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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1056-1060
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1056

The blood on William’s face rubbed his entire trouser legs, very disgusting!

Caesar was so angry that he kicked him out again, and sternly said: “You kid do not want to face, right?

Is it dead? Damn, when did this car become yours? “

When William heard this, he thought that Caesar was also Jeff’s creditor, thinking that he was also here

to grab the car, so he desperately rushed up again, clinging to Caesar’s leg, and shouting: “This Phaeton

is mine!

This Phaeton is mine! You can’t drive away!”

Caesar was furious, grabbed his collar, and kept pulling his face fiercely: “Is your brain sick? Didn’t you

see my car key? When will my car become your car? Up?”

William cried loudly: “No! This is Jeff’s car.

Jeff owes me 620,000 Dollar. I want to use this car to repay the debt. You can’t drive it away. You want

me to drive it away. Life!”

Caesar punched him again and scolded: “You really have a fcking brain problem! I tell you, this car itself

belongs to my, not the kid Jeff. He hit my car. I threw the car to him and let him recover it. Now that Jeff is

dead, I will naturally drive the car back.

If you f*cking dare to talk too much, be careful I will now Your life!”

William cried and said, “How is this possible? This is impossible. This car is obviously Jeff. Jeff has two

cars, one is a Mercedes-Benz and the other is a Phaeton. His Mercedes-Benz has crashed, so He drove

the Phaeton now, and now that someone else is dead and still owes me so much money, I must take this

car to repay the debt! If you don’t give me this car, then you kill me, and I Not alive!”

Caesar is also about to collapse.

He didn’t expect this kid to be an annoyance who couldn’t be killed. He had beaten him like this, and he

even dared to hold his leg and not let go.

But in broad daylight, I can’t really kill him, otherwise, even if I mix well, I can’t suppress such a big


Thinking of this, he just wanted to get rid of the neurosis quickly, so he carried William to his Phaeton car

like a chicken, pointed at the entire rear of the Phaeton that was hit, and said coldly: “Come on, stay

away. Your dog’s eyes can see clearly. Is there any injury on the back of this car? Why is there an injury?

It was that Jeff drove the Mercedes-Benz yesterday and rear-ended my Phaeton. Now you should

believe it?”

William’s face was bloody and bloody, but he still shook his head and said, “I don’t believe it! I don’t

believe it! This car belongs to Jeff! I want to use it to pay off debts, you can’t drive away!”

Caesar felt helpless for the first time.

What should we do now?

Can’t you really kill him?

But if he hit him like this, he didn’t let go, just so entangled and consumed, this is not a way!

In desperation, he shouted to his little brother: “Doug, you take out the driving license of this Phaeton

from the armrest box of the Audi a6! Hurry up!”

The little brother hurriedly took out a certificate from the car and handed it over quickly.

Caesar opened the certificate, handed it to him, pointed to the license plate number on the driving book

of the car, and said, “You show me the license plate number, is it this Phaeton?”

The car license is the ID card of a car, which records all the information of the car, including its license

plate number, frame number, engine number registration date, registration place and its owner.

William narrowed his eyes and only glanced at it, and suddenly he felt as desperate as an ice cellar!

The license plate number on this driving permit is exactly the same as that of the Phaeton.

Moreover, the owner’s name written on this driving permit is called Caesar, not Jeff!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1057

William finally knew what kind of scam he had experienced.

It turned out that Jeff was not as rich and successful as he said. Not only that, but he also caused a


He crashed Caesar’s Phaeton and urgently needed to buy a new one for Caesar, which is the

fundamental reason why he boasted about making money and deceived himself to get him more than

600,000 Dollar.

But the worst thing now is that this bastard is dead.

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In other words, don’t even want to get back your 620,000.

At this time, his heart was painful, more painful than the wound on his body.

Caesar, who beat him violently, saw that he was no longer crazy as he was just now, and he was a little

relieved, and said to him: “You can see clearly this time, I am going to drive away myself.

There’s nothing wrong with the car.”

Although Caesar looked down on William in his heart, William’s crazy state just now made him somewhat


He also mixed up all the way, so he knows that this kind of person is actually very scary. If he really

anxes him, he is likely to desperately fight with you.

So it is better not to provoke such a person, at least not to provoke him. When William heard his words,

his heart was already gloomy. He didn’t even dare to think about what he should do in a week. Because,

after a week, some platforms are about to start repayment.

By that time, they will not have the money, and they don’t know how they will treat themselves. Seeing

that he was in a daze, Caesar seemed to be lost in a daze, so he didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him

any more, so he got into the car and started and drove away.

William sat on the ground alone, smelling the exhaust left by the Phaeton car, tears streaming down his

face. His tears kept streaming, mixed with blood and dust on his face, leaving two obvious tear marks on

his face. His guy who drove a tow truck dared to jump out of the car, walked to him, squatted down,

patted him on the shoulder and asked, “Do you want me to call the police for you?”

William cried and said, “I’m done, the person who cheated me is also dead, what’s the point of calling the

police…” The other party didn’t know what he had gone through. At this time, he sighed softly and said:

“Then can’t you drag the car?”

