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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1226-1230
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1226

After getting out of the car, watching Jasmine drive away from Thompson First, he stood there for ten

seconds before turning around and entering the gate of Thompson First.

When he returned to his home, his wife Claire Wilson Wilson had washed up and was lying in the

bedroom reading a book.

Seeing Charlie Wade’s return, Claire Wilson Wilson smiled and asked, “How was your friend’s birthday


Charlie Wade felt a little unnatural, and replied: “The banquet is not bad.”

Claire Wilson Wilson didn’t know that Jasmine was celebrating her birthday tonight. This was mainly

because Charlie Wade didn’t want her to think too much, so he didn’t say it.

Claire Wilson Wilson didn’t find anything wrong with Charlie Wade. She put down the book in her hand,

looked at Charlie Wade, and said with some embarrassment: “Husband, can I ask you something?”

Charlie Wade hurriedly said, “What are you doing so politely with your husband? Just talk about it.”

Claire Wilson Wilson said: “I have a high school classmate who is going to get married some time later.

She came to my studio today to send me invitations. Can you accompany me then?”

Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Of course, men and women?”

“Female.” Claire Wilson Wilson said: “When we were in the third year of high school, we had been at the

same table for a while.”

Charlie Wade nodded and said, “Since it is a wedding at the same table, it must be going!”

Claire Wilson Wilson hesitated and said, “Um, husband, I have one more thing I want to ask you for


Charlie Wade said: “You just say it.”

Claire Wilson Wilson said seriously: “This high school classmate’s life is not very good. The family has

always favored boys over girls and didn’t care much about her, and she was married because she is

pregnant, so her husband’s family is not very esteemed at her.

She thinks today. She begged me to drive my BMW to make her the first car for her wedding. She may

think that the BMW is already very luxurious, but you also know that nowadays in the city, the first car for

the wedding team is at least For a luxury car over a million dollars, it’s not possible to start with the BMW

5 Series, so I want to beg you, can you lend one of the two luxury cars from Mr. White and Mr. Quinton

and make her the leader.”

Charlie Wade asked in surprise: “It’s okay to borrow a car. I haven’t driven since that auto show. But, my

wife, I’ve only heard of a fleet of family members and never heard of a fleet of married couples. What is

the rule?”

Claire Wilson Wilson said: “My high school classmate used to live in school. Her family was in a county

around Aurouss Hilll. It stands to reason that when she got married, it was the groom who brought her to

pick her up, but the groom’s family looked down on my classmate.

Yes, I deliberately made a harsh request, saying that I would not go to pick up the family when we get

married, and let my mother’s family drive to the hotel.”

Charlie Wade couldn’t help frowning: “This groom’s family has done too much, right? She is pregnant

with his child. When they got married, they didn’t go to the house to pick up their relatives?”

Claire Wilson Wilson sighed: “No way, my classmate is also very uncomfortable.

The man’s family despises her and is unwilling to give a penny gift. Her mother’s family originally

expected her to have some gift for her brother when she got married. When they bought a house, they

didn’t give her a penny, so my classmate’s family didn’t want her to marry, but my classmate insisted on

marrying, so whether it’s her future husband’s family, family, or her own family, they all have opinions on

her. , Kind of pitiful.”

Speaking of this, Claire Wilson Wilson hugged Charlie Wade’s arm and swayed vigorously, begging: “My

husband, I know you have the best skills, and I know that you are usually low-key, but can you help? On

the day of my classmate’s wedding, she drove a sports car to marry her? I also wanted to save her face

so that her husband’s family would not bully her too much in the future, please, husband.”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said dozingly: “Since you are your high school classmate, how can you

drive one?

Just leave both of them. Then I will drive one by myself. You drive one with your classmate, are you

satisfied with this arrangement?”

Claire Wilson Wilson was overjoyed, immediately hugged him, kissed him on the lips, and said happily:

“Satisfied! So satisfied! You are really the best husband in the world!”

Charlie Wade was stunned on the spot. What happened to me today? Is the peach blossom blooming?

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1227

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At this moment, Jasmine has drove back to the Moore family mansion.

