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The Black Necromancer

Chapter 417 Hidden Moves (2)
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Chapter 417  Hidden Moves (2)

"Leon Cromwell! Meddling little monster, you dare to interfere in an internal matter of my people?!" A deep and authoritative voice rang out as a golden figure manifested in the sky above the battlefield.

Leon looked up and his gaze sharpened. He knew that this person that had just appeared was not nearly on the same level as Garessa. He was much more powerful than her.

"And who are you?" Leon asked. With the golden light that surrounded Alvar's body, Leon was not able to recognize his figure from the reports he had seen.

"You dare to attack my kingdom, yet you do not know who I am?! Insolent fool! I will cleanse this world of a dark creature like you today!" Alvar declared and made an obscure hand signal. The Divinity within his body surged like a tsunami as his killing intent locked onto Leon.

At once, Leon felt a chill run down his spine. He let go of Garessa and distanced himself from the spot he was in a moment ago, only to watch the space around it collapse on its own. From within the broken and fractured shards of space, another golden figure emerged while the previous one vanished.

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'Is he so fast that I can't trace him?!' Leon was shocked. He knew that Alvar was very strong, but without any concrete proof of his abilities and skills, he had no idea what to prepare for.

"I see you managed to dodge. Well, that is fortunate for you..." Alvar smiled and Leon felt a sense of foreboding. Before he could react, he felt a strange, mysterious force wrap around his body. Unable to stop it, his body retraced his movements and reappeared in the spot he was before, which was where Alvar was now.

"Or should I say, unfortunate?" Alvar's tone was mocking as his fist was buried into Leon's middle, sending out a powerful shockwave that sent thunderous winds blowing.

"Kurgh!" Leon's mind was shocked by what had just taken place. It was only after the move had been done that he realized what he was up against. Alvar had a strong affinity for Time! He was manipulating time with the mana and Divinity he possessed!

"Do you regret it now? Do you regret working for these pitiful fools who dare to oppose me?!" Alvar mocked Leon as he trapped him in a field of frozen time and flashed around his body, landing powerful hits that rocked Leon's bones down to his core. Literally.

A string of well timed blows, combined with a series of spell combos bombarded Leon as Alvar utilized his expansive experience as a spell caster. From fire to ice, Leon felt the scorching heat and the chilling frost.

'Come on! Vera didn't tell me I would get beaten up this badly!' Leon gritted his teeth as he also roused the Divinity within his core to fight back. He had not fought back with his full might ever since Alvar showed up. But now, he had grown tired of being beaten around like a sack of potatoes.


An explosion of light and mana shook the sky as Leon broke free of Alvar's hold, blasting the aged Elven Emperor away. A purple flame ate at the edges of his white armor and the air around him trembled as the space struggled to stay uniform.

"Still putting up futile resistance?" Alvar sneered.

"You might look down on me, but in this world, even an ant can fell an elephant." Leon said righteously as his aura skyrocketed.

"Then let me see what this ant has to offer." Alvar said and held out his hand. A golden bow appeared and an arrow that was condensed from golden light manifested in his hand. Without wasting a moment, he nocked it and drew back the string to the extreme before letting it go.

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Space tore and collapsed in a straight line as the arrow headed right for Leon. He only had a split second to move and he did not hesitate. The slightest pause might lead to his death. Leon's body moved at a speed so fast that not even the A ranks below could follow him with their eyes. The arrow arced at a similar speed, chasing after Leon, to his surprise.

"These damn Elves and their magical arrows." Leon complained to himself as he prepared a barrage of spells. He did not outdo Alvar in the casting aspect, but that did not mean he was a slouch himself. What Alvar had over him was time and accumulation. He had a much more varied foundation to draw from, unlike Leon that had been here for just over a year.

Every spell that Leon cast was drawing on the Divinity that filled his core. A slight glare of white light surrounded all the spells, amplifying the power of the spells many times over.

"Your technique is like that of a club wielding brute! Do you think you can compare with me?!" Alvar mocked Leon and countered with his own spells. But what he did not know was that Leon was intentionally leading him on. There were several abilities that Leon possessed which he had not used, aside from merging with Nedra. Right now, he was simply waiting for the proud Emperor to lower his guard before he would strike.

Meanwhile, as Leon fought Alvar, Garessa retreated a distance and began recuperating. She had underestimated Leon quite a bit and had suffered from it, leaving her with serious injuries, but it was not something that she could not recover from.

With a deep breath, the essence of Death that lingered all over the battlefield from the war rushed toward her, filling her body and speeding up her recovery speed by many times. It was similar to how Leon used the souls of the dead to boost his strength.

Next, Garessa concentrated her mind and called out to her master, the Chaos God who had set his eyes on Leon.

'My Master, it is time.' She closed her eyes and clasped her hands.