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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1111-1115
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1111

Elaine Ma’s entire popularity is about to explode.

She really didn’t expect that she told Charlie Wade in the morning that she must beware of the Lady, but

instead of taking it seriously, he bought so many leeks.

It’s all right now, it’s cheaper, this Lady.

Like before, Elaine Ma had already scolded Charlie Wade, but now she didn’t have the courage.

At this time, Claire Wilson Wilson asked Charlie Wade in the room: “What does my husband eat tonight?”

Charlie Wade smiled and asked, “Don’t you usually care about these? Why do you care about what to

eat today?”

Claire Wilson Wilson smiled and said, “I want to pick it in the vegetable garden. You said I will pick it up

in the vegetable garden for whatever vegetables I want in the evening, how about it? Is that okay?”

Charlie Wade nodded and said with a smile: “Then let’s go together, just like this morning.”

Claire Wilson Wilson thought that Charlie Wade had taken the first kiss in the morning, and her pretty

face instantly turned red.

She gave Charlie Wade a white look, and said shyly: “You can pick, but you must not take advantage of

me anymore!”

Charlie Wade pretended to be puzzled and asked, “Wife, what are you talking about? Why don’t I

understand, what is taking advantage of and not taking advantage.”

Claire Wilson Wilson snorted, “Anyway, you keep a distance of more than half a meter from me!”

After speaking, he turned and went downstairs first.

Charlie Wade hurriedly followed. .

When the two came to the vegetable garden, Claire Wilson Wilson saw the leeks on the ground at a

glance, and asked in surprise, “Where did the leeks come from? I haven’t seen them in the morning.”

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “I asked a friend to send it.”

Claire Wilson Wilson smiled and said, “Then we can eat fried shrimps with leeks at night, can we?”

Charlie Wade hurriedly said: “The leek hasn’t grown well yet, so I can’t eat it yet.”

“Huh?” Claire Wilson Wilson asked in surprise, “I think they look good, why can’t they eat it?”

Charlie Wade said: “You don’t understand, this leek looks good now, but you can wait a while before you

can eat it.”

Claire Wilson Wilson nodded and said, “Okay, then, would you like to have a roasted eggplant that night?

I want to eat Mushu meat.”

“Okay.” Charlie Wade said with a smile: “The whole vegetable garden can eat except leeks, and

everything else is fine.”

The young couple picked some vegetables and went back to the kitchen to cook together. Claire Wilson

Wilson also liked this feeling. It was a good feeling to be busy in the kitchen with Charlie Wade.

The Wilson family was even more busy at this time.

Because there are so many people, and Mrs. Wilson also cuts more leeks, all five people are busy at this


Lady Wilson was busy making noodles, Christopher was busy chopping meat, Hannah was busy

scrambled eggs, Harold and Wendy were busy washing leeks.

It’s just that Christopher was a little depressed. He was making minced meat while complaining, “Why

don’t you just buy minced minced meat? I have to buy the whole piece of meat and chop the stuffing?

My arms are sore now. .”

Hannah blurted out: “Mom said that the stuffing made by the machine is not smelling like the stuffing

chopped by hand.”

“Net nonsense.” Christopher said with his lips contemptuously: “Aren’t they all the same meat? What’s

the difference between a person’s hand-chop?”

At this time, I heard the Lady cursing behind her: “You know what a fart! Ask the older people, who

doesn’t know, only hand-chopped meat is delicious?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1112

Christopher had no choice but to say, “Well, well, what you said is right. Isn’t it okay to listen to you?”

Mrs. Wilson gave him a glaring look and said, “Use a little harder and chop the meat a little bit!”

“I know…” Christopher answered dryly.

In the evening, the meat stuffing was done, the eggs were fried, and a lot of daffodils were washed clean

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and placed on the chopping board.

The Lady came out to make the filling herself. First, she made a leek and egg with eggs and leeks, and

then made a leek and pork with meat and leeks.

Everyone in the Wilson family has already begun to drool.

