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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 686-690
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 686

Donald was embarrassed to say that his son had his wrist broken, so he said, “He happened to have

something wrong. I guess he won’t come here until a while. When he comes, I will bring him to visit you!”

Cameron Isaac nodded and said: “Otherwise, I will arrange for someone to take you back to the room to

rest. When Linglang comes back in the evening, we will have dinner together, and it will be my host who

will pick you up.”

Donald was overjoyed, and said, “Then there will be Mr. Cameron.”

He felt that he and Cameron Isaac were just nodding acquaintances and knew each other before, but

now that Cameron Isaac accepts his gift after visiting the house, the relationship is a step closer.

And this is what Donald desires most.

As the Eastcliff Wade family’s spokesperson in Aurouss Hilll, Cameron Isaac is a stepping stone. As long

as he can maintain a good relationship with him, he will definitely be able to take this opportunity in the

future to embrace the true towering tree of Wade family.

Moreover, Donald also has his own careful thinking.

He felt that if the Webb family couldn’t find someone who could treat Kian, they could ask the Wade

family to take action after they hugged Wade Family’s thigh.

With the strength of the Wade Family, with a single order, countless capable people and strangers were

behind them.

And Cameron Isaac didn’t think much about it, after all, it was the first family in the south of the Yangtze


So, after he and Donald exchanged greetings for a while, they were taken to the presidential suite to rest


After Donald took a few bodyguards into the luxurious presidential suite, he called Sean and asked him

to come and have a round with him.

At this time, Sean had finished plastering in the hospital. After receiving a call from Donald, he took Mrr..

Lloyd to Shangri-La.

Sitting in the car, Sean’s expression was still very gloomy, his face full of depression.

Seeing this, Mrr.. Lloyd quickly said: “Sean, the doctor has ordered that you have just put on a plaster.

Don’t get angry, otherwise it will affect the healing of your bones and cause sequelae.”

Sean said angrily: “I will definitely not let go of that damn Charlie Wade, I will chop off both his hands!”

Mrr.. Lloyd was overjoyed. Sean was beaten and severed. He was the most excited one, because in this

way, the Webb family would definitely not let Charlie Wade go. The enmity engraved on his son’s

forehead would be avenged!

However, he said with great concern: “Sean, you must take care of your health. It is never too late to say


Sean sneered and said fiercely: “Wait and see, that Charlie Wade will not be long.”

Coming to Shangri-La, Sean took Mrr.. Lloyd straight to the presidential suite where Donald stayed.

After knocking on the door, the bodyguard opened the door from the inside.

Sean walked into the huge living room and said to Donald sitting on the sofa, “Dad, I’m back.”

Donald gave a hum, and asked with concern: “How is your hand? What did the doctor say?”

Sean said with a dark face, “It’s broken, the doctor put a plaster on it, I’m afraid it will take a few months

to recuperate to see you better.”

Donald nodded, and said, “You need to pay more attention recently, and don’t leave any sequelae.”

Sean blurted out: “Dad, it doesn’t matter what your hands are, you can tell us how we are going to deal

with Charlie Wade?!”

Donald sneered and said, “If you want to kill Charlie Wade, kill Don Albertt first tonight!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 687

Mr. Lloydyi heard Donald say that he would kill Don Albertt first tonight, and his heart suddenly became


He had long been expecting Don Albertt to die, but he did not expect to finally get his wish now!

Moreover, to kill Don Albertt, he will not only get revenge, but the Webb family will also take advantage of

the trend to hold himself in the top position!

Wouldn’t he be able to become the next underground emperor of Aurouss Hilll? !

Thinking of this, he trembled with excitement.

Sean asked on the side: “Dad, Don Albertt has many younger brothers in Aurouss Hilll. Is it so easy to

kill him?”

Donald said lightly: “You have to figure out one thing, to kill Don Albertt, you don’t have to kill all his little

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brothers first!” “Dad, what do you mean?”

Donald said coldly: “There are thousands of Don Albertt, but he may not always be around him. We only

need to know where he will be at a specific time, then find him there and kill him directly!” Mrr.. Lloyd

hurriedly said, “I know! Don Albertt’s whereabouts are uncertain during the day, but he usually stays in

Heaven Springs at night, because his Heaven Springs is very famous in Aurouss Hilll, and many of his

friends will go there to eat at night.”

