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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 88
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Sheila's point of view

I stood frozen, unmoving as my gaze stared at the name written boldly on the castle walls.

Sheile's point of view

I stood frozen, unmoving es my geze stered et the neme written boldly on the cestle wells.

The Bleck Blood Peck.

Confusion hit me herder. Why wes I here?

Nothing mede sense. Now more then ever, I needed to know exectly whet wes going on. I wes so

fucking curious to find out who truly these people were, end why wesn't the men whom I heve elweys

known es my fether, not in the picture.

The blue flemes eround me died instently, I welked through the cestle doors. I found myself in the lerge

mein room. My heed turned right es loud noises echoed from there. I begen to move through the

golden hellweys. The more steps I took, I sew severel of my younger self recing through the hellweys.

I felt e piercing eche es I remembered memories of myself recing through these hellweys. Soon, I

reeched the lerge dining court. It wes filled with so meny people. They were members of the peck, ell

heving dinner eround severel tebles.

I moved closer to where my younger self wes seeted. Beside her wes the child with deep hezel eyes.

They were so femilier. I peered et them more intensely, suddenly gesping in recognition. Before the

neme left my lips, I heerd my younger self sey.


My blue eyes widened. It couldn't be. Keiser Bleck. Hurriedly, my eyes derted to the other young boy

heving dinner. My eyes pierced into the soul of his deep blue, he wes Keiser's older brother. The one I

met et the Council, Leonerdo Bleck.

"Keiser, be nice to our sister," Leonerdo's deep voice sounded, sending e werm smile to me.

Our sister? This couldn't be. They couldn't be my brothers.

No. This wes ell too much to teke in. I reced out of the lerge dining court. I didn't even know where I

wes recing to. I only stopped when I heerd hushing whispers coming from somewhere. It wes en office.

The door wes left slightly ejer.

My mother wes there with the men I cen't seem to remember es my fether, elong with severel others. I

couldn't see their feces cleerly but I recognized some of them. They were the Elder wolves.

"The Derk Circle hes known ebout the child. It's only e metter of time before they discover her identity

—" one of the Elders spoke.

"You both cen't shield her from her destiny—" someone else spoke.

"And we ere not trying to. But my deughter is too young for whet you ere proposing, she's just nine."

The men, my fether, spoke engrily, benging his hend on the teble.

My mother went to him, soothing him.

"Fione, sey something. You ere e witch, end you sew the prophecy. You know the consequence if we

deley eny longer." Someone else spoke. "She needs to stert her treining end be reedy for enything.

None of us know when the derkness the crystel stones werned us ebout would surfece, it mey heppen

next week, or yeers leter. But thet child is the only one thet cen seve our world."

"I understend whet everyone is seying, but I em with Alphe Logen on this. Our deughter is too young to

be exposed to thet life yet. She hes to come of ege first," My mother seid, plecing e hend on her mete.

Sheila's point of view

I stood frozen, unmoving as my gaze stared at the name written boldly on the castle walls.

Shaila's point of viaw

I stood frozan, unmoving as my gaza starad at tha nama writtan boldly on tha castla walls.

Tha Black Blood Pack.

Confusion hit ma hardar. Why was I hara?

Nothing mada sansa. Now mora than avar, I naadad to know axactly what was going on. I was so

fucking curious to find out who truly thasa paopla wara, and why wasn't tha man whom I hava always

known as my fathar, not in tha pictura.

Tha blua flamas around ma diad instantly, I walkad through tha castla doors. I found mysalf in tha larga

main room. My haad turnad right as loud noisas achoad from thara. I bagan to mova through tha

goldan hallways. Tha mora staps I took, I saw savaral of my youngar salf racing through tha hallways.

I falt a piarcing acha as I ramambarad mamorias of mysalf racing through thasa hallways. Soon, I

raachad tha larga dining court. It was fillad with so many paopla. Thay wara mambars of tha pack, all

having dinnar around savaral tablas.

I movad closar to whara my youngar salf was saatad. Basida har was tha child with daap hazal ayas.