After all, the family has been relatively turbulent recently. They have not eaten such a life-like home-

made dumplings for a long time.

The Lady personally led everyone to make dumplings. To tell the truth, everyone made dumplings, all

kinds of stuff, and there is really some New Year atmosphere.

Mrs. Wilson, who has always had a bad temper, feels the warmth of family life at this moment.

She finally had a kind side, patiently teaching her grandchildren how to make dumplings better and


Christopher also sighed deep in his heart, and he also liked the happy feeling now. Especially when the

missing wife came back, the two returned to their original harmonious and loving life. Coupled with the

fact that the children are right beside them, and they still live in such a great villa, the Wilson Group will

be revitalized soon. Life is perfect at this moment.

If he were to use four words to describe the feeling at this moment, it would be: What can the husband

ask for?

I feel that life has reached a high dynasty. Lady Wilson took everyone to make a lot of dumplings.

Hannah moved the induction cooker in the kitchen to the living room. Everyone just watched TV in the

living room while making dumplings and preparing to cook dumplings.

Although the TV was a bit smaller, it still looked pretty good. Harold found a comedy movie “Nine Pins

Sesame Official” by Stephen Chow, and the family watched it with relish. Hannah watched TV and

looked at the dumplings in the pot. Soon, the dumplings in the pot floated up, and the fragrance was

overflowing for a while, making people appetite when they smell it.

Lady Wilson hurriedly urged: “Hannah, hurry up and give me a bowl.” Christopher said with a smile:

“Hurry up and put all the dumplings out, and then cook the next batch. I’ll get some vinegar and eat

dumplings!” Harold and Wendy also hurriedly surrounded them.

After Hannah fished out the dumplings, Christopher also came with the old vinegar. Thus, the five

members of the Wilson family happily ate the dumplings they made. Christopher was the quickest to

start, regardless of the fact that the dumplings were still very hot, so he put one into his mouth and

muttered vaguely: “Oh my god, this is the delicious stuffing from the dumplings he chopped up!”

Lady Wilson also ate one quickly, and exclaimed, “Oh, these leeks are so tender!” Hannah asked while

eating, “Where did Charlie Wade get such good leeks? You can’t buy such good leeks at the vegetable

market!” Lady Wilson ate another one, and said with emotion: “Charlie Wade, a little bastard, is still a

little capable. I misunderstood him before. I knew he had this ability to deceive and deceive him. I should

have kept him in the Wilson Group.

Great use.” Harold hurriedly said: “Grandma, why does the Wilson Group want this kind of waste?

Rubbish like Charlie Wade makes money by cheating people will explode sooner or later. I don’t know

how many people will line up to kill him!”

Lady Wilson hummed, and waved her hand: “Okay, don’t talk about that, hurry up. There are so many

dumplings today. Everyone eats at least two bowls!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1113

The Wilson family made two kinds of stuffed dumplings, and they made a lot of them. As far as the

number of dumplings they made, ten adults could eat enough. However, the five members of the Wilson

family ate all these dumplings. After eating, each of the Wilson family members were already unable to

stand up.

Seeing that 20 or 30 dumplings were left on the plate on the table, Mrs. Wilson said to a few people:

“Who of you has tried to eat all these dumplings, don’t waste it!” Christopher touched his round belly and

said embarrassedly: “Mom, I really can’t eat anymore. I can’t eat any of them.” Hannah also shook her

head again and again and said, “Mom, I can’t eat it anymore, I’m eating too much.”

Wendy didn’t even have the strength to speak, so she slumped on the sofa and waved her hand. Harold

said, “Grandma, why not put it in the refrigerator first, and fry it tomorrow morning before eating.” There

was a smirk on Old Lady Wilson’s face. She said to Hannah: “, you put these dumplings in a plastic bag

and send them to Charlie Wade’s house.”

Hannah asked in surprise: “Mom, why should good dumplings be sent to their home?” Lady Wilson

smiled and said, “How can I tell them to taste their leeks! I’m mad at them!” Harold said, “Grandma, do

you want to add some laxatives in it?” Christopher asked: “The dumplings are all wrapped and cooked.

