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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 991-995
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The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 991

The heartless Jeff, when he left William’s dormitory, suddenly felt a little guilty for him.

He thinks that people like William, although hateful, are really pitiful.

He is an orphan without a father and no mother. After so many years of hard work, he hasn’t come up

with anything. In the end, he found a girlfriend.

If he knew that his girlfriend was enjoying herself under other men when his girlfriend called and scolded

him, what kind of mood would he be like?

Moreover, he just emptied all of his wealth. He was also given a loan of more than 500,000 Dollar, all of

which were usury without exception. It is estimated that in a week, he will have to pay back at least one

million. It is estimated that after a month, he will have at least several million. By that time, he might be

desperate, right?

However, he is also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and he cannot protect himself. No way, if two

people must die, he hopes that the other person will die. Moreover, he hasn’t gone ashore yet! If you

want to go ashore, at least you have to get hundreds of thousands more. Thinking of this, he no longer

sympathized with William.

Regardless of him, let’s live alive. At this moment, at the dining table of the Hyatt Hotel, Jeff has become

the target of the thousands. Even the few followers before him all hated him one by one. While everyone

looked down on Jeff, they admired Charlie Wade very much.

After all, you can donate 1 million people to the orphanage at your fingertips, certainly not just 1 million.

Everyone realized that they had looked down on Charlie Wade before.

In order to curry favor with Charlie Wade, many people kept saying his kind words, toasting him,

complimenting him, and even kneeling before him.

Charlie Wade didn’t have any arrogance, but he was not too humble. He always maintained a calm

mentality, which made people feel a little unpredictable.

Caleb has been waiting for everyone to finish with Charlie Wade.

He picked up a glass of wine and said seriously: “Charlie Wade, thank you for all this for the orphanage, I

toast you a glass!”

Charlie Wade looked at him and nodded gently.

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 992

Apart from Lisa and Mrs. Lewis, Caleb was the first person to toast to himself because he had donated

money to the orphanage.

Those other people, they toast to themselves, not because they donated money to the orphanage, but

because they find that they seem to be rich.

These are two completely different starting points. Those who rush to the orphanage to toast are those

who really care about the orphanage; those who rush to the orphanage to toast are all hoping to have a

relationship with themselves.

After all, for these friends, it is certainly not easy to donate 1 million people to the orphanage at will, and

it has far exceeded their cognition.

Charlie Wade and Caleb drank a glass of wine, and Caleb sighed sincerely: “Charlie Wade, I am really

pleased to see that you can have today! I felt that you are different from each of us, and Knowing why, I

thought you were great at that time, and I thought you would be promising in the future! I didn’t expect

you to be so generous!”

Charlie Wade smiled indifferently, and said: “When we two slept on the construction site together, we

were very happy to have enough food every day. We were paid every month. We two of us could have

extravagance and buy two side dishes. I have a few bottles of beer and a drink in the shed on the

construction site.

In my opinion, it is already a great satisfaction.”

After a pause, Charlie Wade said again: “Because of that experience, I don’t have too much material

requirements now. Eat better, dress better, use better, live better. In fact, it really doesn’t make much

sense to me.”

Caleb nodded earnestly and said, “Brother, I understand what you said. We two worked together in the

same job back then, but I saved up all the money I earned. I hope that I will be able to turn over as the

capital of the salted fish in the future; All the money you earned was donated to the orphanage.

At that time, I felt that I might not be as good as you in my life, because your situation is much bigger

than mine!”

After all, Caleb sighed softly and laughed at himself: “Facts have proved that I am really nothing.”

Charlie Wade said solemnly: “Brother, don’t be arrogant at any time, as long as you can do it, you are

worthy of the world, worthy of your conscience, worthy of yourself, even if your material life is not so

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good, you are a very happy person.”

As he said, he said again: “Look at this world, how many wealthy people have made their homes by

doing bad things, and how many people who have no money are deliberately thinking about stealing,

stealing, cheating, and occupying some from others. One thing, there are too few people who can do no


Claire Wilson Wilson silently listened to Charlie Wade’s words, and suddenly felt that her image of her

husband had become radiant at this moment and in her own mind.

