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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66 Sixty-Six

Killian's point of view

I was at the training field with Morgan, Mason, and some warriors when Riannon Mind-linked me.

"What is it?" I paused, listening attentively. She always mind-linked me regarding my mate. I could

sense the panic in her voice, and that caused a churn within me.

"It's Luna. I think she… she's…" Ria began to stutter, her words fumbling. I couldn't help the growl that

escaped my lips.

"Stop stuttering, Ria, and speak!" I growled through the mind-link.

I heard her whimper in fear as she mumbled hastily. "Yes, Alpha. It's Luna. I think she's going into


I froze.

"What?" Sheila was going into heat. Fuck. That shouldn't be. Not now.

"She's in pain and she needs you. Please hurry, her scent is too strong and the unmated wolves are

after her."

I growled angrily.

I didn't bother asking any more questions. I mind-linked all warriors, asking for only mated wolves. I left

the training field with Allen and a few mated warriors. I growled angrily as Morgan tried to follow us. He

shouldn't come along, and there shouldn't be any unmated wolves around her at this moment. Not only

would Sheila not be thinking straight, but neither will the unmated wolves, as the only thing on their

minds will be to fuck the female in heat.

Morgan simply rolled his eyes, ignoring my protests. He shifted into his wolf, not giving a fuck to what I

was about to say.

I left the training field and shifted into my wolf, Ryker. I didn't like any of this.

When in heat, the female produces a strong scent, luring unmated males to her. The female only gets

into heat when she has met her mate. The scent produced by the female is for her mate to get to her

as during heat is the best time to become pregnant.

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The female scent attracts all males except the mated ones, because they all respond to the heat scent

of their females. However, when a female is going through heat and her mate isn't with her, it can be

painful and also end in disaster with unmated males wanting to fuck that female whose scent is enticing

and addicting. Sheila was in danger.

I reached the castle, and the most alluring scent I have ever smelled invaded my nose. It had my wolf

growling in my head as we became drunk on this enticing scent, our female scent.

Ria just rushed outside, fear and worry evident in her gaze and features. I reached towards her, but

before I could ask anything, she rushed. "Luna is not in her chamber. I just left her to get some water

for her, but when I returned, she wasn't there. I don't know where she is! "

I hissed angrily, Ryker and I still shared control. I stuck my nose in the air and began to follow my

mate's scent. It led me to the woods, in the middle of a meadow.

As I neared closer, my mate's sweet, enchanting scent hit me harder. It was the same but more intense

and magnified with something, something that made my eyes roll to the back of my head in ecstasy

and caused Ryker to growl.

Just as Ria said, some unmated wolves surrounded her. Their eyes were dark with lust, and their

tongues were hanging out of their mouths. I can smell their sexual arousal.

"Everyone, stand back!" I growled through the mind-link. "That is my mate, and your Luna!" I growl,

"This female is mine and if any of you bastards touch her, I will kill you without mercy."

I could smell Sheila's sweet scent, and as I got closer to her, I could tell she was sweating profusely.

Her breasts were impossibly larger, her hips and ass bigger, a natural tint of red on her lips, and her

cheeks were flushed with beads of sweat forming on her forehead.

"By the moon, she was beautiful."

I moved with speed to her, grabbing her before she collapsed on the ground. "I am here, love. I am

here." I whispered, as her eyes closed completely. I carried her in my arms.

The growls from unmated males aggravated me. I held Sheila tightly in my arms, my eyes flashing

golden at these fucking unmated wolves watching me. The stench of their lust infected the air. They

wanted her, and the thought made me growl viciously. I'm going to teach these two males a lesson. but

not now.

I should have realized Sheila's heat was approaching as I had been getting bigger, stronger, and more

possessive and protective over her these past weeks. It's the same for the males whenever their

females are on heat, while their female fills out in her own way, not in muscle like her mate but in soft

flesh on her hips, breasts, and thighs.

All of these changes prepare the couple for the pup that comes out of the heat. My heart pounded in a

way I couldn't describe just at the thought of Sheila getting pregnant with my pup. It made my heart

flutter but at the same time scared me. Sheila can't get pregnant with my pup before we break the


I carried her in my arms, gaiting towards the castle. I headed to her chambers, ordering Ria to fetch the

pack's doctor at once. I laid Sheila on the bed. She was thrashing around, writhing in pain.

Her fever wasn't going down. I pulled the cup from the table and brought it to her lips. She drank it

hungrily while some poured down her skin. I grabbed a towel from the rack to dry the water, starting

from her neck and running the cloth slowly down to her chest.

My breath hitched as I neared her breasts. The reminder of having them near my reach made it hard

for me to think clearly. My hands craved to hold them once again, aching to caress the soft buds. My

throat tightened as I once again fought to think straight. Sheila wasn't in her right senses right now, so it

was up to me to think straight.

Sheila moaned beside me. "Killian," she cried out. "It hurts... I need…"

"Tell me..." I wanted to help in any way I could. "What—?"

"Ahh..." She screamed in pain. I hated to see her in such pain.

"Fucking hell, Ria. Get Maggie here!" I screamed through the mind-link. I knew exactly what she

wanted. The only way to stop her pain was to satisfy her in every way. To mate with her. But I couldn't.

At least not without Maggie seeing her. If we don't do things right, Sheila may get pregnant. I didn't

want that now.

I reached out to her as she began thrashing from side to side on the bed as she grabbed my hands and

pressed them tighter against her breasts. She moaned, licking her lips.

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"More," she groaned, rubbing her thighs together, pushing my body against hers.

Her entire actions were affecting me. I can't be turned on right now, otherwise I wouldn't give a double

fuck about anything. I pulled away from her, inhaling deeply. But it was a mistake, as the chamber was

filled with her sweet scent.

Sheila's eyes were a brilliant blue, as if her wolf was cooperating with her. I took a deep breath and

growled as I exhaled her enticing scent. The smell of her arousal is now dancing in the air, making my

dick throb, and the way she said my name has me even harder.

Just then, Ria, Maggie and her assistants rushed through the door.

Maggie went straight to the bed where Sheila was thrashing in pain.

"Help her, please." I told her.

"You know the only remedy for this," She said this as she and her assistants worked to alleviate

Sheila's discomfort.

"You know, that's not an option right now. I can't have a pup with a fucking curse on my head. "

Maggie sighed. "I know." She asked me to leave the room, and reluctantly I did. She and her assistant

attended to Sheila while I stayed outside. In a few minutes, she was out.

"How is she? Were you able to take away the pain? "

"I can't do that. There's no way to take away the pain unless the female in heat gets what she wants."

Before I could speak, she did.

"Here", she handed a small bottle to me.

I queried my brow, "What is this?"

"This will ensure Luna doesn't get pregnant during this period. I already gave her one."

"Are you sure?" I asked, cautiously, and she nodded.

Quickly, I snatched the bottle and gulped down the contents.

As soon as I was done, I went into the chamber. I hurried to Sheila's bed where she was groaning in


"Killian, please get me out of here." Sheila cried, her eyes no longer bright blue; her wolf wasn't in

control. Pain was imprinted on her beautiful face.

I stroke her cheek. "Whatever you want, mate."