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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 901-905
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 901

Jacob Wilson deliberately mentioned the small forest, just to see how Matilda blushed.

Even if she was calm, she would be ashamed to think of the presumptuous youth and sweet and

ambiguous past of the two.

Jacob Wilson felt that he had to make Matilda think more about the past, and think about the past that

made people excited, and it would definitely arouse the fire in her heart that had been waiting for more

than 20 years.

Naturally, Matilda knew what he meant, and she couldn’t help but turn the subject away when she was

shy, and blurted out: “By the way, how is our former teacher in charge now?”

Jacob Wilson said: “It’s not bad, but the legs are not very convenient.

Last time when our old classmates got together, we invited him to his alma mater and invited him to the

classroom to give us a lecture.”

“Really?” Matilda sighed: “It’s a shame not to be able to attend your party!”

Jacob Wilson smiled and said: “We had a small gathering that time.

We were all old classmates from Aurouss Hilll or near Aurouss Hilll, and they were all male classmates.”

Matilda nodded and said: “Today’s party seems to have a lot of classmates, because I contacted several

girls who had a good relationship with me, and they are all willing to come.”

“That’s good.” Jacob Wilson said with a smile: “Then we can get together this time.”

Matilda said: “But I heard that Aaron Phillips seemed to have been dealt with because of corruption

some time ago?

He is now in custody awaiting prosecution.”

“Yes.” When Jacob Wilson thought that Aaron Phillips took his son-in-law to pretend to be forceful with

him last time, he was furious.

The old bastard last time, he really slandered himself in front of his old classmates.

Now he is in jail, not knowing how beautiful he is.

So he smiled and said, “Old Aaron, he deserves it. You say you work well, don’t do it well, and you think

about using your position to facilitate corruption all day long. What should we do? Our teacher taught that

year. We do not ask us to become talents, but we must make us a righteous person. People like him

belong to themselves and have their own problems!”

Matilda nodded in agreement. In fact, most of the old intellectuals of their generation are very upright.

Everyone went to university with the attitude of contributing to the country and society.

Although Matilda has always lived in the United States, she has always been concerned about China.

There have been several major natural disasters in the country.

Matilda has donated a lot of cash and materials, and has even been commended by the country.

However, she has always acted very low-key, and this kind of thing has never been mentioned to others,

so old classmates such as Jacob Wilson have no idea that Matilda is still a great charity overseas


At this moment, Jacob Wilson’s cell phone rang suddenly.

He picked it up and found that it was the WeChat group of the Student Union during the university years.

No one had spoken in this group for several days. At this time, all of them suddenly said, “Classmates,

Matilda is organizing a class gathering at noon today.

Are you here yet?”

“I’m in Aurouss Hilll, I’m already preparing for a banquet!”

“I’m on my way to Aurouss Hilll, there is still a hundred kilometers left, and I will arrive in an hour and a


“I just got off the plane! I came here specially from Eastcliff!”

At this time, someone Jacob Wilson said, “Jacob Wilson, come out soon, your first love is back! You old

guy don’t know yet, do you?”

It was Zane Colton who had a good relationship with Jacob Wilson.

Last time Aaron Phillips ridiculed Jacob Wilson, thanks to him being there to help Jacob Wilson round

the field.

Jacob Wilson saw that Zane had turned himself, and smiled and rolled his eyes, and said, “Why do you

say that I don’t know? If I tell you, I will be with Matilda now, believe it or not?”

Zane sent a voice and said with a smile: “I believe it, of course I believe it, what is the relationship

between the two of you?

Back then, the two of you were recognized by our school, a perfect match!”

When Jacob Wilson heard this, he felt very happy, so he also sent a voice over and laughed loudly:

“Haha, Zane, you tell the truth!”

Leah, a female classmate in the class who had an excellent relationship with Matilda back then, followed

him with an angry expression and replied: “Jacob Wilson, you scumbag still has a smile? It was you who

took Matilda I’m so angry! I haven’t had a chance to meet Matilda sister for so many years!”

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Jacob Wilson suddenly became embarrassed again. Back then, he inadvertently cheated on Elaine Ma

after drinking.

This incident was at school, but everyone knew it. Even thinking about it now, he felt extremely

embarrassed. It was the biggest shame in his life.

