added.

Fuck, this only confirmed my suspicion that Sheila was in danger.

I left the castle and mind-linked the warriors, as well as those patrolling at all borders of the pack to

search for Sheila.

I went to the witch's quarters and met Gwen there. Valerie wasn't around, and Lorenzo and Morgan still

hadn't returned from the coven outside of North Central.

Even Gwen had no idea where Sheila was. I was mind-linked by a warrior at the northern borders, and

he sounded urgent.

I left with Allen, Mason, Gwen, and some warriors to the mountains near the northern borders.

Upon getting there, Sheila's scent engulfed me. She had been here. We found Jax and some patrolling

warriors there, and blood was everywhere but there were no bodies around. I could tell by the trail of

blood that there was, but it was moved.

"This wasn't done by wolves," I said, there wasn't any sign of wolves' paws.

"There was a fight here, and I think they were witches," Gwen said after a while.

"But who were they fighting?" Allen asked beside Mason, while my eyes fell on a small object almost

covered by the earth's dust.

"Sheila. They were fighting her," my voice was hoarse, gliding with the rage I had fought to suppress,

and pain. "Sheila was here,” I said, standing up, and in my hand was a small arrow dart that had

Sheila's blood on it. "And she's been abducted."