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The Bloodline System (Web Novel)

Chapter 1247: Aildris Vs Rodritiv
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Author's Note: Unedited Chapter

"Hnm, Alright then," Aildris nodded before stepping forward elegantly and confidently.

One major difference between Aildris's air of confidence and that of Gustav's was that there was no ounce of pride in the way he carried himself. Aildris looked kind as well as charismatic and confident to anyone. It would be difficult to have any bone to pick with him.

Aildris soon arrived at the stage that was decided for him and began checking out his options for selection.

At the same time Aildris was busy with this, loud beeps rang out deciphering that a couple of participants had already picked their opponents.

A look of surprise appeared on the faces of many spectators as they noticed a beam of light in the earth participants area.

One of them had been challenged by a participant from this batch.

The earth group turned to stare at the long dark haired female with a doll like face who had a holographic panel floating before her. They turned to stare at Gustav as well with speculative expressions.

Yuhiko gaze upon the panel that displayed the name of the participant who had issued the challenge as well as the planet they represented.

< Itrus (Planet Xillion) Has Challenged You To A Battle >

<< Accept >> << Decline >>

Due to her points being way higher than that of Itrus, the option to either accept or decline the battle had been presented to her.

Yuhiko turned to stare at Gustav, waiting for him to give her an instruction.

Gustav on the other hand, had his gaze fixated in a particular direction. His vision had phased past forty seven different stages before arriving at the one he was aiming for.

A reddish skinned figure clad in yellow robes like outfit, stood on a white platform with spiky tips scattered across the place. It looked like the figure was staring in the direction of earth participants as well.

The Xillions happened to all have red skins with very slim figures, onion shaped heads and fiery grass like hair. Despite their similar appearances, their red skins had fingerprint like markings all over. This made each of them possess unique appearances since these carvings came in different styles like how every human had a different finger print from others.

Itrus recalled what his captain had mentioned earlier as he stood in place.

"It's time to probe them now... they may look untouchable due to their perfomance since the start of the competition, but there's a loophole now," Captain Flox voiced.

"The new member?" Itrus mumbled with a questioning tone.

"Yes... The one she was used to replaced is considered to be amongst the strongest. If he was a part of today's challenge we would have to consider our options carefully,"

"How are we sure the replacement isn't as strong as he is?" Itrus questioned.

"That is why this is a probe. If you win, we gain 1900 points and become the first to chip out of earth's points," Captain Flox responded.

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"What if they turn down the challenge? That earthling has over eight thousand points while I only have three thousand," Itrus added.

"Then that tells us all we need to know... The replacement is not powerful enough," Capgain Flox stated as a plan began formulating in his mind.

"Now, what will you do earthlings? Will you decline or accept?" Itrus voice boomed loudly causing the spectators area to turn even noisier.

"Scared of my strength? Come on face me earthling," Itrus voiced once more.

-"Why are they hesitating,"

-"Maybe that replacement truly isn't strong enough,"

-"Haha the earthings are a joke for replacing one of their strongests with this weakling,"

As Yuhiko heard the voices of the spectators in the background, her forehead scrunched up in frustration.

'These bastards!' She yelled internally but did her best to keep her composure on the outside.

"Can I accept?" She questioned.

"Decline," Gustav's response was like a hot knife piercing through her pupils.


"Decline," Gustav left no room for arguments as his tone commanded compliance.

Yuhiko fingers trembled slightly as she reached out to tap the decline panel area.

< Planet Earth Has Declined The Battle Challenge >


The entire arena erupted into loud exchange of dialogues. Yuhiko wasn't the first person with a higher number of points declining a battle challenge but she was the first from earth.

This warranted discussions in different parts of the arena.

-"So that replacement truly isn't powerful,"

-"They should have just left the Falco guy in the team,"

-"Who knows what happened that they had to switch to a weaker member,"

-"What a pity, the earth is the biggest joke right now,"

Ridiculing glares were piercing into Yuhiko from every direction as she clenched her fist in silent anguish.

