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The Broken Warrior’s Daughter

Chapter 40
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Chapter 0040

When | met with Ailduin, it was in his study. It was there | saw the book. | thought it odd at the tthat he had a book about the history of the werewolf guardians, but | didn’t think much of it as | had other, more important matters to worry about, such as making sure our pack members were okay. Ailduin toldthat he was in my debt. Honestly, | never expected to request the return favor. | didn’t do it to have something to leverage against his family, | did it because it was the right thing to do. Aolis was only 5 years old at the time.

Afterward, when | had tto think about it, | started searching for a copy of the book, thinking it would be good to have. After searching for almost a year and finding nothing, | approached my father about it. That is when | learned that there is only one book like it in existence, written by the Guardians, for the Guardians. I’m still unsure how Ailduin’s ancestors got a copy, but now it's where it should be, in the hands of a werewolf guardian.

was no way

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| watch as Cara once again asks about a card. There Ailduin was going to act as a “delivery boy” for me. | was lucky to get him to deliver the book. The only reason he did is because it is so valuable, he would never trust it to just anyone. And | had to promise him that it was going to a Guardian, the true keepers of the book.

But, | do agree with him, the book speaks for itself. No card needed. When he announces tothat the debt is paid, | very softly agree with him, knowing the hearing of the Fae King is better than most wolves.

| watch the shock that plays across Cara’s face as she unwraps the gift. She knows exactly what it is and how precious it is. Her quiet ‘thank you’ has Kai purring in my head. The gift is perfect.


she clutches the book, she looks around and meets my gaze. Does she realize that it’s from me? There are very few individuals that could pull this off. Well, in truth, only one. Me. But she probably doesn’t know that. | nod my head in acknowledgement of her thanks. Maybe then she'll realize that it was me. That | know exactly who she is and how special she, Artemis and her family are to the pack, my family, but most especially toand my wolf.

If she hasn't figured it out after today, there will be no question tomorrow.

During training that afternoon, everyone is talking about my upcoming birthday party. It's not every day that an Alpha turns 18. Of course, everyone wants to


Dean comes up toafter training and tellsthere’s a betting pool for my mate. Sheila has apparently told everyone that she thinks I’m her mate, so she’s in the top 5, along with a couple of the other she—-wolves that I’ve been involved. with. I’m only interested because Cara is also in the top 5.

“Cara, huh?”

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“Yeah, well,” Dean responds, watchingintently. “We still don’t know who her mystery man is and you are still in the top 2 contenders.”

“Who is the other person in the top two?” | ask, knowing Liam has been eliminated from the pool now. “Chase, of course.”

| nod my head and walk toward the forest. | want to get to Cara’s to see how things are going with Liam. It's been difficult to focus on training while trying to manage my jealousy that he gets this special twith her.

| arrive near their house just in tto see Mr. Nelson heading inside the house. from the indoor training facility. Not seeing Liam or Cara, | move to get closer to see if they are still training inside. | was hoping they’d be outside, but this is better. They won’t hear or smellfrom inside the building.

As | get closer, | feel Kai getting restless and angry. | tune in more closely and realize what he’s heard that | didn’t. Cara is moaning and Liam is growling in pleasure.

| have to fight Kai and I’m about to lose control when | see them walking hand in hand toward the house. | take hold of Kai and settle in to wait.

Cooper Author

What do you think of Ailduin and Aolis?