On the way back, she recalled her bold kiss to Charlie Wade just now, but she was still ashamed.

Actually Jasmine is not a woman who is very active in feelings.

There have been countless people who have pursued her since childhood, but she has never been

moved by any man who pursued her.

Not only that, she hadn’t even liked anyone before meeting Charlie Wade.

But she herself did not expect that after she fell in love with Charlie Wade, she would be so


If the matter just spread out, the title of the first lady of the Aurouss Hilll First Family would soon become

the laughing stock of the whole Aurouss Hilll.

After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, how can a girl be so unreserved.

What’s more, she took the initiative to give to Charlie Wade, she still kept the first kiss of 26 years.

However, Jasmine didn’t regret it at all.

At the same time, she also decided in her heart that she would use time and practical actions to prove to

Charlie Wade that everything she said was from the bottom of her heart, and that she was willing to wait

for him, and she would wait forever.

When Jasmine drove the car into the yard when she got home, Oscar hurried forward and said

respectfully: “Miss, please park your car here. I will help you in the garage.” Jasmine said: “No need for

Oscar, I can stop by myself. You can go and do your job.” Oscar hurriedly said: “So how come, Miss, you

are now the Matriarch of the Moore family, and you can leave many things to our subordinates to do in

the future.”

While speaking, Oscar whispered again: “Miss, the master is still waiting for you.” When she heard that

grandpa was still waiting for her, Jasmine nodded hurriedly, left the car to Oscar, picked up her bag, and

walked into the house. At this time, all the Moore family members were sitting in the living room of the

Moore family meeting. Although Jasmine’s birthday party was over, no one dared to leave because Lord

Mooore didn’t say to leave.

Moreover, all those who are interested have discovered that Lord Mooore didn’t even sit on the main

seat this time. The design of the Moore’s living room is similar to that of a large company’s meeting

room. There is a main seat directly in front, and there are 18 seats on the left and right sides of the main

seat. Usually Moore Master must sit on the only main seat, but this time, he actually chose to sit on the

right hand side of the main seat.

Everyone knew very well that he left the main seat to Jasmine. Rueben and his father Theodore sat

blankly opposite the old man. What happened tonight was like a nightmare for the father and son. And

this nightmare hasn’t woken up yet, it is impossible to wake up. The old man Moore wanted to help

Jasmine to rise, and even if the father and son wanted to stop, they couldn’t stop them.

After all, the current old man Moore has a strong body and a very good spirit, not only has a strong

judgment, but also a strong control ability. In this case, even if the father and son had great opinions,

they could not disobey the decision made by the father. As long as he is there, Jasmine will have a

strong support.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1228

And what makes them even more desperate is that Lord Mooore was already dying ill before, but now he

is as healthy as a middle-aged man. This also means that the life span of the father is at least ten to

twenty years. Although Jasmine is still fledgling, the old man helped her get on the horse and tried his

best to escort her. In a few years, Jasmine will be able to establish a real position in the Moore family. At

that time, it would be very difficult to want to remove in Jasmine.

As we all know, like the emperors in ancient times, the best time to rebel is when the new emperor takes

the throne and the foundation is unstable. Just like the king of Yan Zhu Di of the Ming Dynasty, he took

advantage of the unstable foundation of Emperor Jianwen and rebelled and seized power in one fell

swoop. However, the problem right now is that Jasmine is not Emperor Jianwen.

When Emperor Jianwen ascended the throne, the old father was already dead. If father was still alive

and gave Zhu Di ten courage, he would not be able to rebel successfully. Now, Lord Mooore is living

well. This made Theodore and Rueben very depressed. At this time, they had no way to change the old

man’s decision, so they could only bear it down temporarily and then look for opportunities in secret.

When Jasmine came in, Lord Mooore said with a smile: “Our new generation of Matriarch of the Moore

family is back! Jasmine, come on, sit on the main seat!”

Jasmine thought that only her grandfather was waiting for herself, but she didn’t expect the entire Moore

family to be waiting for herself, and she didn’t expect her grandfather to let out the main seat to herself,

which made her a little flattered.

