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The Conquerors Path

Chapter 473: Feast For The Eyes.
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I took a deep breath, my gaze fixated on Marlene, as I mustered the strength to share the 'haunting' tale that had plagued my heart for far too long. The weight of my sorrow settled heavily upon my shoulders, each word forming a crack in the fortress I had built around my emotions.

"Marlene, I know what it feels like to lose someone dear to you," I began, my voice trembling with suppressed anguish. "But the story of my lost first love is one that I've rarely spoken of, for it carries a weight that feels unbearable to bear."

I paused, my mind drifting back to a time when innocence still held a place in my shattered heart. "Her name was Eveline," I continued my voice barely above a whisper. "She was like a radiant beacon of light in my life, a guiding star that brightened even the darkest of days."

Eveline, a figure who resembled a big sister to me, had become the cornerstone of my existence. Her kindness knew no bounds, and her unwavering support breathed life into my dreams. We laughed, we cried, and we shared secrets that bound us together in an unbreakable bond. She was my sanctuary, my source of solace in a world that often seemed unforgiving.

But fate, in its cruel and unforgiving nature, had other plans for us. One tragic day, as a storm raged with fury, a cataclysmic event unfolded. We found ourselves trapped within a crumbling ruin that we were exploring, its walls trembling and threatening to collapse under the weight of destruction. At that moment, our lives hung in the balance, suspended between hope and despair a choice was given to us by the owner of the ruin, only one of us may live, and love dictated our lives.

I refused it, unwilling at all to choose, both of us are to escape, but desperation soon clawed at our hearts as we searched for an escape, each passing second bringing us closer to the brink of annihilation. And then, amidst the chaos, a devastating realization struck us both—we could only save one of us. The very thought tore through our souls like a blade, shredding our hopes and dreams into tattered fragments.

We stood at the precipice of an agonizing decision. Love battled against selflessness, and our hearts shattered beneath the weight of an impossible choice. In the end, we made a silent pact, vowing to fight for the other's survival with every ounce of strength we possessed.

With tears streaming down our faces, we exchanged final words of love and devotion, our voices trembling with the weight of farewell. And as we parted ways, I watched Eveline disappear into the engulfing darkness, not knowing that she had already made the choice to the owner of the ruin.

Time stretched on, dragging its heavy feet as I desperately tried to find a way to save her. But every path I took led to despair, and the universe seemed intent on keeping us apart. Soon I was flashed away from where I stood, my mind blank until the truth had soon settled in my mind, she had made the choice against my will.

In the end, the news reached me—a lifeless body, unrecognizable and broken, discovered in the debris of that fateful day. It was Eveline, my guiding star, snuffed out before her time. The anguish that consumed me was beyond words, a maelstrom of grief and regret that threatened to engulf my very soul.

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Her loss was a wound that would never fully heal, a constant ache that reminded me of what we had lost. The void she left behind was vast and insurmountable, a testament to the tragedy that had befallen us.


"Are you feeling better?"

Marlene asked as she broke the hug, her eyes looking into mine with undisclosed care. In truth, the story I spoke of has some loopholes here and there, but in the end, the curse within her amplifies her emotions, making it such that she will only be able to focus on the emotions of the story, not the story itself. And when the curse is taken off, only the emotions will remain, as it is for every living person with emotions.

"You know your story really puts mine to shame..."

Marlene muttered with a joking tone to which I shook my head, trying to regain my calm as I spoke.

"No, every story of loss has its value, as you can never put a price on love..."

My words made her smile and she nodded her head.


Then, once again, a calming silence fell between us, which didn't last for long as I spoke.

"Leaving the depressing things aside, when should we leave to get rid of this curse of yours?"

Hearing my words, a thoughtful look took Marlene's face until she spoke with a light smile.

"How about now?"

"Now?" I asked back in surprise.

"Yup, I could really use some fresh air, leave all this behind for a moment and experience an adventure, just like the last time..."

Her last words ended with a playful nudge at my chest, to which I chuckled.

"Sure, then let's get ready and meet back in this place in 2 hours..."

Saying so, I stood up, giving her one last nod. I walked out of the room, soon coming upon the same woman who led me here.

"It would be great if you could take me back too," I spoke.

"It would be my pleasure," she replied as she started to lead the way for me. But just as we were walking, she spoke.

"But there is someone who would like to meet you."

"Is it Catherine?" I asked, to which she silently nodded her head.

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'Guess I have time...'

"Then you can first take me to her," I said.

"Sure," she replied as she once again changed the direction she was walking in. As always, several eyes were on me, sea creatures talking away as their gaze scrutinized me from top to bottom. As we kept walking, I could see the change in atmosphere as the creatures I got to see now were mermaids, their appearance as beautiful as the elves.

The smell in here was a bit more salty, with several beautiful instruments and voices filling the place. The whole area itself felt more lively and beautiful. Of course, as the law dictated, their eyes were all on me the moment I entered this area. I gave them all a light smile as I was led to a beautifully built open palace shining with the color blue.

As I entered inside it, I could feel several powerful auras gathered together. My eyes fell on the elders who seemed to guard the place, along with several huge open areas marked for swimming. The woman in front of me led me toward the largest and most protected area of the building.

The intriguing thing about this place was that all the mermaids I now saw were females. It would seem that no males were allowed within the area. I could easily understand this by their scrutinizing gaze as I entered the building, but thankfully the woman in front of me deterred anyone from interfering.

Walking across the building, I could hear light chuckles and the sound of water splashing around. Soon, I entered the huge hall where in the middle lay a humongous pool, its depth uncharted. The surroundings were filled with light music played by several beautiful mermaids, with others splashing around in the water.

The area in the hall was undoubtedly bigger than it should be, marking that the inside was controlled with spatial magic. Not only that, a dimmed 'sunlight' fell from the skies, the perfect sunlight loved by the mermaids waddling around in the waters. The moment I entered here, I was completely the focus of attention.

"Surprised?" a voice was heard, one that I am very familiar with. And just as it did, the water deep within the pool splashed around as Catherine started to rise from it. Her maroon-colored hair perfectly kept even within the water, while her blue eyes focused on me. My gaze penetrated through the water as I gazed upon Catherine's scaled legs.

'I wonder if it's true that mermaid pussy feels like being drowned in water?' my mind thought so as I answered back with a slight smile.

"Being brought here? Yes..."

"Hehehe... but it looks like you like this place..." Catherine responded with a teasing voice as she kept moving within the water.

"I would have something wrong with my head as a man if I didn't like being in this atmosphere..." After all, surrounding me were beautiful women who all seemed to be wearing some sort of bikini-like dress, making this a feast for the eyes.