Where should the laxatives be added?”

Harold said: “You can grind the laxative into a powder, then drink water and use a syringe to hit the


“Oh, this method is good!” Wendy said happily, “Brother, your method is really wonderful!” Lady Wilson

said: “It happened to me that there was a first aid kit in the storage room of this villa, which contained all

medicines and syringes!” Harold immediately slapped his arms and said, “Okay, I’ll leave the matter to

my grandma. Tonight, Charlie Wade and his family broke their bowels!”

Having said that, he immediately got up and went to the storage room, and soon raised a plastic box with

a red cross logo from inside. The former owner of this villa has fully prepared the daily necessities. The

medicine box is fully prepared for everything from colds and fever, to gastrointestinal conditioning, to

chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

Harold immediately found a bottle of fruit guide film inside and said with a sinister smile: “I have been

constipated for a while and I will take this. The effect is very good. Taking two packets will break the

intestine.” Wendy hurriedly said, “Then put one pill in each dumpling!”

“Okay!” Harold said with a smile, “Let them have a good time tonight.” After that, Harold began to grind

the fruit guide pieces into powder, and then use a syringe to mix water into the dumplings.

But just halfway through the processing of more than 20 dumplings, Harold felt the cramps in his

abdomen, and the pain made him clutch his stomach with a cry. Hannah hurriedly asked him: “What’s

wrong with you son?” Harold said in pain: “My stomach hurts so much, mom, it hurts so much, it’s like

screwing my intestines together…Oh, it hurts me so much…”

After that, Harold felt a strange energy in his abdomen, like a trapped and mad mouse, fleeing to his

lower part frantically. Before he got back to his senses, he instantly released a terrifying fart! The huge

luxurious living room was filled with an extremely disgusting stench.

Lady Wilson was coughed a few times and cursed, “Harold! Do you still have a conscience for putting

such a stinky fart in front of your family?” Wendy also covered her mouth and nose with disgust, and said

angrily, “Brother, your fart is too stinky!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1114

Harold said in pain at this moment: “I don’t know what’s going on, I just feel a pain in my stomach…” At

this point, Harold instantly felt a stronger energy, several times stronger than before, and sprinted crazily

downwards at an extremely fast speed. Immediately afterwards, he heard a puff, and a stronger stench

instantly spread throughout the living room.

Christopher glanced under Harold’s buttocks and found that brown-black sticky material had leaked out.

He exclaimed, “f*cking Harold, why are you pulling your pants!” “Ah?

” Everyone looked around. It doesn’t matter at this look! Sure enough, something disgusting oozes under

Harold’s ass. Lady Wilson scolded angrily: “Asshole stuff, this sofa is imported from Italy!”

Harold was also frightened, and blurted out, “I…I…I don’t know what’s going on, but my stomach hurts

so much, it hurts so badly, and then I want to fart, no I know how…” Wendy asked in surprise: “Brother,

did you suck the crushed powder into your nose when you squeezed the laxative?”

“No!” Harold’s expression was extremely ugly.

Lady Wilson was about to scold him, she suddenly covered her belly, oops, and blurted out: “What’s the

matter? My stomach hurts to death, oops, oops, no way…”

While the Lady was talking, she stretched out her hand to cover her belly, but she fell to the ground

because of a sudden convulsion.

“Mom!” Seeing the Lady fall, Christopher hurriedly got up to help her. As a result, she got up fiercely. He

felt as if he had been stabbed several times in a row, painful and uncomfortable!

Immediately afterwards, he also felt the surging feeling in his stomach, and then he felt a hot and humid

inside his pants!

Broken! I pulled my pants too! This…… What exactly is going on? !

Lady Wilson was lying on the ground at this time, rolling in pain, and muttered: “Oh, oh, it hurts my Lady

to death, it’s horrible!”

After speaking, the Lady wowed and vomited all the things she had eaten in her stomach.

