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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5585
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At this particular time, in the cell during the night, a group of prisoners took turns using the cold shower in the


Their motivation for queuing up for these chilly showers stemmed from Charlie’s request to do whatever they could

to combat their overpowering body odor. Originally, this assembly of prisoners had been a bunch of inmates who

paid little heed to personal hygiene. Moreover, they were devoid of any deodorant. A dozen of them gathered

together, and when they closed their eyes, they might as well have imagined a septic tank explosion.

In this moment, Gustavo approached Charlie, his hair still damp, and with an obsequious expression asked, “Mr.

Wade, did you meet with Bruce just now?”

Charlie replied coldly, “Remember, don’t inquire about things you shouldn’t.”

“Yes, yes, of course…” Gustavo nodded repeatedly, then with a worried tone continued, “Mr. Wade, I have

something to ask, if it’s not too inconvenient.”

Charlie responded calmly, “Go on, tell me.”

Gustavo hurriedly began, “Mr. Wade, to be honest, I have no knowledge of the charges against you, whether there

was a trial or not, and what your sentence might be. I might spend the rest of my life in this prison. If you ever

manage to get out, what will become of me here? What if my wretched son decides he wants me dead? It’s only a

matter of time before I meet my end in here.”

Charlie inquired curiously, “So, what do you propose? Do you want me to stay imprisoned alongside you?”

Gustavo waved his hands anxiously, “No, no, Mr. Wade, I would never presume such a thing. I just believe you

possess considerable influence. Can you help me find a way out of this predicament?”

Charlie shook his head casually, remarking, “I don’t have any easy solutions. I can only guarantee your safety for

one more day in this place. If I’m free tomorrow, it will signify our paths have diverged. Your future is your own


Gustavo implored with a fearful expression, “Mr. Wade, please help me brainstorm a solution. Look at my age, I

can’t simply die in this prison.”

Charlie regarded him and asked with interest, “Since you’ve broached this topic, I assume you must have some

preferred course of action in mind. Why don’t you share your plan, and we can assess its viability?”

Gustavo’s face lit up with hope, and he moved closer to Charlie, speaking respectfully, “Mr. Wade, here’s my

proposal. I’ve thought of two plans—one more audacious and another more cautious. I’m wary of both and need

your assistance.”

Jagoan gestured for him to continue, saying, “Go ahead, I’m listening.”

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Gustavo swiftly explained, “The more audacious plan involves both of us finding a way to escape this prison, leave

Brooklyn, even exit the United States entirely.”

Adding to this, Gustavo continued, “The timeframe for this plan is rather limited. Joseph wanted to kill me today, but

you intervened. My hunch is that my son will seek retribution soon. If Joseph can’t eliminate me within a day or two,

given my son’s temperament, he’ll likely choose someone else. I’ll still be in grave danger. While I maintain some

influence within the warden’s office, I could convince them to discreetly allow us to leave, citing a desire to spend

time with women and return early tomorrow morning. That way, we could escape the prison and make a run for it!”

Jagoan curled his lips and responded, “You’ve got an intriguing idea. However, even if you manage to escape, your

absence will trigger a global manhunt by American law enforcement. How do you plan to evade capture in and

outside the United States? Furthermore, your son now wields substantial influence

over the entire Sanchez family. If he discovers you’ve escaped, he’ll stop at nothing to eliminate you. Assassins

from all over Mexico and the United States may be on your tail, and you can’t be sure whether your own

subordinates have been bought off by your son. Trust will be in short supply. How do you intend to escape?”

Gustavo declared with determination, “Mr. Jagoan, I rely on you to help me. You possess great capabilities. You can

find a way to return me safely to Mexico. Once back, the Sanchez family and others will undoubtedly support my

return to power. I will be profoundly grateful and promise generous rewards. I won’t offer billions in cash, but the

Sanchez family can provide that. Alternatively, if that doesn’t suit you, I can offer $10 billion worth of cocaine as


Jagoan scoffed disdainfully, “To be frank, I have no interest in any money you’ve acquired.”

Continuing in a cold tone, Jagoan expressed, “You’re aware of my Chinese heritage, my ancestors endured nearly a

century of shame partly due to the opium trade perpetuated by the UK. In the 19th century, this so-called

‘gentleman’ country was actively involved in opium production and distribution, poisoning millions of Chinese.

They’re the forebears of your Sanchez family, essentially drug lords. Asking for money from a drug dealer would

disgrace my ancestors as a Chinese descendant.”

Gustavo hurriedly defended himself, “Mr. Jagoan, I may be a drug dealer, but I’ve never trafficked drugs to China.

All my dealings involve Americans and their dollars, so you bear no psychological burden in that regard!”

Jagoan retorted coldly, “There’s no need for debate, your wealth doesn’t tempt me.”