Just when Jacob Wilson didn’t know how to reply, a person in the group who had not spoken jumped out

and directly sent a red envelope.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 902

Jacob Wilson grabbed the red envelope a long time ago, so he immediately clicked the red envelope

subconsciously, and was surprised to find that he actually received 200 Dollar!

Only then did he discover that many of his classmates had received 200 Dollar.

It seems that this is a big red envelope with 200 Dollar per person!

Jacob Wilson was still gratifying for the 200 Dollar unexpected fortune, but when he saw the other party’s

nickname, it was called “I miss that beautiful sunny day”, and his face turned black suddenly! At this time,

the classmates in the group are all exploding! “I’ll go, thank you boss!”

“Yeah! Boss Greyson of Wake Diving, every shot is 200 Dollar per person, which is really unusual.” “I

have heard that Boss Greyson has made a lot of money over the years, and he really deserves his

reputation.” “That’s it! People thank you, boss, now you are a well-known Hong Kong businessman, what

does this little money count?”

The man sent a smiling face and another voice, speaking in a Hong Kong accent, and said: “Oh, Matilda

came back from the United States. I was very excited, so I sent a red envelope to make everyone


After speaking, he sent another red envelope. Looking at the other’s nickname, Jacob Wilson seemed to

be obsessed with Matilda, and he was naturally very upset. However, seeing the red envelopes coming

out, I was reluctant to let go.

So he could only curse this guy in his heart for being blind, while reaching out and opening the red

envelope. Unexpectedly, this is another red envelope of 200 Dollar per person! With these two red

envelopes, the other party has already issued more than 10,000 Dollar! Suddenly there were a lot of

compliments in the group.

The other party smiled at this moment: “Attention everyone, the third round of red envelopes is here!”

After speaking, another red envelope was sent out. Everyone rushed to grab the red envelope, and

Jacob Wilson also ordered the red envelope without any promise. As a result, the third red envelope is

still 200 Dollar! Jacob Wilson was a little puzzled.

He really couldn’t think of who this person would be. After all, they didn’t have classmates from Hong

Kong back then. They were all classmates from mainland China. So who is this person who speaks

Hong Kong and Taiwanese? At this time, the other party issued a fourth red envelope. The thunderous

person is 200 Dollar per person.

Then came the fifth red envelope, still 200 Dollar… In just one or two minutes, all the online classmates

in the group grabbed a red envelope of 1,000 Dollar. But Matilda never grabbed the other party’s red


At this time, “Missing that beautiful sunny day” said in the group: “I have flown from Hong Kong to

Aurouss Hilll this morning, and I am staying at the Shangri-La Hotel. I heard that Matilda also lives in this

hotel. I don’t know if you are here. Which room?

If it is convenient, apply through my friend and tell me your room number in private chat. I’ll go chat with

you!” After that, Matilda was still behind. When Matilda saw this, she couldn’t help but frown, and said

lightly: “This Greyson Tate is the same as it was twenty years ago. He likes showing off so much!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 903

“Greyson Tate?!” When Jacob Wilson heard the name, his jealousy was overturned. This Greyson was

the head of the External Relations Department of the Student Union at the time, and he was also a

wealthy second-generation family.

Back then, both he and Aaron Phillips were one of Matilda’s suitors. It’s just that at that time, Matilda had

no interest in him and Aaron Phillips, so even if Greyson chased Matilda for many years, Matilda was still


After Jacob Wilson and Matilda were together, Greyson worked against him in various ways, always

trying his best to show off in front of Matilda.

Later, after Matilda broke up with Jacob Wilson, he immediately realized that his great opportunity was

coming, so he launched a crazy pursuit of Matilda.

But Matilda still did not accept him, but went directly to the United States. Greyson’s family was very

wealthy. His father had already established his business in Hong Kong before he went to university. It

can be said that he was the first group of tycoons to become rich after the country opened up.

Therefore, Greyson had a strong family background, so he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet,

chasing Matilda to the United States. It is a pity that even in the United States, Matilda still refused to

accept him. Greyson saw Matilda finally fall in love with an American, and then left the United States in a

desperate manner.