Donald asked him: “How many security guards does Heaven Springs have?” Mrr.. Lloyd thought for a

while and said, “For the security guard, there should be about ten, and the rest are waiters.”

Donald snorted coldly: “Ten security guards are not enough. My bodyguards were all masters in the

army. Which one can’t be ten?” After all, he looked at a burly middle-aged man headed by his five

bodyguards and asked: “Jones Zizhou, you have been with me for the longest time, the strongest, and

the most efficient in doing things.

I will let you take other People, go to Heaven Springs to kill Don Albertt tonight, whoever blocks you, kill

whoever you want, can you do it?” Jones Zizhou immediately clasped his fists and said, “Master Webb,

don’t worry, a dozen security guards are just ants in front of us. As for that Don Albertt, he will kill him like

a dog!”

Donald nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Mrr.. Lloyd, and said: “Mrr.. Lloyd, don’t you have a bloody

vengeance with Don Albertt? I now give you a chance to take revenge. You will take my person to

Heaven Springs tonight, Get rid of Don Albertt!

Get rid of him, my Webb family will come out to protect you, and hold you in one hand as the new

underground emperor of Aurouss Hilll!” When Mrr.. Lloyd heard this, there was a deep hatred in his eyes,

and his heart was already boiling! What is the purpose of making a dog for the Webb family and working


Isn’t it just revenge and kill Don Albertt and Charlie Wade? Now, Donald gave himself a chance, a

chance to become the underground emperor of Aurouss Hilll! How can I refuse such a good thing? !

Moreover, he had long heard that the Webb family’s bodyguards were all retired soldiers from the army.

There are five such people, it is more than enough to go to Heaven Springs to kill a Don Albertt! Once

Don Albertt dies, his little brother will immediately be headless! At this time, there was Webb family

backing up for themselves.

It is easy to become the new underground emperor of Aurouss Hilll! From now on, with the Webb family’s

relationship, it is very likely that I will reach the pinnacle of my life! ……

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 688

At this moment, at the birthday banquet of Lord Mooore, Charlie Wade waited for the formal opening of

the feast, and then offered Lord Mooore a glass of wine, and he quickly went to Dr. Simmons’s Serene

Medical Clinic to see the situation.

At the dinner table, Mr. White, Mr. Quinton, Quinton Aoxue, Don Albertt, Liam and even Lori White

looked at him with more respect than before. The miraculous effect of Rejuvenation Pill is really


However, everyone was quite self-aware, and no one took the initiative to mention the Rejuvenation Pill

with him. Although Charlie Wade still had twenty rejuvenating pills left, he was not ready to take them out

as gifts.

Although Mr. White, Mr. Quinton and Don Albertt are all young, they are far from reaching old age.

Therefore, there is no need for them to take Rejuvenation Pill now. If in the future they will still follow their

karma and follow them steadily, they will definitely give them one at the right time.

At the dinner table, Charlie Wade looked at Liam, who hadn’t seen him for a few days, and asked him

curiously: “How is Weaver’s Pharmaceuticals?” Liam hurriedly said respectfully: “Master Hui Wade, the

development of Weaver’s Pharmaceutical is normal. I am also organizing some old Chinese medicine

practitioners and pharmacists of Chinese patent medicine to explore and study our ancient Chinese

prescriptions, and prepare to introduce some ancient Chinese medicines. Fang’s medicines.”

Having said that, Liam said with some regret: “Our ancestors left so many good prescriptions. Now they

are either lost or stolen by pharmaceutical companies in other countries. It is a shame, so I want to do

everything. Explore the possibilities.”

Charlie Wade nodded and said approvingly: “This is a good idea. The good things our ancestors left

behind have been taken away by Japanese and South Korean companies. If we don’t pay attention

anymore, then the Chinese ancestors left behind Fang, I’m afraid it will become the bragging capital of

these small neighboring countries.”

With that, Charlie Wade suddenly thought of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall in Japan. Kobayashi

Pharmaceuticall was cheated by himself for more than 10 billion. Now is the time when his vitality is

severely injured, and he also left a hidden danger for Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall.

Jiro Kobayashi, the second son of the Kobayashi family, thought that his elder brother was dead, but he

couldn’t think of it. Ichiro Kobayashi is still feeding and shoveling shit at Don Albertt’s kennel. If

Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall is in a state of failure, that’s fine. If Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall’s head rises a

bit, he can take Ichiro Kobayashi back to pick the peaches.

