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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1216-1220
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1216

Charlie Wade was about to agree, but seeing the beautiful and moving Jasmine suddenly appeared in

front of the two, she said with a reddish face: “Paul, don’t bother you to send Master Wade, I will send it


Paul is very smart, so when he saw this, he knew that Jasmine must have loved Charlie Wade very


After all, today is her birthday and the first day she became the heir of the Moore family, but after the

banquet ended, she took the initiative to send Charlie Wade home.

The last person who should not come out to see the guests tonight is her birthday star.

What’s more, there are so many people with good looks and face today. She didn’t send it to anyone, but

only sent Charlie Wade alone, which is more than enough to see how much she values Charlie Wade in

her heart.

So Paul said wittily: “And just when I remembered, I still have something to do. I didn’t go along with

Master Wade, so please ask Miss Jasmine to help send Master Wade!”

Jasmine nodded and smiled: “Go ahead and take care of you, Master Wade is here to take care of me.”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly: “Your grandpa asked me to take care of you, but now you have to take care

of me.”

Jasmine rarely spit out her tongue playfully, and in a very gentle voice, she said shyly: “It’s a rare

opportunity to take care of Master Wade once. Master Wade, you must not refuse.”

Charlie Wade nodded and said, “In this way, Miss Jasmine will have to take a trip.”

At this time, Travis Lane stepped forward to Charlie Wade, bowed respectfully, and said respectfully:

“Master Wade, I have been eager to rejuvenate the pill for a long time, thank you for giving me this

golden opportunity today!”

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Mr. Lane doesn’t have to be so polite with me. You won the bidding for

this Rejuvenation Pill. Of course, you don’t have to thank me.”

Travis Lane still arched his body and said respectfully: “Welcome to Master Wade, come to Lancaster

another day to gather, and we must give Master Wade a chance to entertain him wholeheartedly next


Charlie Wade nodded and said, “If there is a chance in the future, I will go.”

After that, he asked Travis Lane: “By the way, Mr. Lane, my good brother Caleb Morales, is he working

as an assistant for you now? Is he here today?”

Travis Lane nodded and said, “Old Caleb is now my full-time driver. This person is very practical and

reliable. Thank you Master Wade for introducing me to such a reliable person!”

Travis Lane is worthy of being the richest man in Lancaster, and his speech is very technical.

In fact, he promoted Caleb, who had a monthly salary of only a few thousand Dollar, to become his

assistant, and had an annual salary of 2 million Dollar, which in itself sold Charlie Wade’s face.

However, he did not dare to take credit for it in front of Charlie Wade.

So he, in turn, said that Charlie Wade introduced himself to a reliable person, and he would like to thank

Charlie Wade again, which shows that this person has a high EQ.

As soon as Charlie Wade heard that the good brother came here today, he hurriedly asked, “Where is


Travis said, “The Moore family arranged a banquet for the driver. It was in the side hall. He should have

been waiting for me in the car by now.”

Charlie Wade gave a hum, and said, “Just go out with me, and by the way, I also say hello to Caleb.”

At this time, Caleb has completely lost the appearance of the failed hanging silk.

He was wearing a very decent high-end suit and white gloves, sitting in Travis Lane’s customized limited

edition Rolls Royce.

Seeing Travis Lane walked out of the villa, he hurriedly got out of the car, opened the rear door, and

prepared to welcome Travis Lane into the car.

At this moment, he suddenly saw his good brother Charlie Wade walking beside Travis Lane.

His eyes were instantly overjoyed.

These days, Caleb has always been very grateful to Charlie Wade, always looking for an opportunity to

thank Charlie Wade, but because he has to accompany Travis Lane every day, he has no chance to

come to Aurouss Hilll again.

Now I didn’t expect to see a good brother here.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1217

Caleb was full of excitement and came to Charlie Wade excitedly. He was about to say hello, but

suddenly realized that he is now Travis Lane’s driver, so he can’t be so rude.

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So he hurriedly put away the excitement on his face, and said respectfully to Travis: “Mr. Lane!”

Travis Lane patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: “Caleb, you don’t need to be so polite in

front of me. You are Master Wade’s brother, and that is my brother.

Although I am a few dozen years older than you, We can also pay after year-end!”