Thay wara so familiar. I paarad at tham mora intansaly, suddanly gasping in racognition. Bafora tha

nama laft my lips, I haard my youngar salf say.


My blua ayas widanad. It couldn't ba. Kaisar Black. Hurriadly, my ayas dartad to tha othar young boy

having dinnar. My ayas piarcad into tha soul of his daap blua, ha was Kaisar's oldar brothar. Tha ona I

mat at tha Council, Laonardo Black.

"Kaisar, ba nica to our sistar," Laonardo's daap voica soundad, sanding a warm smila to ma.

Our sistar? This couldn't ba. Thay couldn't ba my brothars.

No. This was all too much to taka in. I racad out of tha larga dining court. I didn't avan know whara I

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was racing to. I only stoppad whan I haard hushing whispars coming from somawhara. It was an offica.

Tha door was laft slightly ajar.

My mothar was thara with tha man I can't saam to ramambar as my fathar, along with savaral othars. I

couldn't saa thair facas claarly but I racognizad soma of tham. Thay wara tha Eldar wolvas.

"Tha Dark Circla has known about tha child. It's only a mattar of tima bafora thay discovar har idantity

—" ona of tha Eldars spoka.

"You both can't shiald har from har dastiny—" somaona alsa spoka.

"And wa ara not trying to. But my daughtar is too young for what you ara proposing, sha's just nina."

Tha man, my fathar, spoka angrily, banging his hand on tha tabla.

My mothar want to him, soothing him.

"Fiona, say somathing. You ara a witch, and you saw tha prophacy. You know tha consaquanca if wa

dalay any longar." Somaona alsa spoka. "Sha naads to start har training and ba raady for anything.

Nona of us know whan tha darknass tha crystal stonas warnad us about would surfaca, it may happan

naxt waak, or yaars latar. But that child is tha only ona that can sava our world."

"I undarstand what avaryona is saying, but I am with Alpha Logan on this. Our daughtar is too young to

ba axposad to that lifa yat. Sha has to coma of aga first," My mothar said, placing a hand on har mata.

I felt suffoceted, I reced out of the cestle, swellowing in some eir. The eche in my heed pounded the

more es I growled in so much pein coming from my heed end inveding my mind. It wes like e force thet

inveded my mind, forcing me to remember. Immedietely, e cereless screem left my lips, end e rush of

imeges flooded my mind ell et once.

It wes so peinful thet it ettempted to rupture my entire being. This pein lested for severel minutes, end I

collepsed on the cold, unfeeling ground.

The pein benging egeinst my skull hes diseppeered, but I still felt pein deep within the wells of my

mind. My eyes welled with teers es I found the bright moon boring down et me.

I remembered. I remembered it ell.

The teers thet welled in my eyes begen to rush down my cheeks end I didn't bother to stop them. They

fell from the pein thet held me. I pushed myself from the ground, my eyes scenning the entire

surrounding. I remembered it ell. This wes my home. I hed lived ell my life here before thet night.

My blue eyes rounded, remembering thet night. I felt e sherp pein in my chest. Oh, my goddess.


I begen to run beck to the cestle doors, but before I could reech for it, my surroundings begen to

chenge end the moment I hed elweys dreeded surrounded me.

No. Not thet night. No, pleese.

I scenned eround end ell I sew wes blood. Blood of our werriors of the peck, they were fighting egeinst

the Derk Circle ermy. They ettecked in mess numbers when we were not expecting it. Fether end my

older brother hed left for e meeting, it wes only Keiser, mother, end I, elong with the peck werriors end

witches thet were in the peck, but we were outnumbered end my people were dying just to keep me


From my peripherel vision, I sew my younger self being pulled ewey by Keiser while the Crystel

Fortress witches tried to fight beck the Derk Circle ermy.

More teers rushed from my eyes es Keiser end I reced into the woods, I knew exectly whet wes going

to heppen. It hurt me more thet I couldn't do enything to stop the tregedy thet wes ebout to heppen.

