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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet (Thalassa and Elowen)

Chapter 1986
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Alaric headed straight for Ethan's office as soon as he got to work.

Ethan was sipping on his morning coffee when he looked up to see Alaric coming in, promptly standing up as Alaric mysteriously closed the office door behind him.

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Seeing Alaric's serious demeanor, Ethan took a couple of steps back, a teasing smirk on his face, "What's up, man? It's broad daylight, and for the record, I'm straight as an arrow." Alaric rolled his eyes, "For all the years I've known you, I've never seen you date anyone. How's that for proving you're straight?" Ethan crossed his arms defensively, "Saying I'm into women is proof enough. What more do you want?" "I'm not here to joke around, buddy," Alaric flopped onto the couch, rubbing his temples with a weary sigh. "You've been hanging out with Hertha too much. Even your eye rolls and the way you talk are starting to mimic hers. Man, you've really gone native," Ethan joked before getting serious and taking a seat next to him.

"Cut the crap, Ethan. Just tellwhat you found out," Alaric said, the tiredness evident in his voice. "Rough night waiting for the results, huh?" Ethan noted his friend's dark circles and knew he must've been anxious.

"Just spill it already," Alaric pressed, clearly out of patience.

"Alright, alright, chill," Ethan replied. "The deputy dean looked into it. It turns out the Falconer family had a doctor fake the paternity test. So, the report you got was bogus." Alaric shot straight up, a mix of shock and relief on his face, "What do you mean, fake?!" "The deputy dean toldhimself. He has no reason to lie. Plus, he mentioned the Falconer family specifically asked for a fake paternity test," Ethan said earnestly.

Alaric's relief was palpable, his breathing quickened, and his eyes widened as he stared at Ethan.

Ethan, feeling a bit uneasy under his gaze, leaned back, "Hey, don't look atlike that. It's freakingout." "I got it. Thanks, man. I gotta go," Alaric said, getting up abruptly and heading for the door, moving as if he'd miss out on a life-altering moment if he didn't hurry.

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Georgia had lied to him. That child wasn't his! And to think his own mother conspired with Georgia against him! The deputy dean said the Falconer family was behind the fake paternity test, which could only mean Angelina was involved. Apart from her, no one else in the Falcone family would do something like this to him.

He couldn't fathom it. Was he really Angelina's son? How could a birth mother do such a thing?

To conspire with another woman, using someone else's Childto m deceive him into playing dad! The thought of being manipulated by his own mother was both infuriating and saddening.

As Alaric stormed out of the Crawley Group building, he dialed Hertha's number. The phone rang for what seemed like an eternity, but no one answered. Panic started to set in Alaric's heart. Hertha must have found out the child wasn't his.

But why hadn't she confronted him about it? Did she suspect he was in on it with Georgia, trying to deceive E her? Could she think he'd conspire with Georgia just to avoid marrying Hertha?