Caleb nodded quickly, flattered.

At this time, Charlie Wade smiled and asked him: “How about a rat, do you still adapt to the new job

during this period of time?”

Caleb said with gratitude, “Charlie Wade, my good brother, I really don’t know how to thank you! Without

you, how can I be Caleb today!

You are the noble person in my life!” Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said: “Everyone will meet a noble

person in their life. You think I am your noble person, but I still think that Mrs. Lewis is the noble person

of both of us.” “Everything is actually karma. You and I have done good deeds in the last life, so in this

life, a good person like Mrs. Lewis rescued us and gave us a home.”

“Maybe you did more good things in your previous life than me, so you met me again in this life and gave

you a chance to change your life. In the future, all of this may have been destined, so you have to thank

you even more. It’s yourself.” Charlie Wade suddenly talked about the topic so grandly, the others

couldn’t keep up with the rhythm.

Jasmine looked at Charlie Wade, her eyes sparkling with radiance, she carefully savored what Charlie

Wade had just said, and suddenly thought, did she save the galaxy in her previous life, so this life will

have a chance to meet Master Wade? Thinking of this, she couldn’t help feeling a little lost in her heart.

Because she felt that if she had saved the galaxy in her previous life, then Master Wade’s wife, Claire

Wilson Wilson, wouldn’t it have saved the entire universe in her previous life?

Caleb was moved by Charlie Wade’s words. This is a good brother who grew up with him since

childhood. Even though he helped him so much, he didn’t feel that he really owed him anything. Instead,

he traced everything back to his previous life. Although my life in the past two decades was poor, there is

such a man among the brothers of the dragon and the phoenix, and the hardship of the past two

decades is not in vain. At this time, Charlie Wade checked the time and said to Caleb: “Caleb, Mr. Lane,

there is still something tonight, so you should drive Mr. Lane back first. When there is a chance in the

future, I will go to Lancaster or you will come to Aurouss Hilll.

Let us brothers get together again.” When Travis Lane heard this, he waved his hand and said, “Master

Wade, there is nothing wrong tonight, you and Caleb will continue to talk about the past, don’t worry

about me!” Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said seriously: “Have you forgotten the rejuvenating pill you

just bought?

Hurry back, take a good bath and take the medicine, sleep well, wake up tomorrow morning, you will find

that something happened to yourself. A reborn change.” Travis Lane immediately became excited! The

rejuvenating pill was always talking, and it was placed close to the body in the inner pocket of the suit.

He always wanted to find an opportunity to quickly eat this Rejuvenating Pill, but he felt that today was

on the Moore family’s site, and it was also the birthday party of Jasmine, the eldest of the Moore family.

If he would serve the Rejuvenating Pill on the spot. , That’s overwhelming. That’s why he has been

enduring preparations to return to his villa in Aurouss Hilll, and then quickly take this rejuvenating pill.

Hearing what Charlie Wade said, he clasped his fists in gratitude and said, “Master Wade is able to

consider me so much, and I am grateful! That being the case, then I will leave today!” Charlie Wade

nodded, hugged gently with his good brother, and watched the two get into the car and leave.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1218

Jasmine said softly at this moment: “Master Wade, let’s go too.” “it is good.” …… Jasmine drove Charlie

Wade out of the Moore family villa in her red Bentley. Jasmine’s heartbeat accelerated at this time, and

she had never been so nervous in front of Charlie Wade like now. The atmosphere in the car was a little

silent for a while, so Jasmine hurriedly looked for a topic and said, “Master Wade, thank you so much

today. I really didn’t expect that you would give me such an expensive gift as the Rejuvenation Pill.”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said: “I’m telling you that the reason why I am sending you the

Rejuvenation Pill is to give you an opportunity to borrow flowers to offer Buddha. With this Rejuvenation

Pill, Lord Mooore can live to be at least a hundred years old. He must be special. I want the pill that I

gave you, but Lord Mooore himself is a person who rewards and penalizes clearly, is sentimental and

righteous, so once he really wants your rejuvenation pill, he will definitely give you a great return. .”

Jasmine nodded and moved: “Master Wade, you are all for me sake. I am really grateful. In this life, if

Master Wade has any requirements for me, as long as you have a word, I would not dare. No way!”