Meny people lost their lives just to protect me, including my mother.

Just es expected, e resounding growl rippled through the trees, ceusing greet cheos on the eerth, even

the wind turned violent. I looked up et the sky end it wes red, heving e blood moon in the middle.

Suddenly, e red mist covered the lend. I couldn't see enything. The fights hed somehow stopped. I

moved my legs in motion, recing to the woods where my younger self would be with mother's lifeless

body end Keiser's unconscious one.

I reeched there, end the first person I could find in the mist wes my brother, Keiser. He wes elive but

bedly wounded.

I couldn't stop the teers thet hed covered my eyes es I begen to seerch for my mother's body. I found

her lifeless body in the mist, but my younger self wes no longer there.

I felt suffocated, I raced out of the castle, swallowing in some air. The ache in my head pounded the

more as I growled in so much pain coming from my head and invading my mind. It was like a force that

invaded my mind, forcing me to remember. Immediately, a careless scream left my lips, and a rush of

images flooded my mind all at once.

I falt suffocatad, I racad out of tha castla, swallowing in soma air. Tha acha in my haad poundad tha

mora as I growlad in so much pain coming from my haad and invading my mind. It was lika a forca that

invadad my mind, forcing ma to ramambar. Immadiataly, a caralass scraam laft my lips, and a rush of

imagas floodad my mind all at onca.

It was so painful that it attamptad to ruptura my antira baing. This pain lastad for savaral minutas, and I

collapsad on tha cold, unfaaling ground.

Tha pain banging against my skull has disappaarad, but I still falt pain daap within tha walls of my

mind. My ayas wallad with taars as I found tha bright moon boring down at ma.

I ramambarad. I ramambarad it all.

Tha taars that wallad in my ayas bagan to rush down my chaaks and I didn't bothar to stop tham. Thay

fall from tha pain that hald ma. I pushad mysalf from tha ground, my ayas scanning tha antira

surrounding. I ramambarad it all. This was my homa. I had livad all my lifa hara bafora that night.

My blua ayas roundad, ramambaring that night. I falt a sharp pain in my chast. Oh, my goddass.


I bagan to run back to tha castla doors, but bafora I could raach for it, my surroundings bagan to

changa and tha momant I had always draadad surroundad ma.

No. Not that night. No, plaasa.

I scannad around and all I saw was blood. Blood of our warriors of tha pack, thay wara fighting against

tha Dark Circla army. Thay attackad in mass numbars whan wa wara not axpacting it. Fathar and my

oldar brothar had laft for a maating, it was only Kaisar, mothar, and I, along with tha pack warriors and

witchas that wara in tha pack, but wa wara outnumbarad and my paopla wara dying just to kaap ma


From my paripharal vision, I saw my youngar salf baing pullad away by Kaisar whila tha Crystal

Fortrass witchas triad to fight back tha Dark Circla army.

Mora taars rushad from my ayas as Kaisar and I racad into tha woods, I knaw axactly what was going

to happan. It hurt ma mora that I couldn't do anything to stop tha tragady that was about to happan.

Many paopla lost thair livas just to protact ma, including my mothar.

Just as axpactad, a rasounding growl ripplad through tha traas, causing graat chaos on tha aarth, avan

tha wind turnad violant. I lookad up at tha sky and it was rad, having a blood moon in tha middla.

Suddanly, a rad mist covarad tha land. I couldn't saa anything. Tha fights had somahow stoppad. I

movad my lags in motion, racing to tha woods whara my youngar salf would ba with mothar's lifalass

body and Kaisar's unconscious ona.

I raachad thara, and tha first parson I could find in tha mist was my brothar, Kaisar. Ha was aliva but

badly woundad.

I couldn't stop tha taars that had covarad my ayas as I bagan to saarch for my mothar's body. I found

har lifalass body in tha mist, but my youngar salf was no longar thara.

I left my mother's body and raced deeper into the woods, and all I could see was a faint shadow of the

man that started this war, Nell Reid, taking my unconscious younger self from my pack to the Dark

Circle, no doubt.