From his donation to the orphanage, to the moment he said such a statement, I was impressed.

Caleb drank a little wine and was a little bit on his head, so he was also a little impulsive at this time. He

held Charlie Wade’s hand and said with red eyes: “Charlie Wade, I have been muddled for more than 20

years. Today you made me understand.

I thought, I shouldn’t have left at the beginning. I went to Lancaster because I always thought in my heart

that I would stand up, make a fortune, and become a master. In the past few years, I have never thought

about giving back and raising me. The orphanage I grew up, looking back now, I really feel guilty…”

Charlie Wade smiled slightly: “Caleb, people must first take care of themselves, and then take care of the

world. If you can’t take care of yourself, I don’t want you to donate your limited money to the orphanage,

so you must take care of yourself first. We are all suffering. Days come, and there is no family, no

dependence, only one can rely on.

At this time, you must be nice to yourself and let yourself live well first.”

Caleb burst into tears and choked up: “Why don’t you do it yourself when you persuade me so? I know,

when Mrs. Lewis was sick, you gave all the money you could find to Mrs. Lewis, that At that time, why

don’t you want to let yourself live better first?”

Charlie Wade said awkwardly: “We are in different situations after all. I am married, but you are not.”

After speaking, Charlie Wade took Claire Wilson Wilson’s hand and said to Caleb: “All Aurouss Hilll

knows that I am a famous soft rice king. I eat from my wife, drink from my wife, and use my wife’s car. I

live with my wife and have such a good wife.

I don’t need to spend a penny, and I can eat and wear warmth. In this case, it’s useless to ask for


Claire Wilson Wilson was suddenly held by Charlie Wade. After listening to what Charlie Wade said, she

was extremely moved.

She felt that at this moment, she had a little more understanding of her husband.

But at the same time, she also felt that at this moment, she was a little stranger to her husband.

Once upon a time, she thought that her husband was hopeless and ambitious, just a useless person who

didn’t dare to fight back after being scolded and beaten. But now, she felt that her husband seemed to be

far more profound than the one she imagined!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 993

When Caleb saw Charlie Wade holding Claire Wilson Wilson’s hand, he showed his affection, and he felt

gratified for his good brother. So he hurriedly poured another glass of wine and said: “Come on, Charlie

Wade, good brother, I will toast you two a glass, I wish you better and better relationship, and give birth

to an early son!” Claire Wilson Wilson blushed all of a sudden, and she felt ashamed when she talked

about having an early son.

Charlie Wade said with a smile on his face: “Thank you brother, I will work hard!” Claire Wilson Wilson

was even more shy. She held one hand, put the other hand under the table, and pinched hard on the

inside of his thigh. Charlie Wade grinned in pain, but didn’t dare to scream, so he hurriedly picked up the

wine glass and said to Caleb: “Come on, do it!”

After a glass of wine, Charlie Wade suddenly remembered that William was working in Lancaster, and

asked: “By the way, Caleb, which company in Lancaster do you work for now? What industry is it? What

is your position? ?”

Caleb explained: “I work in a company specializing in the production of lighting equipment in Lancaster.

The main position is a salesperson. Our company is under the Lane Group.” “Lane Group?” Charlie

Wade frowned and asked, “The boss of the Lane Group should be Travis Lane, the richest man in

Lancaster, right?” Caleb nodded and said with a smile: “You also know Travis Lane.”

Charlie Wade smiled and said: “More than knowing, I have seen him.” “Really?” Caleb said in surprise:

“We usually miss the end of the dragon. Only the people from the group headquarters have the

opportunity to see him. People from small companies like us have no chance to see him. Chairman

Lane.” In Lancaster, Travis Lane was basically a native emperor, and he had many companies and


The lighting equipment company where Caleb works is actually just a small industry under Travis Lane,

let alone Caleb, even the person in charge of their lighting equipment company did not have the

opportunity to see Travis Lane several times.