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “I don’t have any requirements for you, you just need to take care of

yourself from now on.” After speaking, Charlie Wade said again: “I didn’t expect that Lord Mooore would

be so simple. At this birthday party, he passed the position of Matriarch to you directly. I originally thought

he might be soft in the future.

It’s solved slowly.”

“Now he suddenly announced that this will definitely be a very big blow to your uncle and your cousin,

and it will even bring you a lot of hatred, so you must be very careful in your future actions, be careful

and then be careful. “

Jasmine said earnestly: “Master Wade, don’t worry, I understand all the truths you said.”

Charlie Wade sighed softly and said, “It may be the Rejuvenation Pill, which is too attractive to the old


Therefore, the old man may not think about this matter. What I am worried about is your personal safety

in the future. If someone in the Moore family If you are dissatisfied with your inheritance as Matriarch,

then they are likely to be against you.” Jasmine smiled sweetly and said, “Thank you, Master Wade, for

your reminder. Don’t forget, I also has a magical medicine that you gave me at the beginning. Isn’t that

magical medicine that it has a life-saving effect at critical times?”

Charlie Wade asked curiously: “Where did you put that medicine?” Jasmine blushed and said, “The

medicine you gave… it has always been…always…close to my body…” When it came to storing 4 words

next to her, Jasmine was already ashamed to not look at Charlie Wade. Before, Jasmine hid the pill in

the car, but she thought it was too unsafe to put such a valuable thing in the car, so she has kept it close

to her body ever since. And because this is a gift from Charlie Wade to herself, keeping it close to her will

give her a feeling of being cared for by Charlie Wade.

Charlie Wade didn’t notice the girlish shyness on Jasmine’s face. He just faintly worried about Jasmine’s

safety from the bottom of his heart. So he opened his mouth and said: “By the way, you can help me find

a good piece of white jade another day.” “White jade?”

Jasmine hurriedly asked, “Master Wade, what kind of white jade do you want?” Charlie Wade said

calmly: “The whitest, purest, and impurity-free white jade, I will make you a talisman by then, and you

can keep you safe by wearing it next to your body.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1219

Jasmine was very excited when he heard that Charlie Wade was going to make a talisman for herself.

She didn’t know what Charlie Wade’s amulet was or what kind of effect it had. But she knew that Charlie

Wade wanted to make this thing for herself, and he wanted to make it by himself. The reason that Master

Wade made it by himself was enough to be grateful. So her eyes were red, and she said gratefully:

“Master Wade, you are so kind to me, you don’t know how to repay you!”

When she said this, Jasmine’s inner monologue was: “If it is possible, I really want to acquiesce by

myself, to accompany Master Wade in this life, and to serve in front of Master Wade throughout his life,

to repay Master Wade for his kindness.” However, in this case, how can she be embarrassed to say such

a proud lady of the big family. Charlie Wade was very indifferent to this.

Because he himself is a person who values love and righteousness and knows the gratitude. Although

Jasmine is not her benefactor, she is her own friend, and she is a trustworthy and heart-to-heart friend.

To such friends, he is naturally full of sincerity.

What’s more, Charlie Wade always faintly felt that Jasmine seemed to have a slightly different meaning

to him from ordinary friends.

In Charlie Wade’s heart, he admired Jasmine’s personality and Jasmine’s behavior style.

Moreover, he felt that Jasmine’s fate was similar to his own, both of whom were born well, but her

parents died young.

But her life was a little better than her own, at least she didn’t leave the family and fall into another


It was just because he admired Jasmine’s personality and cherished her love, so Charlie Wade wanted

to take care of her a little more, and it was a natural feeling in his heart.

Jasmine deliberately didn’t drive the car fast, so that she would have more time to be alone in the car

with Charlie Wade.

The Moore’s Villa and the Thompson First where Charlie Wade lives are separated by a magnificent

Yangtze River. So when Jasmine drove the car near the Yangtze River Bridge, she suddenly turned to

look at Charlie Wade, her eyes full of expectation and said: “Master Wade, if you are not in a hurry to go

home, can you accompany me to the riverside for a walk?”

Charlie Wade nodded and said: “Okay.”

Jasmine said with joy: “It’s great. I know that there is a place that is very quiet and there are no people to

go. We can take a walk on the river beach and blow the wind.”