Thinking of this, he asked Liam: “How is the situation with Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall in Japan?” Liam

said: “Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall had a problem some time ago. It seems that it has lost a large amount

of cash. Now it is a little bit difficult in capital turnover, but they are now thin and dead camels are bigger

than horses, not to mention Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall still has Many best-selling drugs should be

restored within a short period of time.”

Charlie Wade snorted, already thinking about it. When Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall was relieved, he sent

Ichiro Kobayashi back to Japan and helped him run Jiro Kobayashi for whatever he said. In that way,

Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall is basically its own.

So he said to Liam, “If there is anything happening at Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall, please give me

feedback in time.” “Good Master Wade.” Liam nodded piously, and said respectfully: “I will pay close

attention to it.” Charlie Wade asked again: “By the way, how are your father and your brother in Golim


Liam smiled slightly and said: “The people I sent and the people from Orvel took turns to stare at them. I

heard that Golim Mountain has cooled down recently and the mountain is covered by heavy snow. The

two of them are in short supply and there are not enough ginseng harvesting products. This winter

Maybe you can only live without food and clothing.”

Charlie Wade nodded and said, “It doesn’t matter if you lack food or clothing, as long as you can’t die.”

Liam said immediately: “Master Wade can rest assured, although I hate them in my heart, but after all,

there is blood relationship. In any case, they will save their lives and let them dig and regret in Golim


The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 689

At this time, the energetic Lord Mooore, with a group of Moore family children, came to toast Charlie

Wade. A group of people followed Lord Mooore and called Master Wade well. Charlie Wade got up

slightly, picked up the wine glass, and said to Lord Mooore: “Lord Mooore don’t have to be so polite, I

respect you with this glass of wine, I wish you a better life than Nanshan.”

After speaking, Charlie Wade raised his head and drank the wine, and then said: “I am going to see the

old Serene Medical Clinic of Dr. Simmons, and I will retire later.” Lord Mooore sighed and said, “Oh, the

medicine hall of the genius Dr. Simmons was smashed. I should also go and take a look. It’s just that

there are so many guests on the scene, and I really can’t get away…”

Charlie Wade nodded and said with a smile: “Lord Mooore is born today, so naturally I want to share the

joy with everyone. I have already called Xyla to make sure that neither she nor Dr. Simmons were

injured. Don’t worry.”

Lord Mooore hurriedly said: “Master Wade, let Jasmine go with you. After all, Jasmine picked you up. It is

not convenient for you to go from here.” Charlie Wade did not refuse either, nodded and agreed, and

then said to a few people present: “Everyone, eat and drink well, I will take a step first.”

Everyone got up to see each other, but seeing Charlie Wade instructed with gestures, they sat back one

after another. Charlie Wade said to Don Albertt when he was leaving: “My husband seems to be going to

have a dinner in Heaven Springs tonight. If you go to Heaven Springs, please help me take care of it. If

you don’t, then help me and the people over there. Someone say hello.”

Don Albertt hurriedly said, “Master Wade don’t worry, I usually stay in Heaven Springs at night. After your

old man arrives, I will definitely make arrangements.” “Yeah.” Charlie Wade nodded and said: “Then you

have to work so hard.”

Don Albertt said hurriedly: “Master Wade, you are polite, this is what I should do!”

In Charlie Wade’s eyes, Jacob Wilson, the father-in-law, was a pretty good person, and after knowing his

past things, Charlie Wade did feel that he was actually pitiful, so he instinctively wanted to take care of

him a little bit more.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Charlie Wade stepped out of the Moore family villa accompanied by


Jasmine took Charlie Wade all the way to the front of her car and personally opened the passenger door

for Charlie Wade. After Charlie Wade got in the car, she got in.

As soon as she got on the bus, Jasmine looked at Charlie Wade gratefully and said sincerely: “Master

Wade, thank you so much today…”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “You don’t have to thank me. This chance of Rejuvenation Pill is

given to your grandfather. It is enough for him to thank me.”

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Jasmine hurriedly said, “Master Wade, I thank you not only for this, but also because of what you said to


Jasmine was very grateful to Charlie Wade, mainly because of what Charlie Wade said to Lord Mooore.