'I could have won that battle... is he just trying to humiliate me?' She wondered internally.

Meanwhile, Aildris had picked his opponent from planet Foheng. His opponent couldn't decline the match since Aildris had more points.

Other participants in this batch had also picked their opponents who were approaching their locations or was already on stage. Only Itrus was left having to pick another opponent either from earth or from another planet.

He couldn't try to challenge Yuhiko again as this wasn't allowed due to the rules. He clicked on another planet and picked someone who had lesser points than he did this time.

Captain Flox had mentioned that he could pick anyone else if he was declined.

On Aildris end, he stood before an opponent with a white cloak and emerald glowing eyes.

"Your eyes are pretty," Aildris complimented.

"Yours are... shut... you must be blind," The opponent had a look of confusion as he stood in place.

"How are you able to tell that my eyes are pretty if you can't see?" The participant from Planet Foheng questioned.

"That's my secret," Aildris smiled.

< Aildris (Planet Earth) Vs Rodritiv (Planet Foheng) >

The instant the go ahead was given, Rodritiv charged at Aildris as glowing nail sized gems appeared around him.

He grabbed one of the glowing gems and flung at Aildris while charging at him.

Aildris swerved to the side to dodge the nail sized Gem when it suddenly expanded, covering up his entire line of sight in an instant.

Aildris swiftly leapt upwards dodging the collision of the massive green shaped gem.

Fwwhii~ Fwwhii~ fwwwhii~

Multiple of the small sized gems floating around Rodritiv flew upwards, chasing after Aildris ascending figure.

One of them sped past Aildris in mid air, while two others arrived on both sides of his body. The last gem followed from below speedily as well.


The four small sized gems suddenly expanded in mid air surround Aildris figure from all sides.

Rodritiv who was below raised his hand and clenched it tightly. All four massive balls instantly got attracted to each other with Aildris being the only obstacle in their midst.

Aildris suddenly pulled his arms back and spun his body in mid air, causing himself to began descending fast.


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His feet collided with the big gem below first as he descended while all the rest of the three balls were only one feet away from making contact and smudging his entire body in between.


Aildris crouched and pushed his feet up with intensity, causing his figure to turn into a streak that ascended across the air with immense speed.


The four balls collided heavily in mid air, causing the vicinity to tremble violently as they immediately separated from one another.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

They ricocheted across the vicinity, topping trees and leaving holes in mountains as even their creator struggled to keep up.

Rodritiv quickly, made them lessen and swung his palm backwards to make them retract in his direction.

Aildris landed on a mountain ahead in the next instant, and made stretched his arm forward, making a v shape with his thumb and index finger inches from his eyes which still remained shut.

A smile appeared on his face as he sped forward in the next moment.


At the



Underneath his armpit area were two Viondur Eggs which he held with a slight look of dissatisfaction despite being unbothered about his injuries.

"I ran into some trouble," Gustav voiced before turning to face Aildris.

Aildris nodded and handed the storage button in his possession to Gustav. As Gustav made use of Gravitational Manipulation, the eggs in his grasp floated while he passed Aildris storage button back to him as well.

Zing! Zing!

The two Viondur Eggs vanished from sight at the same moment all of Gustav's burns and cuts healed up completely.

His skin returned to its usual rosy color along with his dirty blonde hair exuding an enchanting allure.

"All captains are required to place the eggs they have acquired into any of the Flaming Cauldrons for proper calculation,"

Handler One's voice reverberated across the entire vicinity as flaming cauldrons began rising from the ground at the corners of the arena.

Each cauldron was as large as a full grown human so there wouldn't be any issues with putting the Viondur Eggs in. The captains began heading to the cauldrons to place their eggs in.

At the moment, the screens floating above displayed the scoreboards without scores. Only the planet names were visible.

Each time a captain placed a Viondur egg in one of the cauldrons, scores would appear before their planet name on the screens and their position would move up.