Since then, he has gone to Hong Kong to develop. More than 20 years later, he has become a well-

known successful businessman in Hong Kong. Jacob Wilson felt very uncomfortable, because he knew

that what he lacked most now was money, and what Greyson lacked least was money.

Who would have thought that Greyson was among the group of old classmates, just sending out red

envelopes and sending out tens of thousands of dollars in one go. At this time, the students in the group

who received the red envelopes continued to compliment. “Boss Greyson is so affectionate.

When I hear that Matilda is coming back, I can’t sit still.” “Thank you boss, you are not afraid that

Matilda’s husband will be jealous?” “That’s, you ran over so aggressively. In the past, I saw the

sweetness of Matilda and her husband. Don’t you smash your old heart that has been beating for forty to

fifty years?” “How can I explain to my wife when I go home?”

At this time, Leah, a good friend of Matilda, made a silent expression in the group, saying: “Don’t talk

about it here, sister Matilda’s husband, has passed away some time ago… “ As soon as Leah said this,

the old classmates in the group immediately made a blessing expression with their hands folded.

There are also many people inside Matilda, saying: “Sister Matilda, let’s change our grief!” However,

although everyone said so on the surface, most of the male students did not feel sorry for this incident at


Especially Greyson, he didn’t know how excited he was when he heard that her husband Matilda had

passed away. What he has been waiting for is to have a chance to truly come together with Matilda. After

all, this was the woman he couldn’t get anyway. Now that her husband has passed away, isn’t there any

obstacle to her?

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 904

Therefore, Greyson immediately replied in the group: “Hey, my wife has passed away long ago. It seems

that Matilda and I have the same fate…” An old classmate who had something good, heard his words

and immediately said in the group: “Oh, then you and Matilda, aren’t this a match made in heaven?”

Several other old classmates who took his red envelopes also joined in. Some people even said: “Oh,

Greyson, you and Matilda are now widowed, then you two are really suitable, and I remember that you

had a soft spot for Matilda back then, you must work hard. Ah, we old classmates are all blessing you

from our hearts!”

When Greyson heard this, he immediately laughed and said, “Then I would like to thank the old

classmates for their blessings in advance, but this matter still depends on what Matilda means.”

Having said that, he said again: “Whether Matilda replied or not, I decided to return to Aurouss Hilll for

long-term development this time.”

“Isn’t it?” Someone in the group exclaimed: “Greyson, your family has been developing in Hong Kong for

many years? Why did you suddenly decide to return to Aurouss Hilll at this time?”

Greyson said: “Matilda has lived in the United States for so many years, and she has decided to come

back now? It seems that we are better at Aurouss Hilll.

This is the place where we swayed our youth, sweat and tears. I intend to come back this time. Retired in

Aurouss Hilll!”

Jacob Wilson couldn’t help it anymore. He immediately tweeted in the group: “Greyson, I advise you not

to settle in Aurouss Hilll. Matilda didn’t like you back then, and it’s impossible to like you now, so don’t It’s

boring to find yourself!”

In fact, Jacob Wilson was very nervous and inferior at this time.

In his opinion, Greyson is now a large Hong Kong businessman, worth hundreds of millions, and he is

stronger than himself and I don’t know where to go.

I haven’t had a good life all these years. Compared with the high-spirited self in college, it’s a world of


The most important thing is that he and Elaine Ma have not yet divorced, they belong to a married man,

and Greyson is now widowed!

It just so happens that Matilda is also widowed, so if they are together, it is really a good fit.

Therefore, no matter how the comparison is made, I am at a disadvantage.

I haven’t seen Matilda for so many years, and Jacob Wilson can’t figure out what Matilda is thinking now.

What if he sees Greyson right at the party at noon?

Greyson saw Jacob Wilson talking in the group at this time, and said with a smile: “Oh, I thought that our

original student council president would only snatch red envelopes. I didn’t expect that the president

would finally speak.”

Jacob Wilson’s face immediately turned red when he heard this. As the saying goes, he was sluggish

and shorthanded. He just snatched several 200 Dollar red envelopes from others.

Now that he was said by others, his face was really a bit unbearable.

This is no food in the pocket, panic in my heart.