William looked at him and yelled: “You’re so f*cking blind, didn’t you watch the car and let people drive

away? I’m dragging a feather! The other party couldn’t help but frowned and thought, if I had just yelled,

you would have been beaten to death. I am kindly coming over to care about you now, did you pretend to

be with me?

Okay, then you can pretend it yourself, uncle won’t play with you! Thinking of this, he stood up and said

to William: “Then if you don’t want to tow the truck, I will leave.” William came back to his senses and

hurriedly said: “You return the 800 Dollar to me before leaving!” The other party said angrily: “You are

arguing with us, I don’t need money to drive all the way? I drive a car in the repair shop.

As long as I go out, the repair shop will assume that I have started to pick up the job, regardless of you. If

the car is not towed, I have to report the income to the repair shop when I go back!” William angrily said:

“I don’t care about your reasons, it has nothing to do with me, I only know that I didn’t let you tow the car,

so you have to return my money to me!”

The other party was also anxious, and said in a huff, “I said you don’t understand people’s speech? The

repair shop has regulations. As long as you leave the car, you will charge a fee. You ask me to return the

money to you. Go back to the repair shop and ask me for Money, what should I do?”

William said coldly: “I’m the one who cares about you, what does it have to do with me, you quickly

return the money to me!” The other party did not expect that this person would not speak any truth at all,

and said angrily: “A person like you deserves to be deceived and deceived you into bankruptcy!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1058

After speaking, he ignored him and turned away. William limped to catch up, and cursed: “You bastard,

quickly return the money to me, otherwise I will never finish with you!” “Pschyo!” The other party cursed,

climbed onto the trailer and drove away. William couldn’t catch up with his car, and his heart was

extremely angry, but seeing that the other party had already left, he could do nothing, and his deep

despair replaced the anger just now.

Now, my top priority is how to deal with the 500,000 usury. At this moment, he felt that his life was almost

desperate. At this time he thought of his girlfriend Juanita.

William is also an orphan.

He has no father, no mother, and no relatives. He finally talked with Juanita about being boyfriend and

girlfriend, so he felt that Juanita was his only relative. Now that he has encountered such a major

setback, when he is desperate and not knowing what to do, he just wants to see his beloved woman,

hoping that his beloved woman can give him some comfort.

So he wiped his face with his clothes, limped to the gate of the community, and stopped a taxi. The taxi

driver had seen him look so terrible and didn’t dare to pull him. But he grabbed the other side’s rearview

mirror and didn’t let go, and shouted: “If you don’t pull me today, I will complain to you to death!”

The taxi driver did not dare to blatantly refuse the ride, so he could only get him in the car and drove to

the neighborhood where his girlfriend’s house was located according to his request. However, William is

now penniless and can’t afford the taxi fare.

He can only count in his heart, there is a very narrow alley near his girlfriend’s house, and that alley

cannot be driven in by cars, and it is very winding inside. If you ask the driver to stop at that alley and

then get into the alley while he is unprepared, he should not be able to catch up with him.

In this way, you don’t have to pay for taxi fare. William does what he thinks. When he was approaching

his girlfriend’s house, he asked the driver to stop at the alley. The driver turned off the meter and said, “A

total of 45 Dollar.”

William nodded, turned on the phone, opened WeChat and scanned it and said: “I don’t have cash, scan

the QR code to pay.” The driver said directly: “There is a WeChat QR code in the back row. Please scan

the code directly.” William pretended to scan the QR code, then pretended to tinker for a while, and said

to the driver: “Master’s money has been transferred.”

The driver said: “I didn’t hear the prompt, I have all voice prompts.” William deliberately said: “Maybe the

internet is not good, and I will receive it immediately.” After finishing talking, William immediately pushed

the car door, and ran into the alley as if stepping crazy. He thought that he was familiar with the terrain of

this alley, and he could get rid of the driver by going in and around twice.

He didn’t expect that he was beaten so badly. As soon as he got out of the car and was about to run, he

immediately ran out of breath. I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen, and one fell to the ground without

standing still.

At this time, the driver also realized that he was going to run, and hurriedly pushed the door to chase

him, and found that he had fallen to the ground, and said angrily: “I want to run before the money has

been paid? Give me the money quickly!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1059

William lay on the ground, looking at the fierce taxi driver, his expression was no longer the arrogance he

had when he stopped the car and threatened others. He looked at the driver, crying and begging:

“Master, I just went bankrupt and have nothing, and I owed a debt. I was beaten into such a situation

again. I really have no money to pay the fare, please. Please let me go!”

The driver said angrily: “You owe a debt, and I still owe a debt. If I have money, would I still open a rental

car? Do you think this 45 Dollar is good? This 45 Dollar is enough for Master. Have eaten for two days!

Get it out for me quickly!” William cried out: “Master, I really don’t have money, and I don’t have any

valuables on my body. I beg you, you can take pity on me!”

The taxi driver yelled coldly: “Don’t come to this set with me, then if you don’t give me the money, I’ll call

the police!” When William heard this, he hurriedly got up, knelt under his feet, and kowtowed to him:

“Master, I really have no money. Even if you kill me, I have no money. I beg you. I beg you, can’t I just

kowtow to you? You just treat me as your son and kowtow to you in the New Ye ar to say hello.