Gustavo swiftly added, “Then let’s consider this, Mr. Jagoan. If you help me reclaim my position as the head of the

family, the Sanchez family will pledge allegiance to you in the future. I’ll comply with your directives. Don’t

underestimate us, the Sanchez family possesses assets worth tens of billions, substantial private armed forces, and

intricate networks for drug trafficking and money laundering. We have considerable resources!”

Jagoan glanced at him, surveyed their surroundings, and asked with a smile, “Are you truly that formidable?”

Gustavo comprehended his implication, coughed awkwardly, and explained, “Of course, we have power, but we’re

just a small player in the eyes of the U.S. government…”

At this point, Gustavo sighed deeply and conceded, “Mr. Jagoan, shall I share the second, less daring plan with


Jagoan nodded, urging him, “Go on, I’m listening.”

Gustavo hurriedly explained, “Well, Mr. Jagoan, Joseph still wields considerable influence within Brooklyn Prison.

Since he’s your nephew and follows your lead, could you ask him to do everything in his power to keep me alive


Jagoan smirked and replied, “Gustavo, Joseph can’t provide the help you need. Despite his status as the most

influential prisoner here and the leader of many inmates, he’s still just a prisoner. Do you believe he can ensure

your safety?”

Gustavo nodded and argued, “Joseph has numerous loyal followers here. If he’s willing to exert himself to protect

me, my son may find it challenging to harm me. In that case, I could request a transfer to Joseph’s cell block, where

living alongside him should be safer.”

Pleading with desperation, Gustavo continued, “However, Joseph only heeds your commands. I implore you to

speak with him on my behalf…”

Jagoan scoffed, “Gustavo, have you considered this? Even if I persuade Joseph to shield you, what if your son

employs his connections to have Joseph transferred out of this prison? He could gradually replace Joseph’s allies

with his own, gaining dominance within the prison. Once his power surpasses Joseph’s, your life will be in jeopardy.”

Gustavo grew visibly anxious and murmured, “Then… what should I do, Mr. Jagoan…”

Seeing his distress, Jagoan smiled slightly and asked, “Gustavo, are you serious about wanting to save your life? If

so, you’ll need to start by dealing with the Rothschild family. If you can gain their favor, they will certainly ensure

your safety.”

Gustavo quickly inquired, “Mr. Jagoan, how can I establish a connection with the Rothschild family?”

Jagoan grinned and replied, “Don’t worry, I’ll reveal that information tonight.”


At that very moment,

Inside Bruce Weinstein’s office,

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A furious Bruce Weinstein gritted his teeth and posted a video online.

The video was titled, “Brooklyn Prison, The Rothschild Family’s Hidden Domain.”

In the opening moments of the video, Bruce Weinstein introduced himself to the camera, saying, “Greetings,

everyone. I am Chief Bruce Weinstein, the warden of Brooklyn Prison in New York. What you are currently

witnessing is my office within Brooklyn Prison. As we all know, Brooklyn Prison is a federal institution housing

individuals who have violated American law. Yet, there remain many undisclosed aspects of this facility. Today, I will

reveal a hidden side of the prison that the public is unaware of.”

Bruce Weinstein then stood up and approached a bookshelf in the room, revealing a concealed passage behind it to

the camera. An elevator door on the opposite side became visible.

Pointing at the elevator door with his hand, Bruce explained, “You must be wondering why there’s an elevator door

behind the bookshelf in my office. Today, I’ll show you where this elevator leads.”

He opened the elevator door, stepped inside, and pressed a button. The elevator descended, and upon reaching

the underground, he opened another door.

Bruce ventured into the basement and provided an overview before switching to the front camera, stating with a

smile, “What you’re currently observing is a covert underground chamber beneath Brooklyn Prison. It’s quite

unexpected, isn’t it? A secret underground chamber concealed within a federal prison!”

“What makes it even more fascinating is that this underground chamber was not part of the original design of

Brooklyn Prison. Instead, it was clandestinely constructed by my superior, Mr. Matt Rothschild of the Rothschild

family. Even the U.S. government is unaware of its existence. You may wonder why Matt Rothschild was permitted

to build a secret tunnel and underground space within a federal prison. The answer is simple, his last name carries

great weight—Rothschild, a name with a significant reputation in Germany!”

“In the United States, the Rothschild family wields enough influence to dig secret tunnels wherever they please. If

Mr. Matt Rothschild desires, he could even excavate a tunnel from the Empire State Building in New York to…well,

that’s a different matter. But I have no doubt that he’s thoroughly prepared for this ambitious venture. You may be

curious as to why Mr. Matt Rothschild would want to create a tunnel from New York to… Let me clarify—he’s

creating a tunnel to facilitate his continued intimate encounters with my wife. Until now, they’ve had to engage in

their affair discreetly, but with this tunnel, those worries will be a thing of the past! I’d like to extend my sincere

gratitude to Mr. Matt Rothschild for his support during my tenure. Whenever he visited Las Vegas or New York, he

generously used his unimpressive, circumcised little brother to comfort the extremely empty body of my slut wife!

Thank you, Mr. Matt Rothschild!”