So Jasmine hurriedly waved her hand and said, “Grandpa, it’s better for you to sit on the main seat, and I

can sit next to you.”

Lord Mooore smiled and said, “I am no longer the Patriarch, so how can I sit in the Patriarch’s seat?

Wouldn’t it become a corpse seat vegetarian meal?” As he said, he stood up, took Jasmine to the main

seat, and let her sit down. Then he laughed loudly: “God bless my Moore family, not only is there a god

like Master Wade to help my Moore family behind. There are also outstanding juniors like Jasmine to

guide the family to greater glory. I believe that within a few years, the strength of the Moore family will be

greatly improved.”

Apart from Theodore and Rueben and Son, the other Moore family members applauded warmly. They

have also wanted to understand the truth. They knew that Jasmine must have been Charlie Wade’s

favorite, otherwise Charlie Wade would never have helped her so many times, and she only gave two

rejuvenation pills for her face. If you know this one rejuvenating pill, you will sell it to Travis Lane for 2

billion Dollar. The actual value of two rejuvenating pills is at least 4 billion, right?

Now that Jasmine is the head of the family, Charlie Wade will definitely help her more in the future. With

Charlie Wade’s help and support, the Moore family will naturally get better and better. Lord Mooore felt

very pleased when everyone applauded eagerly. What he fears most is that Jasmine will not be able to

convince the crowd after becoming the head of the family. Once the people below have a mentality of

rebellion and resistance to Jasmine, it will be a big trouble for Jasmine.

But fortunately, she has the blessing of Master Charlie Wade’s aura, plus she is here to calm the scene

for her, her position as Matriarch will definitely be able to be very stable. Thinking of this, the old man

couldn’t help but smiled and sighed: “In my opinion, it won’t take long for our Moore family to become the

No. 1 family in Southaven. If Jasmine is lucky enough to become Master Wade’s wife, then my Moore

family It is bound to be able to rise with the wind in the same day, soaring for 90,000 miles!”

Theodore, who hadn’t spoken all the time, said worriedly at this time: “Dad, don’t forget, today we

provoked Sam of the Kilgore family, and I don’t know how the Kilgore family will deal with us next!” Lord

Mooore said coldly: “With Master Wade here, I won’t panic even if I offend the old man of the Kilgore

family, let alone the third young master of their family!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1229

At this moment, late at night Eastcliff International Airport. Sam’s private plane landed at Eastcliff Airport.

On the way, he was in awe because he swallowed the ruby necklace. He was afraid that the necklace

would cause intestinal obstruction in his intestines. In that case, nobody would be able to save himself.

Fortunately, he finally landed in Eastcliff safely. As soon as the plane landed, it slid to the hangar, and in

the hangar, an ambulance was already waiting here. The Kilgore family has extraordinary strength in

Eastcliff with assets of at least 500 billion Dollar, so they have more than just their own health doctors

and expert teams, they even have their own private hospitals.

The ambulance that came to pick him up at the airport at this time was sent by the Kilgore Family

Hospital. And the ambulance arrived together with the vice-president of the hospital and several intestinal

experts. Hearing that the three young masters swallowed a ruby not much smaller than an egg and

brought a string of necklaces, the experts at the Kilgore Family Hospital were quite nervous.

Because swallowing foreign objects is a very dangerous thing. Especially if you swallow something

larger and more complicated, the risk factor will be greater.

Necklaces are not like a simple stone. If you only swallow a ruby and the gem is polished and rounded,

then basically the problem will not be big, but there is still a string of platinum inlaid under the gemstone.

The platinum necklace is very troublesome this time, it is easy to block in the intestines, and if the bowel

movement cannot be discharged normally, I am afraid that it can only be operated on.

Sam was lying in the ambulance, and when he heard that there was a possibility of surgery, his face

immediately became very ugly.

He couldn’t help but ask the expert: “Is there no other way besides surgery? I have never had surgery

when I grow up.”

The expert hurriedly said: “Master, don’t worry. Let’s go back to the hospital to do a CT and see where

the necklace is now. If it hasn’t reached the intestines, then we can wait. See if it will be excreted by

itself; but if it is already in the intestines and does not seem to be excreted by itself, then we can only

resort to surgery.”