She lost her parents since she was a child. Although the material conditions in the Moore family are very

good, she rarely feels family affection, and she does not have the feeling of being taken care of and

protected by others at all times.

However, Charlie Wade would actually speak for her just now, and even put the credit for returning

Chundan to her. This is to help her establish her position in the Moore family. To Jasmine, it seems like

Charlie Wade’s moment. Protecting herself in general, filled her with a warm current that she had never

experienced before.

It is not easy for her to live in the Moore family alone.

Charlie Wade looked at her, smiled slightly, and said, “I think you are the most suitable candidate to

inherit the Moore family from the third generation of the Moore family. As for your cousin, to be honest, it

feels like a strong foreigner, if the Moore family is Handed over to him, it will definitely go downhill.”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 690

Jasmine hurriedly waved her hand: “Actually, my brother is quite good. I am not going to inherit the

Moore family in the future. I just hope that after my grandfather dies, I won’t be swept out by them…”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said seriously: “With me, this kind of thing will not happen.”

Jasmine was so grateful that she rubbed her eyes and said, “Master Wade, I will send you to Serene

Medical Clinic…”

After all, start the car and drive out of the villa.

In Serene Medical Clinic at this time, Dr. Simmons was taking Xyla to clean up the medicine cabinet that

was smashed by Webb’s bodyguard.

Seeing Charlie Wade and Jasmine stepping forward, Dr. Simmons hurried forward and said in surprise:

“Master Wade, why are you here? And Miss Moore, isn’t your grandpa having his birthday?”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “I heard Xyla say that Webb’s family had come here to make

trouble, so I’ll take a look at the situation on your side. Is the loss great?”

Dr. Simmons waved his hand and smiled calmly: “It’s nothing more than the loss of some medicine

cabinets and medicinal materials.”

Charlie Wade nodded and said, “I broke Sean’s right hand as a small punishment. In addition, I told them

that I must come and apologize within three days.”

When Dr. Simmons heard these words, he hurriedly said nervously: “Master Wade, you don’t need to

fight with the Webb family for the little things of old age! The Webb family is the first family in the south of

the Yangtze River. I’m afraid they will hold you grudges and intentions. revenge……”

Charlie Wade said calmly: “Don’t worry, if the Webb family wants to retaliate, let him come, and I will tell

them with the result that Aurouss Hilll is not Eastcliff, and it is a price to pretend to be forced.”

Xyla looked admiringly and said, “Master Wade, thank you for helping me and grandpa out of this nasty

breath. The father and son surnamed Webb are really too much, so I have to teach them a lesson and

make them a little in awe!”

Dr. Simmons looked at Xyla and reprimanded: “What are you talking about? How many times have I told

you, don’t trouble Master Wade, why don’t you understand?”

Xyla nodded aggrievedly, not daring to say more.

Charlie Wade said at this moment: “Dr. Simmons, it is true that the reason why the Webb family father

and son came to trouble you, to a certain extent, also has something to do with me.”

Dr. Simmons, Xyla, and Jasmine were all a little surprised, and they didn’t understand what Charlie

Wade meant.

Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “Everyone is not an outsider, so I’m telling the truth. The second

son of the Webb family, Kian, became like the one uploaded by Douyin because I added a psychological

hint to him. .”

“Ah?!” All three people present were dumbfounded!

No one thought that the culprit behind Kian, who became a feces-swallowing beast and famous all over

the country, turned out to be Charlie Wade!

Xyla subconsciously asked, “Master Wade, do you have any conflicts with that Kian?”

Charlie Wade said calmly: “I have no contradiction with him, just simply can’t bear it.”

After speaking, Charlie Wade said again: “This kid does not study well in college, always abuses female

students, and even tries to induce Mr. Quinton’s daughter’s girlfriend to commit suicide. I can’t see it, so I

showed him a lesson and let him do this. There is no way to abuse a girl in my life.”

Xyla immediately looked at him in admiration and blurted out: “Master Wade, you are really my idol! I

have long heard that Kian is not a good thing. He has become like this. I don’t know how many people

clapped and cheered! It turns out that it was Master Wade who walked the way for the sky!”

Jasmine on the side could not help exclaiming: “Master Wade, the reason why Donald is still in Aurouss

Hilll is to find someone who will attack Kian. I didn’t expect it to be you…”