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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 130
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Sheila's point of view

| remained silent and unmoving for a while, watching as Thea faded into one of the hallways.

| sighed, clasping my hands together as | brought my eyes back to the table. From what just transpired between

Thea and me, more than ever, | believed my suspicions were true. Thea wasn't expecting Killian's pup.

That was a good thing, and it meant she indeed had a lover. But | had no way to unmask her lies. | had only

bluffed, but | had nothing to prove that she was a complete whore who had a lover while pretending to be in love

with Killian. For that, | could only rely on Thea.

| had never seen those shrewd brown gazes of hers ever hold in so much fear. It was obvious my words had

shaken her to the core, and she cares a whole lot about protecting her despicable lie. | can only hope she does

something drastic, something that would finally helpthrow the whore out of my pack, and permanently out

of Killian's life.

Oh, what joy that would be!

| breathed in, pulling up from the chair. | groaned as | felt the stabbing ache in my skull, reminding| needed

more rest. | hadn't slept at length for three days now, and when | finally gave in to the exhaustion eating at me

and took refuge in Killian's arms, it didn't last long.

| was greeted again with a terrible dream, the worst | had had in days. This wasn't about the golden-eyed

intruder that had managed to invade my dreams and leftconfused. It made no sense why | would be having

dreams about a man | had never met, and what's worse was that he was after my life. He wanteddead.

Even though | detested having such dreams about him, | wished it was about him though, at least it would have

sparedthe horror of having that dream in which | had witnessed Killian's death.

| creased my black thick brows as the memory of that dream flashed through my mind again. | had no idea what

had happened or where we were, but all | could remember vividly was Killian's death over and over again. It was

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horrible. | choked back a tear, wincing at the pain piercing my chest. | didn't understand it, but the image of

Killian's cold and lifeless body scaredawake.

I held my dress, heading to Valerie's spell room. It didn't take long before the door opened for me. | went in but

unfortunately, she wasn't in. | left and sauntered to the witches' quarters, but neither Valerie nor Lorenzo was in.

I found Gwen in one of the witches" courts with a few witches.

"Gwen," | called her attention, as | gaited to them.

"Luna, what brings you over here?" She voiced, lowering her head to me.

"I was at Valerie's spell room and | can't find either her or Lorenzo," | told her, as we strolled out of the court into

the large courtyard.

"She left quite in a hurry a few hours ago," Gwen muttered.

"Do you know where she went to?" | asked, and she shook her head.

"She's visiting a coven at the village. | don't know why she went there, but seemed urgent, and had something

to do with the Alpha's request."

Her words made my features crippled as | remembered those items that belonged to Thea. | wondered if it had

anything to do with the request Gwen was talking about. But | didn't ask further questions, | would talk to Killian

as soon as he was done with his meeting.

"And Lorenzo?" | asked, and again she shook her head.

"He's not in as well," she voiced.

I nodded. "Thanks," | smiled at her, leaving the court.

Instead of heading back to the castle, | decided to go for a run in my wolf form to purge my mind of all disturbing


| stripped naked, and gave Adie full control of my body, in less than a quarter second, we were down on four

paws in my enormous snow-white wolf. | snatched my dress off from the ground, using my canines and we raced

into the woods.

It was a nice feeling having the calm wind against my fur and dirt beneath my paws, it was so good and relaxing

and exactly what | needed. | could think clearly, and the only thing that I could think of was the identity of Thea's

lover. Who was he?

But | had no answer for that. | could only find an answer to that question when Thea's caught. | ran through the

thick forests until | was out of breath and Adie was contented.

After a while, | shifted back to my human form and got dressed. It was twilight already, and the sun had retired. |

got mind-linked by Ria, tellingKillian was asking about me, and it was urgent.

Just then, | felt Killian's presence at the back of my mind through our bond. "Oh, Sheila, where are you?" He

asked, his voice sharp and urgent as well.

"I went for a run, what is it?" | asked, fastening my boots in a hurry.

"It's serious, we can't talk over the link. Please hurry, everyone is gathered here," he muttered, disconnecting.

| began to make my way into the woods to shift back to my wolf, but then | felt it. The lurking presence that

blended in with the darkness that had dominated the earth. | was being watched.

| walked further into the woods, taking the shortest path to the castle, and the feeling of being followed still

stuck with me.

| tried sniffing them out, but I couldn't get a strong scent, only a whiff that had been carried by the night's

lonesbreeze. It wasn't a wolf from our pack and didn't have the scent or stench of a wolf or a rogue. It

smelled different, at the stnew, and almost familiar. Very familiar.

Instantly, my eyes widened as a thought crept in. | increase my walking space and took a swift turn in the woods,

loving the darkness that covered everywhere as the tall canopy trees fought off every gleam of light from the

glowing moon.

I hid behind one of the tall trees, backing against it as | waited silently in hopes that | would see whoever had

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been trailing me. And | had a hunch, and deep down | wished | was right. But that would only mean trouble.

| waited calmly, and in short, impatient seconds, | heard the painful cry of a twig that had been stepped upon

from a near distance. its screaming died and the woods returned to its eerie silence.

| waited, and my heart skipped a beat when my eyes caught a figure moving quietly through the woods. It was

her. | couldn't fight the smile that jumped on my lips.

| was right. It was that bloody witch. Lucius's fucking witch. | hadn't seen her since the day | was abducted by

Lucius. | backed harder against the tree as she moved past it, searching for me.

She was wearing her red cloak, and its hood over her head, having the bottom of the cloak dance on the air at

her hasty movements and desperation in finding me.

| stepped out of the tree, and she stopped moving, feeling my presence behind her.

"Looking for me?" | spoke into the darkness, which carried my sharp voice and echoed around the woods.

| watched her cautiously, as she remained rooted on her spot with her back to me.

Then she released an ear-piercing chuckle that morphed into a burst of short laughter. She stopped laughing as

her hands pulled up to the hood on her head, and with a pull, it coff, exposing her long black hair.

She took a step forward, slowly swerving around, and didn't stop until she was standing facing me.

At this point, | detested the darkness that covered the woods as | couldn't see her god-damned face properly.

Before | could initiate a step forward, she beatto it, maybe out of eagerness to reveal herself to me.

| remained unmoving as she swallowed the frustrating distance that separated us. My blue eyes were focused on

her face the more she moved forward. But she stopped halfway in the woods.

| could barely see her face still, and on that thought, almost on cue or from similar curiosity, the moon's bright

rays broke through, pushing its way into the woods, and descended on her. The witch.

| froze, as a shocked impossible gasp left my lips. My eyes were round as they took in the face | hadn't expected.

She moved a few steps closer, wantingto take a good look as her lips adopted a threatening smile.

. ) . . Xx

"Thea," My lips finally parted in outright shock.