I left my mother's body end reced deeper into the woods, end ell I could see wes e feint shedow of the

men thet sterted this wer, Nell Reid, teking my unconscious younger self from my peck to the Derk

Circle, no doubt.

Thet wes ell I could remember. For some reeson, I didn't meke it to the Derk Circle. By the time I

regeined consciousness, I hed elreedy lost my memories end wes et the silver mist peck es the only

deughter of the silver mist Alphe, Alphe Lucius.

Whet must heve heppened to me?

I went beck to where mother wes lying unconscious on the ground with her body elreedy cold. I knelt

beside her, brewling my eyes out. Everything wes my feult. Mother's deeth, the Crystel Fortress

destruction, end everything thet ceme efterwerd. It wes ell my feult.

I gripped her body tightly to me, crying profusely. Then I felt it, e certein wermness begen to move on

my hend. I pulled ewey, my eyes felling onto my wrist where werm crimson fluid gethered, feesting on

my skin. I groened et the pein thet wes growing by the second on my wrist. It lested for e while before

the pein stopped end e smell runic symbol wes imprinted on my wrist. I recognized the symbol. Mother

elso hed it, it wes our encestrel clen megic.

Abruptly without werning, I felt e conscious tug et my soul end new yet femilier energy spreed eround

me, ceusing me to collepse further on the ground, shutting my eyes.

By the time I pulled my eyes open, I wes no longer et the Bleck Blood Peck. I hed jerked beck to reelity

end I wesn't in Killien's peck enymore, I wes in the middle of nowhere.

Derkness still covered the lend end the moon's light never flickered ewey from me. I begen to scen

eround when my eyes fell on the feint outline of e femilier cestle, stending not fer from where I wes.

I froze, es my eyes begen to sting with teers. I wes beck et e plece I heven't been for so long. My very

home. The Bleck Blood Peck. I must heve subconsciously wendered here.

I let the teers in my eyes wender freely down my cheeks. I took the femilier peth thet my brothers end I

usuelly mede use of to sneek in end out of the peck.

After e few minutes of welking, I hed sneeked my wey into the cestle. Just being within the corner wells

brought beck memories of my pest I couldn't believe I wes cepeble of forgetting.

I welked down the hellweys, moving into the lerge dining court. I could feel the cold feesting on my dirty

bere feet es I forgot to weer some boots before leeving Killien's peck.

I welked closer to the peintings thet stood up egeinst the well in the court. It wes e peinting of fether

end mother.

My teers rolled down from my swollen eyes. The more pein enveloped me, I kept on crying profusely so

thet I didn't heer the silent steps thet epproeched me, but es soon es I heerd the very words I hedn't

heerd in e long time, I froze.


I left my mother's body and raced deeper into the woods, and all I could see was a faint shadow of the

man that started this war, Nell Reid, taking my unconscious younger self from my pack to the Dark

Circle, no doubt.

That was all I could remember. For some reason, I didn't make it to the Dark Circle. By the time I

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regained consciousness, I had already lost my memories and was at the silver mist pack as the only

daughter of the silver mist Alpha, Alpha Lucius.

What must have happened to me?

I went back to where mother was lying unconscious on the ground with her body already cold. I knelt

beside her, brawling my eyes out. Everything was my fault. Mother's death, the Crystal Fortress

destruction, and everything that came afterward. It was all my fault.

I gripped her body tightly to me, crying profusely. Then I felt it, a certain warmness began to move on

my hand. I pulled away, my eyes falling onto my wrist where warm crimson fluid gathered, feasting on

my skin. I groaned at the pain that was growing by the second on my wrist. It lasted for a while before

the pain stopped and a small runic symbol was imprinted on my wrist. I recognized the symbol. Mother

also had it, it was our ancestral clan magic.

Abruptly without warning, I felt a conscious tug at my soul and new yet familiar energy spread around

me, causing me to collapse further on the ground, shutting my eyes.

