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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5545
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Antonio had initially harbored sinister intentions towards Charlie, envisioning a gruesome end for him. However, it

was a disguised Aman who unexpectedly altered the course of events. Antonio sought a discreet location to swiftly

end Charlie’s life with a single gunshot to the head.

The wine cellar, a chilling choice for such dark deeds, became Antonio’s preferred stage. He aimed to eliminate the

audacious and unaware Chinese man right before Aman’s eyes. Little did he anticipate Charlie’s impatience, which

outpaced even his own impending demise.

After a brief pause, Antonio sneered at Charlie, pointing a finger, “I’ve dealt with many, but I’ve never met anyone

so eager to meet their fate. Very well, I’ll oblige.”

With urgency, he commanded his entourage, “Restrain him, now!”

Julia stood her ground, disregarding her own safety, her voice unwavering, “You cannot do this!”

Unwilling to let his daughter interfere further, Antonio contemplated having her removed.

But before he could issue the order, Charlie interjected impatiently, “Why waste time on her? Can’t she witness

blood? It’ll toughen her up.”

Antonio seethed, his words sharp, “Julia, as a Sicilian woman, you must acquaint yourself with the grim reality of

this world. Otherwise, you’ll remain as fragile as a child.”

“Child!” He snapped and then turned imperiously to his younger brother, “Take them away, together!”

Charlie wisely toned down the aura that had previously unsettled several of the mafia underlings. They were too

stunned to question this shift. Swiftly, he retrieved a firearm and directed them towards the wine cellar.

Afterwards, Antonio extended a respectful invitation to Aman, stating, “Mr. Ramovich, please join me here.”

Aman relished the moment. He held a deep disdain for Charlie, but circumstances had prevented him from acting.

Today, an opportunity had presented itself, and he would watch from the sidelines. A gleeful prospect indeed.

Anticipating potential retaliation from the Dragon Temple against Antonio in the future, he cast Antonio a glance

tinged with pity, remarking with a wry smile, “Antonio, it seems you’re destined to leave your mark today.”

Like a soldier receiving commendation from his general, Antonio stood tall, his expression filled with pride. “Fear

not, Mr. Ramovich, today you shall witness something extraordinary!”

Aman offered a note of caution, “I observe that this Chinese gentleman possesses an admirable physique, and the

Chinese are known for their martial arts prowess. Exercise the utmost vigilance.”

Antonio scoffed, “All that kung fu is just a facade, a trick to deceive. Even if Jackie Chan himself were here, he’d be

no match.”

Aman countered swiftly, “No, no, no, caution dictates we secure him. Bind his hands with handcuffs. One pair won’t

suffice, ensure there are at least two, preferably three!” Although Antonio found Aman’s wariness puzzling, he

complied with the boss’s directive.

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Without delay, he instructed his henchmen, “Fetch multiple sets of handcuffs. Secure the Chinese gentleman to me

with one, and bring a few more pairs!” Before long, Charlie approached the wine cellar, his wrists enveloped in

three sets of restraints. The iron cuffs were formidable; even Jordan wore two to preempt any potential resistance.

Julia implored Antonio to release Charlie, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. For the first time, Antonio conceded that

Charlie had a point. As a Sicilian woman, Julia needed to confront certain harsh realities. Compassion had its limits;

it was time for her to confront the sight of blood up close.

The wine cellar Antonio referred to was located in the manor’s basement. This vast underground chamber housed

three wine cellars, two filled with an array of vintages, while the largest one lacked wine but held an ancient rack

designed for torture, a relic from the 15th-century Vatican.

This was Antonio’s grim execution theater.

Despite Jagoan’s wrists being encased in six sets of handcuffs, Antonio refrained from securing him to the rack.

Instead, he guided Jagoan beneath it, positioning himself nearby. An aide relieved Jagoan of his firearm, pressing it

against his forehead while taunting, “You’re fortunate. Usually, only the high-profile magnates of New York meet

their end at my hand. You, a minor character, are indeed fortunate.”

Before Jagoan could respond, Aman had privately assessed, “Antonio, this man hails from China’s Jagoan clan. In

terms of significance, he surpasses anything you mafia types have encountered. If you manage to eliminate him

with one shot, he will be the most influential figure you’ve ever dispatched.”

Though threatened at gunpoint, Jagoan remained unfazed. In his eyes, a firearm, no matter how powerful, posed

no true threat, unless it was an anti-tank round fired at point-blank range. He met it with composure.

He grinned and quipped, “This is rather peculiar. I’ve been in New York for only a few hours, and already, two

muzzles have been pointed at my head. Is this the customary gangster hospitality here?”

Antonio, bewildered, asked, “What do you mean? Apart from me, who else aimed a gun at you?”

Jagoan waved dismissively, “Oh, just a few small-time individuals. But don’t worry, I’ll introduce you to them later.”

“Introduce me?” Antonio gawked, incredulous. “Do you think you’ll leave here alive?”

Aman, undeterred by the gun aimed at Jagoan’s head, was growing uneasy. He viewed each second Jagoan

remained alive as a threat and attempted to incite Antonio.

With a grin, he opined, “Antonio, it appears this Chinese lad isn’t the least bit afraid of you. I suspect he believes you

lack the nerve to pull the trigger!”