Don’t you have to wrap me a red envelope too?”

The taxi driver had never seen such a shameless person, and he was trembling with anger: “You… why

are you so shameless? Do you have no parents? If your parents knew that you were outside for 45

Dollar Kowtowing to others, to be others’ sons, what are their feelings?”

William’s nose was sour: “The master told you that I was an orphan. I had no father and no mother since

I was a child. I grew up in the Aurouss Hilll Welfare Institute. Going away, that bastard not only defrauded

my 120,000 savings, but also defrauded me to loan him 500,000 usury from various loan apps. Now he

is on a dead end…”

When the taxi driver saw that he didn’t seem to be telling lies, he couldn’t help but be shocked: “I’m all

rushing to a well-off society, why are there such unlucky people?”

Seeing this, he really couldn’t bear it, and continued to force him for the fare.

So he sighed and said to William: “For the sake of your pitiful life, since you have no father and no

mother, forget it this time.

If I am unlucky, I will ask you to ride in the car!”

When William heard this, he immediately knocked three heads again and said gratefully: “You are such a

good person, you are my second-born parent!”

After speaking, he raised his head, looked at the taxi driver, and pleaded: “You have already asked me to

take the car.

Can you give me another 50 Dollar and treat me like a meal?”

The taxi driver was so annoyed that he kicked him away and cursed: “Sure enough, a poor person must

have something to hate. You can say it if you are so shameless. I really f*cking convinced you!”

After speaking, the driver turned back to the taxi, started the car and left.

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William struggled to get up from the ground, patted the soil on his body, and thought to himself:

“Although the process was a bit bumpy, it ultimately saved the 45 Dollar.”

It took up 45 Dollar for the taxi driver, which made William feel a little better.

He limped to his girlfriend’s house, thinking in his heart, the first thing he saw his girlfriend, he must

pounce in her arms and cry.

My girlfriend’s house lives in a shanty town in this city, which is the kind of self-built house, which is

relatively shabby.

However, in William’s eyes, this is a gold mine, because shanty towns are being managed everywhere

now, saying that the house will be demolished when it is demolished, and the house will be lost when it is

demolished. There are two or three houses in a row.

Therefore, he is also eager to get married with his girlfriend earlier, so that he can join their family and

become a son-in-law, and after the demolition in the future, he can share some benefits.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1060

When he came to the door of his girlfriend’s house, he knocked on the door, but no one came out to

open the door.

He didn’t know that Juanita, his girlfriend, was in her room at this time, and a customer of hers who

bought fake cigarettes was doing the same thing intently.

He sent a call to his girlfriend on WeChat, and the other party did not respond. He thought that the other

party was asleep, so he found a key under a pickle jar at the door of his girlfriend’s house.

This is the secret that he discovered by chance that the future mother-in-law is under the pickle jar. It

may be that older people are easier to forget, so the future mother-in-law hid such a key in case of


But this time it was convenient for William.

After William took out the key, he opened the door and entered the courtyard of this self-built house.

After entering the yard, although the door to the room was closed, it was not locked.

So William opened the door and walked in, passing through the living room. He suddenly heard a very,

very strange sound from the bedroom inside, like the soft moan of his girlfriend.

He limped to the door, and the more he listened, the more he felt something was not right, because the

voice from inside seemed to be a man besides his girlfriend, and there was also a very crazy sense of


Thinking of something, he kicked the door angrily and saw the naked people on the bed hugging each

other tightly. The one below was his girlfriend Juanita.

William was very angry at this moment, and he shouted hysterically: “Juanita! Why are you bastard

betraying me?!”

The two people on the bed let out a cry of fright, and then quickly turned over and hid under the bed.

Juanita wrapped her body very tightly and looked at William nervously: “You… why are you here? ? How

did you get in?”

William angrily scolded: “How do you care about me getting in? If you don’t come in and see, you won’t

know that you dare to betray me!”

As he said, he looked at the fat man next to Juanita, gritted his teeth and cursed: “You dog dare to sleep

with my girlfriend, I’m fighting with you!”

After speaking, William rushed towards the fat man.

But before he got there, the fat man kicked him directly through the quilt, kicked him upside down with

one kick, kicked out the door directly, and cursed, “So you’re the silly waste.” ! What kind of blessings

can Juanita enjoy following you? What good life can she live on? I heard that you can’t make a lot of


Do you still expect Juanita to sell fake cigarettes to support you in the future?”

Juanita asked in surprise: “how do you know that I sell fake cigarettes…”

The fat man petted and said: “Fool, I have smoked for so many years, can I still not get the real China

and the fake China?”

Juanita was even more surprised, and blurted out: “You know that the cigarettes I sell are fake, why do

you buy them?

And you buy so many at once?”

The fat man picked her chin and said with a smile: “I feel sorry for you. You want you to make more

money. It doesn’t matter to me to buy a few fake cigarettes, I will be happy as long as you can be happy!”

Juanita’s face was full of the shyness of a girl, she threw herself in his arms and said shyly: “You are

really kind to me…”