Therefore, Caleb felt very shocked and curious about Charlie Wade’s meeting with Travis Lane. So he

asked: “Charlie Wade, how did you meet our Chairman Lane?” Charlie Wade smiled and said: “A friend

had a party before, and I went to attend it. I happened to see him when he was there.” The first time

Charlie Wade saw Travis Lane, Jasmine invited herself to look at a piece of jade.

At that time, Travis Lane also had ideas about the piece of jade, and even brought a master to give him a

long eye. As a result, the scam was seen through by herself. Later, when he attended the metaphysics

circle, Travis Lane also went. Although he had no friendship with him, he had always treated himself


After all, he is the Supreme Leader in the eyes of those metaphysical circles. Since Caleb works in a

company under Travis Lanei, he still has to help him if he can. So Charlie Wade said to Caleb: “Well, let

me call Travis and let him arrange a new job for you.” “What?! Do you know Chairman Lane?”

Caleb looked at Charlie Wade in shock. He thought that Charlie Wade was just a chance to meet

Chairman Lane at a party, but 80% of them had no chance to cultivate friendship with Chairman Lane.

It’s not that he despises his brothers.

The key is that Chairman Lane’s status is noble. After all, he is the richest man in Lancaster. In his eyes,

he is really unattainable.

Others couldn’t help being shocked when they heard Charlie Wade’s words.

Everyone has heard of Travis Lane, the richest man in Lancaster.

Although he is not as powerful as the Moore family, he is at least a super rich man worth several tens of

billions. Unexpectedly, Charlie Wade would know such a big man!

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 994

If it were placed half an hour ago, everyone would think Charlie Wade was bragging. But now, everyone

felt that since Charlie Wade said so, then this matter is likely to be true. Charlie Wade smiled indifferently

at this time and said to Caleb: “Although I don’t have much friendship with him, Chairman Lane, we are

acquaintances after all. I believe he will give me a bit of face after all.”

Having said that, he immediately took out his cell phone, found Travis Lane’s number, and called him

directly. After a while, the call was connected. Travis Lane on the other end of the phone said in surprise,

“Master Wade, why are you free to call me?!” Charlie Wade smiled lightly and said, “Chairman Lane, you

and I haven’t seen each other for some time.”

Travis Lane hurriedly said, “Oh, I haven’t been to Aurouss Hilll during this time. Otherwise, I must say

hello to Master Wade!” Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said, “Chairman Lane don’t need to be so polite.

Actually, I called today for something.

I want to ask you.” A table of people held their breath and looked at Charlie Wade, looking forward to

witnessing the miracle moment! Because almost everyone is an orphan, let alone a richest man with a

worth of tens of billions, even an ordinary rich man with a worth of more than ten million will have no

chance to meet.

At this time, Travis Lane hurriedly said: “Master Wade, if you have anything you want, I will go all out!”

Charlie Wade said: “I have a buddy who grew up together. I just learned today that he actually works in a

company under your industry, Chairman Lane, so I want to trouble you, can I arrange for him a upgrade

in work?”

Travis Lane was shocked! He never dreamed that Master Charlie Wade’s good brother would actually

work in his own company. So he hurriedly asked: “Master Wade, what is your brother’s name? Which

company does you work for? Could you please tell me, I will call now to arrange for personnel transfer,

and directly transfer your good brother Come to the headquarter of our group!”

Charlie Wade said, “My buddy is called Caleb Morales. He works in a lighting equipment company under

your name.” Travis Lane hurriedly said, “Master Wade, wait a minute, I’ll call and ask now!”

After hanging up the phone, Travis Lane immediately called his secretary, asking him to verify Caleb’s

identity in the shortest possible time.

When the secretary reported to himself that the lighting equipment company did have this person, Travis

Lane was delighted.

In fact, he has long wanted to find a chance to get close to Master Charlie Wade, but he has been

suffering from no chance.

After all, Master Wade is a real dragon in the world, and Matthew Gibson, who is awesome, can’t play a

face-to-face in front of him. Moreover, even a large family like the Moore family treats Charlie Wade with

respect and respect, so he also knows , I actually have no chance.

However, he never dreamed that this opportunity would suddenly fall from the sky. Master Charlie

Wade’s good brother actually worked in his own company.