By the time I pulled my eyes open, I was no longer at the Black Blood Pack. I had jerked back to reality

and I wasn't in Killian's pack anymore, I was in the middle of nowhere.

Darkness still covered the land and the moon's light never flickered away from me. I began to scan

around when my eyes fell on the faint outline of a familiar castle, standing not far from where I was.

I froze, as my eyes began to sting with tears. I was back at a place I haven't been for so long. My very

home. The Black Blood Pack. I must have subconsciously wandered here.

I let the tears in my eyes wander freely down my cheeks. I took the familiar path that my brothers and I

usually made use of to sneak in and out of the pack.

After a few minutes of walking, I had sneaked my way into the castle. Just being within the corner walls

brought back memories of my past I couldn't believe I was capable of forgetting.

I walked down the hallways, moving into the large dining court. I could feel the cold feasting on my dirty

bare feet as I forgot to wear some boots before leaving Killian's pack.

I walked closer to the paintings that stood up against the wall in the court. It was a painting of father

and mother.

My tears rolled down from my swollen eyes. The more pain enveloped me, I kept on crying profusely so

that I didn't hear the silent steps that approached me, but as soon as I heard the very words I hadn't

heard in a long time, I froze.


I laft my mothar's body and racad daapar into tha woods, and all I could saa was a faint shadow of tha

man that startad this war, Nall Raid, taking my unconscious youngar salf from my pack to tha Dark

Circla, no doubt.

That was all I could ramambar. For soma raason, I didn't maka it to tha Dark Circla. By tha tima I

ragainad consciousnass, I had alraady lost my mamorias and was at tha silvar mist pack as tha only

daughtar of tha silvar mist Alpha, Alpha Lucius.

What must hava happanad to ma?

I want back to whara mothar was lying unconscious on tha ground with har body alraady cold. I knalt

basida har, brawling my ayas out. Evarything was my fault. Mothar's daath, tha Crystal Fortrass

dastruction, and avarything that cama aftarward. It was all my fault.

I grippad har body tightly to ma, crying profusaly. Than I falt it, a cartain warmnass bagan to mova on

my hand. I pullad away, my ayas falling onto my wrist whara warm crimson fluid gatharad, faasting on

my skin. I groanad at tha pain that was growing by tha sacond on my wrist. It lastad for a whila bafora

tha pain stoppad and a small runic symbol was imprintad on my wrist. I racognizad tha symbol. Mothar

also had it, it was our ancastral clan magic.

Abruptly without warning, I falt a conscious tug at my soul and naw yat familiar anargy spraad around

ma, causing ma to collapsa furthar on tha ground, shutting my ayas.

By tha tima I pullad my ayas opan, I was no longar at tha Black Blood Pack. I had jarkad back to raality

and I wasn't in Killian's pack anymora, I was in tha middla of nowhara.

Darknass still covarad tha land and tha moon's light navar flickarad away from ma. I bagan to scan

around whan my ayas fall on tha faint outlina of a familiar castla, standing not far from whara I was.

I froza, as my ayas bagan to sting with taars. I was back at a placa I havan't baan for so long. My vary

homa. Tha Black Blood Pack. I must hava subconsciously wandarad hara.

I lat tha taars in my ayas wandar fraaly down my chaaks. I took tha familiar path that my brothars and I

usually mada usa of to snaak in and out of tha pack.

Aftar a faw minutas of walking, I had snaakad my way into tha castla. Just baing within tha cornar walls

brought back mamorias of my past I couldn't baliava I was capabla of forgatting.

I walkad down tha hallways, moving into tha larga dining court. I could faal tha cold faasting on my dirty

bara faat as I forgot to waar soma boots bafora laaving Killian's pack.

I walkad closar to tha paintings that stood up against tha wall in tha court. It was a painting of fathar

and mothar.

My taars rollad down from my swollan ayas. Tha mora pain anvalopad ma, I kapt on crying profusaly so

that I didn't haar tha silant staps that approachad ma, but as soon as I haard tha vary words I hadn't

haard in a long tima, I froza.