Antonio felt a flush of heat spread across his face. Without hesitation, he turned to Aman, declaring, “Mr. Ramovich,

take a step back. I will blow his head off on the count of three! Be prepared, there will be blood!”

Aman complied, retreating a few paces. He encouraged Antonio, “Proceed with your countdown, Antonio.”

Julia, aware of her father’s murderous intent, made one last plea, her voice desperate, “Dad, please… Don’t…

Don’t kill him… He’s innocent…”

Antonio paid her no mind, his gaze fixed on Jagoan.

His voice turned icy, “Three!”

Jagoan’s smile remained, his voice steady, “Two!”

“Damn!” Antonio had not anticipated Jagoan’s final act of defiance. He ground out, “Fine, this will be your final

utterance in this world!”

With that, he bellowed, “One!”

He squeezed the trigger without a moment’s hesitation!


The deafening gunshot, coupled with Julia’s scream, echoed through the wine cellar.

Antonio executed the shot flawlessly, the recoil confirming its discharge.

As he turned to observe Jagoan’s head, Antonio’s eyes widened in disbelief. Jagoan stood unharmed!

Unaware of how Jagoan had evaded the bullet, Antonio only saw the flash before his eyes as the round discharged.

Jagoan continued to regard him, a smirk playing on his lips.

The onlookers were too stunned to speak. Aman, in particular, could not fathom how Jagoan had remained


Seizing the moment, Jagoan quipped, “Your marksmanship leaves much to be desired.”

Antonio, dumfounded, responded by firing at Jagoan’s head once more.


Once again, Jagoan effortlessly sidestepped the incoming round!

Antonio’s jaw dropped, incredulity etched across his face. He stammered, “How… How did you do that?”

Jagoan derided, “Chinese Kung Fu, my friend. You’re out of your depth.”

With a swift motion, Jagoan shattered the six sets of handcuffs encircling his wrists using his chi. The metallic

fragments, guided by an unseen force, hurtled into the heads of Antonio’s eight henchmen, dispatching them in an


Seeing his men strewn across the floor, lifeblood pooling, Antonio felt as though he’d witnessed a ghost. He turned

and fled, but terror had rendered his legs weak. He remained rooted in place.

A similar shock gripped Aman. He watched Jagoan, unable to discern how he’d managed this feat. He kept his eyes

on Jagoan, sensing an enigma.

At this juncture, Jagoan took Antonio’s Beretta, aiming it at his head. He asked, with a trace of a smile, “You do

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enjoy aiming guns at others’ heads, don’t you?”

Antonio, trembling, stammered, “N-No…”

Seeing this, Aman sought to retreat, but Jagoan abruptly shifted his aim, firing at Aman’s right knee.


Aman crumpled to the ground, clutching his wounded knee, wailing in pain.

Jagoan stated, expressionless, “Mr. Ramovich, take one more step, and I’ll aim for your kneecap next. Do you think

one shot can dislodge it?”

Aman pleaded, “I won’t move, I won’t. Please, Mr. Jagoan, I’ll stay put…”

“Mr. Jagoan…” Antonio, drenched in sweat, regained his senses and stared at the collapsed Aman, incredulous.

“You… You know him?!”

Before Aman could respond, Jagoan chimed in, smiling, “He addressed me as Jagoan when he saw me. Surely you


“I… I can’t seem to recall…” Antonio, bewildered, struggled to recollect.

Jagoan sneered, “Your memory is lacking.”

He then addressed Aman with a smile, “Mr. Ramovich, you excel at using others as pawns, but don’t you find it

audacious to wield a hen’s blade against a dragon?”

Aman, fear-stricken, implored, “Mr. Jagoan. Mr. Jagoan. I meant no harm…”

Jagoan waved him off, “Before you check out, I’ll settle Mr. Zano’s tab first.”

Julia on the side came to her senses and said quickly, “No! Please don’t hurt my dad!”

He shifted his gaze to Julia, coolly stating, “You have no say here. Your father intends for you to witness my demise,

and I intend for you to witness his.”

Antonio, trembling, knelt, pleading, “Mr. Jagoan, spare me… I… I won’t cross you again…”

Jagoan smiled, assuring, “Relax, I’m not ready to take your life just yet. I said I’d introduce you to a few

acquaintances later. We’ll have a chat.”

“Thank you, Mr. Jagoan, thank you, Mr. Jagoan.” Antonio, relieved that Jagoan didn’t plan to end his life, gushed in


However, before he could exhale, Jagoan abruptly raised his gun and fired. A bullet struck Antonio’s left knee,

shattering it. Only sinew and skin held his knee together.

Antonio clutched his mangled leg, crying out in agony. Jagoan addressed him, composed, “Just because I’m sparing

you for now doesn’t mean I won’t let you bleed. Don’t rejoice too soon.”

Read The Charismatic Charlie Wade TODAY

The The Charismatic Charlie Wade has been updated Chapter 5545 with many unexpected details, removing

many love knots for the male and female lead. In addition, the author Lord Leaf is very talented in making the

situation extremely different. Let's follow the Chapter 5545 of the The Charismatic Charlie Wade HERE.