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The Black Necromancer

Chapter 468 [Bonus ] The Three Ace Candidates (2)
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"Before we leave, we should probably give an encouraging speech to the others that are yet to break through." Hannah suggested as she walked ahead of the two men, skipping forward occasionally in short bursts.

"There is no need for that. They are all strong warriors to have gotten this far, they don't need petty speeches." Dyson said, not even entertaining Hannah's words for a moment.

"Bah! You're always against me!" Hannah spun around and fixed Dyson with a glare and a pout.

"Because all your suggestions are half baked thoughts that were not processed properly. Very few of them are sensible. If I agree, then we would both be wrong." Dyson folded his arms. He was not going to entertain Hannah any further.

The pink haired girl folded her arms and pouted but did not say anything else. Instead, she led the way as the three of them made their way out of Dyson's cave home.

"Ah! The sun's glare is wonderful today." Dyson sighed and took in a deep breath when the trio stepped out of the cave. The entrance to the cave was located at the top of a tall mountain that was on the hidden island. It was at the perfect place that allowed for sun to shine right on it when the sun was at its peak in the day.

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"The sun's glare is always wonderful to you." Hannah scoffed and folded her arms. Dean simply smiled and looked away. Dyson rolled his eyes and looked down from the mountain top.

Before him, a city flourished, with people moving about and enjoying their day.

"Ah, Brother Dyson, Brother Dean, Sister Hannah." A voice called out as someone else made his way up the path that led up the mountain. He was just a short distance from the top.

The trio turned to look and Dyson responded first. "Alexander." Dyson nodded his head in greeting. The other two also responded with greetings of their own.

Alexander was the one behind the prosperity of the city down below known as High City. The true purpose of the island they were on, as well as the city, was to provide a stable base of faith for the Gods that supervised it. While the small size of the island ultimately limited the amount of faith that they were able to gather, it still served a very important purpose.

When a God died, they did not truly die in every way. There was still a chance for them to be revived over time if they wished, and that was through the faith of their believers.

There were many more hidden havens for the Gods around the world, not only this small island.

"I was just coming up to meet you three. Are you leaving today?" Alexander asked, pausing a short distance from the three.

Like Dyson, Hannah and Dean, Alexander was an Ace Candidate. He was still trying to figure out his path to Godhood, but none of the other three looked down on him in any way. Alexander was not a person focused too much on personal might so he spent less time than them on improving himself. Instead, he improved together with those under him.

"Yes, we will be going to meet our patrons. What about you? When can we be expecting you?" Dean replied.

"Haha! You hold me up to ridiculous standards, Brother Dean. Don't worry, I will join you all soon, but for now, I am not ready." Alexander shook his head.

"Hmm, we will be expecting you. By the way, what did you come up for?" Dyson hummed and asked.

"I only came to bid you farewell before you leave." Alexander said with a smile. "Also, keep me updated on what is happening up there. It will be useful for me if I can gather some data before reaching there." He added.

"No problem. I'll take it up by myself to make sure you're up to date." Hannah winked at Alexander and the man chuckled before turning to leave.

"Till when next we meet." He waved and left.

"Now, then. Let us get going." Dyson said and in the next moment, a blinding ray of sunlight flashed across the peak of the mountain. When it passed, they had vanished.

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"You called for me." Leon said as he appeared in a room in Fazir's God Kingdom. He immediately noted the presence of two other Gods, namely, Tiphone and Dardan.

"Ah, yes. Please, take a seat. You will understand why we called for you in a few short moments." Fazir smiled at Leon and sat back. He waved his hand and a goblet filled with red liquid appeared along with a table in front of Leon. "Please, relax."

"Hmm." Leon hummed and picked up the goblet, examining its contents. At a glance, he could tell it was not harmful and he took a sip. A refreshing feeling immediately surged through his bones and he let out a sigh.

"Nice, huh? That is a special drink made from Crimson Heart, a rare plant in the celestial realm. It can boost one's comprehension of Laws." Fazir smirked. Tiphone and Dardan shared a knowing look.

Just then, a bright light lit up the side of the room. The four Gods looked over and took in the new arrivals. Three people stood in place for a moment, regaining their bearings, before examining the room.

At the same time, Fazir and Dardan stood up. Tiphone had already been floating in place ever since, but his attention was turned to the new people. Leon placed his drink on the table and stood up as well, curious.

"Greetings." The three people bowed their heads slightly at the same time when they saw whose presence they were in.

"Congratulations, Ace Candidates. Come, let us introduce you all together." Dardan said, his voice booming and his face stretched out in a wide grin.

Leon stepped forward and looked at the three newly ascended Gods. At the same time, they also examined him.