Sam felt extremely depressed and asked, “If surgery is really required, how long will it take to recover

before it can be as good as before?”

The expert thought for a while and said, “If you want to take things out of the intestines, you must rest in

bed for at least half a month after the operation. After the wound is healed, you can get out of bed and

move around. It will take at least three months to recover.”

Sam heard that he was going to stay in bed for half a month and recover for three months, and he was

extremely angry!

He gritted his teeth and asked: “Then how long will it take for me to have intercourse?”

The expert said embarrassingly: “Intercourse is a strenuous exercise, and the main exercise part is the

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waist and abdomen. After your abdominal surgery, the most important thing to avoid is intercourse. It will

take at least three months.”


Sam was extremely depressed.

This kid is an authentic color embryo. He usually travels among the flowers every day in Eastcliff, and

often mixes with various model stars and peripheral girls in various clubs. He spends time every day,

even at the most exaggerated time.

But once he heard that he might not be able to have sex in the next three months, how could he accept it

in his heart?

This is like saying to a smoker who is addicted to cigarettes that he must not smoke for the next three

months. It feels more uncomfortable than killing him.

At this time, the expert in front of him couldn’t help asking him: “Three young masters, how did you

swallow such a big necklace in your stomach? Is it swallowed by mistake? Or what’s the matter?”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1230

Sam felt even more annoyed when he heard the expert ask about this!

He thought of Charlie Wade’s proud face at the time, and he wanted to kill him immediately and then


And that Cameron Isaac.

Damn, he didn’t give myself face so much, he even made a video to threaten myself, forcing myself to

swallow the ruby necklace.

If it weren’t for his threat, it would be impossible for him to make a decision to swallow.

Isn’t this bastard relying on Wade’s family to support him? Really think the world is invincible?

Damn, it’s outrageous.

So Sam yelled at the expert angrily: “If you shouldn’t ask the damn thing, don’t ask the damn thing. If you

talk any more damn nonsense, be careful that I kill you!”

The expert can only shut his mouth with interest. Although the third young master of the Kilgore family is

not the strongest in the Kilgore family, he can’t provoke him after all.

The ambulance drove quickly to the hospital, and after arriving at the hospital, it immediately pushed into

the ct room.

The advanced CT instrument was turned on, and Sam’s abdomen was taken in all directions.

Experts can clearly see the eye-catching ruby necklace in his stomach through the film taken by ct.

The key is that the necklace has been stuck in the curve of his intestines. The ruby and the necklace

have formed a bend. Looking at it this way, if he wants to rely on his own, there is little chance of


And the ruby is really big, and a large area of blockage has already occurred in the intestines. If it is

consumed and other food residues enter the intestine, it may cause blockage and cause intestinal


After discussing and discussing, the experts made a decision: The ruby necklace must be removed

immediately by surgery.

Sam heard the bad news as soon as he was lifted off the CT machine, and his heart was extremely


But he is not a fool. He knows that he can never make fun of his life at this time, so he can only gritted

his teeth and said, “If this is the case, please arrange surgery as soon as possible.”

An expert opened his mouth and said: “The three young masters, father and mother are already on their

way. We will be there soon. We will send people to the ward first, and wait while preparing surgical

instruments and formulating surgical plans. You can just wait for your father. After coming with mother,

meet them before entering the operating room.”

Sam asked: “Are they here?”

“Yes.” The expert said: “I have already set off and arrived.”

Sam could only nod his head.

He was then taken to the intensive care unit by a nurse.

In the intensive care unit, the beautiful little nurse was busy in front of him, changing his gown for a while,

and wiping him again.

Seeing that this nurse is so beautiful, Sam immediately moved with evil thoughts.

It is estimated that it will take half an hour for my parents to come over, and I will not be able to do

personnel affairs in the next three months, so it is better to take this opportunity to have a post with this

little beautiful nurse!

While the little nurse was changing her clothes, he grabbed the little nurse’s hand and said with an

obscene smile: “Little beauty, what is your name? Would you like to accompany me once before I enter

the operating room? Don’t worry, I will definitely not treat you badly!”