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The Bloodline System (Web Novel)

Chapter 1248: Secret Business Transaction
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Author's Note: Unedited Chapter

Rodritiv pushed his palm forward causing over forty gems to fly upwards at insane speed in Aildris direction. The moment they expanded, the entire air was covered in massive gem like balls without a single channel of escape for Aildris.

It looked liked Aildris was going to be heavy crushed by the line up of massive gems shooting across the air at this momemt.


Aildris suddenly opened his eyes...

Rodritiv who was below felt like time had come to a stand still at this instant as the world was suddenly drained of colors.


The sound of astonishment from the spectators area showed that they were just as shocked as the color drain was spreading beyond the stage these two were battling within.


Aildris stretched his hand forth to touch the massive gem before him which had turned from green to grey.


The gem suddenly crumbled to dust particles upon contact as Aildris descended from the air.

'Such beautiful eyes,' Rodritiv entered a state of temporary awe as he stared at Aildris eyes which possessed a spectrum of unknown number of colors.

Rodritiv wasn't the only one who was awed, the spectators and participants who had never witnessed Aildris open his eyes before were extremely stunned as well.

These colors were like rings in his eyes which were all blended in perfectly, making them look like a different dimension where only colors existed.

Rodritiv felt like he was in a swampy location as his movements turned sluggish. His gems had lost almost all power when their color got drained. The vicinity had turned into Aildris's domain as he was the only being who retained color in this world of black and white.

Aildris landed before Rodritiv and thrust his left palm forward. Rodritiv had wanted to counter but with his sluggish movement and the reduction in strength of his gems, he was unable to react quickly.


Aildris fist slammed into Rodritiv's chest, sending his entire body shooting across the air.

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"Spectrum bind," Aildris muttered as he locked his thumbs together casing circular multicolored strings to appear around Rodritiv in mid air.

The glowing multicolored strings, wrapped around Rodritiv's entire body from top to bottom, making him look like he was clad in a new type of fabric as his body spiralled repeatedly in mid air.

Aidris raised his right index finger, causing Rodritiv to be suspended in mid air. At this point, he was struggling to escape the binds but to no avail. He couldn't control his gems in this state, neither was he strong enough to rip through the spectrum bind.

His body wriggled continously in mid air while Aildris stood in place for a bit before making a backwards motion with his index finger.

Rodritiv's completely bound body flew towards Aildris and stopped when it arrived before him.

"Hmmhh! Hmmhh!"

Aildris made another small motion, causing Rodritiv's mouth area to be freed.

"I've lost haven't I?" Rodritiv voiced with a look of defeat.

"Unless you throw in the match you haven't but you did good," Aildris smiled while responding.

"The moment you opened your eyes it was over for me... You are a great opponent," Rodritiv voiced with a respectful tone before yelling out a declaration.

"I give up!"

< Aildris (Planet Earth) Wins >

< 500 Poinys Attained >

Yaaaaaaaaahhh~ Chatter! Chatter! Chatter! Chatter!

Some of the spectators area especially where earth was located went bonkers. Cheers and all sorts of remarks erupted causing the place to turn super noisy.

"Aildris! Aildris! Aildris! Aildris!"

They cheered for Aildris as he closed his eyes, causing the vicinity to return to tranquility. Rodritiv was freed and regained his color. His body fell from mid air after the spectrum bind disappeared.

"Good one," Aildris reached out his arm to help him up.

"Thank you," Rodritiv took Aildris arm and got pulled up.

This gesture solicited cheers from the spectators from both Planet earth and Foheng's positions.

Aildris and Rodritiv each left the stage with barely any injuries and new found respect for each other. This made the atmosphere warm and peaceful compared to other locations in the arena.

"He's right, the battle ended the moment Aildris opened his eyes," Gustav muttered.

With the new strength his teammates had gained before IYSOP, some of them still had abilities they had never displayed and probably would never display in some situations.

Aildris happened to have a combination of new abilities he couldn't even make use of in this battle since it would cause death if the opponent was unable to counter. He had to play it safe so as not to get branded with a penalty.

("He's getting real close,") The system voiced in Gustav's mind.

'Yeah I noticed... That Spectrum Bind he made use of was almost similar...' Gustav responded internally as Aildris arrived back in their midst.

("Usually it is meant to go with the abilities of the being who unlocks it so this little unexpected energy emissions are normal. Only your case was different because your Cosmic Superiority is kinda abnormal,") The system voiced.

'You don't need to keep reminding me that I'm a freak in every given opportunity,' Gustav squinted his eyes.

("Yes I do,")

'As always... f you...'

("Fuck you too,")

'You're' a virtual being, you will never know how it feels to do that,'


'How long till he unlocks it?' Gustav questioned.

("...It depends... could be months or could be...")

'Could be what?'


"So this is why you stopped her. I'll hand it to you, you're pretty smart little earthling," A humanoid looking being with an armadillo structured face, said with a tone of amusement.

"I care not for your thoughts or unnecessary remarks... do you have it, yes or no?" The dark skinned male with beautiful looking dreadlocks voiced from across the table.

"Don't be in such a rush, join me for a meal first," The Armadillo faced creature suggested.

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"Do I look like I am in the mood for any of your antics? This is a business transaction, I am not your friend, neither am I an accomplice of yours. Do you have the item?" The dark skinned young male voiced with seriousness, his face lacking any form of friendliness.

"Aish just look at that big scowl on your face, you almost reminded me of her..." The Armadillo faced creature was about rambling away again when he noticed the sharp gaze from across the table and stopped.

"Alright Young Mr Stark... the item you're asking for, Koshka shot, is currently unavailable," The Armadillo faced creature stated.

"And frankly, I am unaware of how you came to know of that item in the first place. Not only is it amongst the most difficult to obtain, it is also illegal in most planets under the alliance, including yours," The creature added.

"What is with all this long talk? I thought they said you were the greatest collector In the universe," Stark voiced with a ridiculing tone.

"I am," Axiler looked near offended as he stated.

"No you're not. Since you're not willing to do the needful, I'll find a collector who can," Stark blurted out while standing to his feet.

"Hold on... I didn't say I couldn't get it, i only said it was unavailable right now," Axiler quickly stopped him before he could storm off.

"Then why are you boring me with unnecessary details? Are you going to get it? Or do I need to use a different collector?" Stark questioned while squinting his eyes.

"I will get it... damn you're so uptight compared to how you acted around that other kid and Aimee," Axiler felt like he was speaking to a different person.

"Neither of them must hear of this. It has to be confidential between the two of us," Stark chimed in.

"No problem. I also have to leave here since I already gave wrong information to all of my clients anyways. Things will get messy if they come for me," Axiler voiced in defeat.

Miss Aimee had given him quite the work. He knew he would definitely acquire enemies after this.

"It will take some time to get the item. I most likely won't get back till after IYS... or rather after that crazy occurrence has passed..." Axiler announced.

"Crazy occurence? What do you mean?" Stark inquired with a look of confusion.

"It doesn't matter. I will contact you once I have acquired it and tell you where to meet because it won't be on this planet," Axiler voiced before walking away.

Stark still had a look of confusion on his face but he soon threw that aside as he stared at the screen within the restaurant that displayed the ongoing versus battle challenge.

"Hmm, Gustav made that new replacement decline another challenge. He must be playing at something," Stark muttered as he turned around.

"I should probably head back to the arena to witness this in person," He added while walking out of the place.

shiisshh~ shiisshh~ shiisshh~

Two figures who were undoubtedly powerful, appeared behind him the moment he stepped out of the structure.

"Family head, how did the negotiations go?"