Isn’t this a godsend opportunity?

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So he immediately called Charlie Wade back and asked, “Master Wade, I want to transfer your brother to

the headquarters to be my assistant. The annual salary is one million, oh no, two million. I don’t know.

Are you satisfied?”

Charlie Wade knew that for Travis Lane, the annual salary of two million was a drop in the bucket.

However, for Caleb, it would be less than ten or twenty years of struggle, and it may not even reach such

a height in his lifetime.

He hummed with satisfaction, and said: “Then this matter will be easy for you, Chairman Lane, it is best

to send a notice to my brother now, so that he can be happy sooner.”

Travis Lane didn’t dare to refuse, and respectfully said: “Master Wade, please rest assured, I will let the

manager send him an employment notice!”

The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 995

After Charlie Wade hung up Travis Lane’s call, he said to Caleb in front of him: “I have already greeted

you, Chairman Lane, and he said he wants to transfer you to the headquarters to be his assistant.”

Caleb, including the entire table of friends, were all stunned.

Everyone has heard of Travis Lane’s name, but he is a super rich man worth over 10 billion!

It is definitely not an ordinary job to be an assistant to a super rich person worth more than 10 billion

Dollar. It is impossible for ordinary people to have a chance!

At the very least, you have to graduate with a Ph.D. from a prestigious university, or even have similar

work experience in many large companies, to be considered by a rich man like Travis Lane.

Everyone knew exactly what happened to Caleb.

He and Charlie Wade were all just graduated from high school at the beginning, because the orphanage

only took them until they were 18 years old. At that time, after they finished high school and graduated,

they went straight to work in society.

Charlie Wade is a little better than him, because in order to let him cultivate a relationship with Claire

Wilson Wilson, Mr. Wilson sent him to Aurouss Hilll University to study for a year.

However, Caleb has been working since he was 18 years old, working on construction sites for a few

years, and then went to Lancaster to toss for a few years.

To put it bluntly, Caleb’s situation is no different from the uncles of migrant workers who work on the

construction site.

The only difference is that he is a little younger.

So such a person suddenly wants to work as an assistant for the super-rich Travis Lane. No matter how

you hear it, it feels very magical.

Caleb himself didn’t believe it either.

Not only did he not believe it, but he also felt that he was not capable of being an assistant to the


Being able to be a team leader in your own company already burns high incense.

But at this moment, Caleb’s phone rang suddenly.

Caleb saw that it was an unfamiliar number, so he put on the phone and asked: “Hello, who may I ask?”

The other party immediately said: “Hello, is it Mr. Caleb Morales? I am the personnel director of our Lane

Group. I am calling you to inform you that you have now been transferred to the head office and served

as Chairman Lane’s assistant. Chairman Lane will give you one week to prepare, then you can report

directly to the head office.”

Caleb was stunned and blurted out: “You…are you kidding me? Are you really asking me to be Chairman

Lane’s assistant? I haven’t even gone to university…”

The other party smiled and said: “Chairman Lane specifically explained that no matter what your

academic qualifications, you will be allowed to do this position, and you will not be required to have any

skills, as long as you can drive. It does not matter if you can even drive. The company can pay you to

sign up for training.”

Caleb hurriedly said: “I have a driver’s license. I have been taking the driver’s license test for more than

three years. I drove a taxi in Lancaster for a while.”

The other party smiled and said: “That’s good. You can help Chairman Lane drive first. If Chairman Lane

needs you to do anything, he will tell you then.”

After speaking, the other party said: “By the way, your salary is 2 million Dollar per year, which is the

basic salary, not including year-end bonuses and commissions.”

“Much…how much?!” Caleb was struck by lightning. He thought that his ears had a problem. How could

it be possible for 2 million a year?

At my current level, I can earn 100,000 Dollar a year, which is very impressive.

Even in the best dream I have ever had, I have not reached the level of an annual salary of 2 million


Seeing that Caleb didn’t seem to hear him clearly, the other party repeated it earnestly and said: “Mr.

Morales, your basic salary is 2 million a year.”

Caleb shivered with fright, and blurted out: “2 million a year is too much…”