Jacob Wilson has never had a rich life. In addition, Elaine Ma has always been in charge of the money in

the family before. Therefore, even if he grabs a red envelope of 5 Dollar and 8 Dollar from the WeChat

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group, he can be happy for a long time. .

So it has long been a habit to grab every red envelope.

Today, Greyson gave out red envelopes in the group. He didn’t even bother to see who sent it. The first

thing was to grab them first.

In the end, each of these red envelopes was 200 Dollar, and Jacob Wilson who grabbed it was secretly

beautiful in his heart, but he did not expect that the grab was a red envelope issued by a rival in love,

and the grab was also out of touch.

It’s not worth the loss.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Greyson continued to ridicule: “The president is a good official. He has

graduated for so many years, and he still wants to order me?”

Jacob Wilson bit his scalp and replied: “I am not an order, but to persuade you, for your good.”

Greyson immediately replied: “For my good? For my good, you wouldn’t let me return to Aurouss Hilll to

settle and be with you? I think you guy, it’s been so many years and still can’t forget Matilda. I’m afraid I

will return to Aurouss Hilll to settle down. Be your rival in love!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 905

Hearing what Greyson said, Jacob Wilson felt a little guilty.

He was indeed afraid that Greyson would become his rival in love, but he certainly couldn’t say such

things among his classmates.

After all, he is now married.

Therefore, he could only say in the group against his will: “I’m afraid you have been in Hong Kong for so

long, and suddenly you feel uncomfortable when you come back to Aurouss Hilll. We are all old and our

bodies are getting old, so we rashly change to a different water and soil. In cities, maybe the health is

going to be a problem.”

Greyson laughed twice and said, “I am in good health, so I won’t bother you!”

Jacob Wilson didn’t bother to talk to him anymore, put his phone in his pocket, and said to Matilda beside

him: “Matilda, let’s go inside and go shopping.”

Matilda nodded, and went on walking around the alma mater with him.

After 10 o’clock, Matilda checked the time and said to Jacob Wilson next to him: “The class reunion

arrives at 11 o’clock. I think it’s almost the time. Let’s pass now.”

Jacob Wilson nodded, smiled and said: “Okay.”

Later, he drove his BMW 5 Series and brought Matilda to the Glorious Club.

This time, Paul booked for Matilda on the fourteenth floor of the Glorious Club. This is already the top

level of the Glorious Club, which normal members can reach.

Jacob Wilson couldn’t help being a little surprised!

The last time he relied on his son-in-law Charlie Wade to know Lord Don Albertt, he went to the tenth

floor once.

But never expected that this time Paul would be able to book directly to the fourteenth floor!

It is said that the 15th floor is used by the Moore family and is not open to the public. In other words, Paul

should be the most senior member here.

Moreover, the tenth floor of the Glorious Clubhouse is already very, very luxurious, isn’t the fourteenth

floor going to be luxurious to the sky?

Walking up the elevator, Jacob Wilson couldn’t help asking Matilda next to him: “Matilda, is Paul and the

Moore family good?”

Matilda nodded and said, “After all, we have had a cooperative relationship for so many years, and we

have helped them solve a lot of problems legally, so the Moore family is fairly polite to us.”

Jacob Wilson was amazed in his heart. It seemed that Paul, a young man, was really young and


The two came to the huge luxury box on the fourteenth floor, and many old classmates were already

waiting in the box.

This box has a table that can accommodate 50 people for dinner at the same time. The table is huge and

very luxurious.

The entire table is electric. As long as a person sits there, the food will rotate in front of him repeatedly at

a constant speed, ensuring that everyone can taste every dish.

Moreover, such a large table, full of 100 dishes, is extremely luxurious.

It is said that the standard for such a meal starts at least 20,000 per person.

There are more than 40 old classmates who came here today, which is much more than last time. It is

estimated that Paul’s expenses for this entertainment will be at least more than 1 million.

Seeing Matilda and Jacob Wilson come in together, many old classmates were dumbfounded.

Someone who has something good directly points out and asks: “Matilda, why are you here with Jacob


“Did you two meet down by accident? Or did you two meet together?”

Among the crowd, a very stylish middle-aged and elderly man in a high-end suit with a big back combed

his head. At this time, his eyes were staring at Matilda, and he was Greyson.