Immediately afterwards, I also felt that my abdomen was out of control, and suddenly pulled my pants…

Lady Wilson gushed out uncontrollably, crying to her father and mother: “Call the ambulance, call the


Wendy was about to take out her mobile phone, but her stomach pain was unbearable, and she

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collapsed on the sofa with a cry, unable to move.

Although Hannah had the latest attack, she soon began to vomit and diarrhea.

The whole living room is almost impossible to buy, it smells worse than the dry toilet on the side of the


Harold’s bottom was filled with excrement. He wanted to struggle to change to a clean place to sit, but he

couldn’t use his strength anyway. He had no choice but to grieve his face and twist his uncomfortable

eyebrows together. He asked, “Grandma, what are you dumplings? It’s not that it’s not clean!”

Lady Wilson said weakly, “Impossible. The leeks are fresh, the meat is fresh, and the eggs are fresh.

How could there be a problem?”

Wendy ’s lips turned purple, and she trembled and said, “Grandma, I feel like a knife cut in my stomach

now, so I shouldn’t die here…”

Christopher gritted his teeth and said, “I’ll call 120. You must hold on!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1115

At this time, the Wilson family had no idea what they were doing to vomit and diarrhea so painful.

Narcissus in daffodils is a very powerful and poisonous.

If it is purified narcissus, then only a very small amount is needed, and it may be fatal.

However, the content of this alkaloid in the daffodil itself is still relatively small, so eating too much will

cause a very strong sign of food poisoning, but generally speaking, as long as you don’t eat too much, it

will not be desirable.

Although it is unlikely to be fatal, the pain is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

It not only causes vomiting and diarrhea, but also fever, convulsions, and nervous system disorders.

If it is eaten hard, it may also cause shock, and then life-threatening.

Everyone in the Wilson family ate a lot today, and it was indeed a bit dangerous.

Even Charlie Wade didn’t expect that the Wilson family could eat so much.

It is often reported in the news that some people mistake daffodils for leeks and were poisoned and

hospitalized after eating them.

This kind of thing is really easy to confuse.

When 120 arrived, three of the five members of the Wilson family had passed out.

Only Jacob Wilson and Wendy were barely conscious.

But at this time, although they still have a weak consciousness, they can no longer control their bodies,

so everyone’s crotch is full of excrement.

The living room was so stinky that no one could get in at all. A few 120 emergency doctors immediately

turned around and vomited.

Five people vomited and diarrhea, this kind of smell is really very disheartening.

But there was no way. It was important to save people. They still resisted the disgusting taste and

rescued the five incontinent Wilson family from the villa.

The medical staff hurriedly rushed the Wilson family to an ambulance and took them to Aurouss Hilll

People’s Hospital.

After a gastric lavage and infusion, the Wilson family finally got some relief and temporarily recovered

and was arranged to continue the infusion in the emergency ward.

The Lady Wilson and Hannah’s beds were next to each other, and Christopher and others were in the


At this time, everyone had an earthy face, a sickly look, and they couldn’t beat any energy at all.

A doctor wearing a mask came in and asked, “What did your family eat at night? We initially suspected

that you should be food poisoned, so you have to think carefully about what you have eaten? We can

also determine the scope. Reduce it a bit. If you can’t find you, it’s because of some poison, then we

can’t prescribe the right medicine.”

Lady Wilson couldn’t help muttering: “Our family didn’t eat anything else at night, just a meal of


“Mom, there is definitely something wrong with this dumpling, otherwise we won’t all be food poisoned.”

Hannah couldn’t help but complained to Mrs. Wilson. She knew that this was the case. What kind of

dumplings she would eat with her. Isn’t this asking for trouble?

Mrs. Wilson also felt that there was a problem with the dumplings at this time, but there seemed to be no

problem in every aspect, so logically speaking, there should be no food poisoning…

Thinking of this, the Lady Wilson said: “We made the dumplings by ourselves. There is no problem of

deterioration. What’s wrong?”

Harold on the side said bitterly, “Grandma, I heard that many unscrupulous merchants use poor quality

pork as a good buy. Is there a problem with pork?”