With that, Jasmine drove the car onto a small road along the river.

After the car drove out for a kilometer or two, she parked the car on the side of the road and said to

Charlie Wade: “There is a road to go down here, let’s get off here.”

Charlie Wade nodded, opened the door and walked down.

The weather is getting colder now, but for him, it has no effect.

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Jasmine put on a furry coat, inside was the noble and elegant evening dress that she wore at the

birthday party, and she also held a red Hermes handbag in her hand.

A cold wind hit her, and her long flowing hair danced with the wind, and a few strands of blue silk were

blowing her face, looking quite charming.

There is no front or rear here, no people and no cars. Jasmine took a deep breath against the wind, and

said with a smile: “When I was young, I always liked to be by the river. When I grew up, I got busier and

busier and I didn’t have time.”

With that, she said to Charlie Wade: “Master Wade, let’s go down.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1220

Charlie Wade responded and said, “Okay, but this staircase is a bit steep. Be careful when you


Jasmine shyly stretched out her soft hand and handed it to Charlie Wade, and said softly: “Master Wade,

can you help me? Otherwise, I’m afraid I might fall…”

In fact, she was not afraid of falling, but wanted to take this opportunity to get closer and closer to Charlie


Charlie Wade saw that this stone step was indeed very long and quite steep, extending from the bank to

the river beach. Jasmine, a girl, would really slip and fall, the consequences would be disastrous.

So he took Jasmine’s soft hand, led her to walk carefully, and walked down the stone steps.

At this time, the river beach was also empty, and occasionally a few ships with lights on the river passed

by. The rumbling diesel engine made a loud noise, but it didn’t feel very noisy on this empty river surface.

After arriving on the river beach, Charlie Wade let go of Jasmine’s hand, facing the cold wind on the

surface of the river, smiling and saying, “This place is really nice.”

Jasmine smiled slightly, stroked the blue silk between her ears, and said, “When I was young, I liked

coming here the most. Back then, my father was busy with work, so my mother brought me here every


As she said, she sighed a little sadly, and said: “At that time, my mother would drive me with me, park the

car in the same place, and then walk down the same stone steps, just like you just now, so cautiously

Take my hand.”

Charlie Wade nodded lightly.

When I grew up in an orphanage, I often thought of my parents.

When they were young, they were not as strong as they are now. Whenever they think that they would

hide under the covers or cry in the corner.

But after a long time, I gradually got used to it.

The hard life at the beginning made him understand a lot of precious truths.

For example, the deceased is dead, such as the sad things that happened in the past, let it pass quietly.

At this time, Jasmine sighed: “I went to my parents to sweep the grave this morning. I couldn’t believe it.

They have been away for more than ten years. Everything from my childhood is still vivid in my eyes.

There is an illusion that I feel like I am still alive when I am eight or nine years old.”

Charlie Wade laughed at himself and sighed softly: “You can still go to sweep the graves of your parents,

I don’t know where my parents are buried now.”


Jasmine asked in surprise: “Can’t you find it? Or what happened back then?”

Charlie Wade smiled bitterly: “When my parents passed away, I was just eight years old. At that time, I

couldn’t take care of myself. I didn’t even know where to solve my full meal. I simply didn’t have the

ability to handle their funeral affairs. Time has not been found.”

After speaking, Charlie Wade said again: “However, their ashes may have been taken back by the

grandfather’s family, but I am not sure about the details.”

Jasmine couldn’t help asking him: “Master Wade, do you still have relatives in this world?”

Charlie Wade nodded: “Yes, but I am not ready to see them yet.”

Jasmine nodded lightly, blinked her beautiful eyelashes, and said, “Master Wade, let’s take a walk along

the river.”

“Okay.” Charlie Wade readily agreed, and walked side by side along the river with Jasmine.

Jasmine smiled and said: “By the way, Master Wade, do you remember the first time we met?”

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Of course, in The Antique Store, my father-in-law accidentally broke one

of your antique vases.”

Jasmine nodded and said: “At that time, I was shocked by the way you repaired the vase. I thought how

could a young man master the lost repair skills. This person is too good. However, I never dreamed of it

at that time. , That’s actually just the tip of the iceberg, Master Wade, and I didn’t expect that you would

help me so much…”