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The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 439 Bleeding (2)
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"How can you even grin like that when you're bleeding this much!" Aurelia scolded her unconscious companion even as she kept applying pressure on Calypso's wound. He was bleeding too much, and she knew she had to do something to staunch the flow.

Thinking quickly, she immediately moved and tore out a piece of cloth from her clothes to use as some kind of bandage to dress Calypso's wounds. Looking around, she then saw a small puddle of spring water which she immediately used alongside the bandage to try and clean his wounds.

Doing her best, Aurelia clicked her tongue as she assessed her handiwork. While he would eventually heal as a werewolf, it would still take time due to the weapons used to wound not being mere ordinary weapons.

She had to make sure that she managed to remove any and all foreign objects inside his body before she tried to further dress his deeper wounds, but that will take time. She didn't know if they even had enough time to spare.

Luckily, the cave Calypso found seemed to be much more hidden than she had hoped, but that didn't mean that it was safe. They managed to outpace Helion's army, but she wasn't entirely sure if they wouldn't be able to track them down to this place.

Closing her eyes, she meditated on casting one particular spell, one that Katelina taught her way back in the day. Yes, Katelina had taught her a few important spells that she could use to protect herself. She was adamant with refusing at first, but Katelina eventually convinced her otherwise by saying that she could sense a great amount of mana in her.

Aurelia agreed after that, and after experiencing magic firsthand, she was readily convinced to learn more about the art that could also be useful to her in the future.

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As a physician of Cordon, they didn't employ magic for healing since no Cordonian was honestly capable of it. There were probably some like her who luckily learned from outside sources, but most of it would surely just be on the basic level.

Magic and spellcraft were Ebodian's specialty, and she had once heard that Ebodian's major spells and magics weren't so easily shared even with their closest allies.

Thinking back, the spells and magic she learned from Katelina were different from Ebodia's. She was the Princess of the fallen kingdom of Zion, said kingdom also known for its impeccable magic and spellcraft. Despite this, she had heard that they couldn't even compare to the quality of the teachings being taught in the Kingdom of Ebodia.

But back to werewolf physiology, Aurelia knew that they could heal on their own unless they were heavily struck at a core part of their body. Poison and silver could also be lethal, so physicians in their kingdom solely use their knowledge on science and medicine like her to mitigate these risks.

Still, healing with magic was still faster than mundane means. Unfortunately, healing with magic would require energy, and Katelina had advised her not to use her magic in healing since she still lacked the proper knowledge and training for it.

Aurelia shook her head. She had no intention of using magic for healing at all. She had enough knowledge to make due without it. But looking around at her surroundings, she cursed at her current situation. Even if she had enough knowledge, without the proper herbs and materials, she was just useless. Inevitably, magic would still come in handy in emergencies such as this.

Aurelia let out a sigh as she focused on the task at hand, which was to somehow hide both her and Calypso from the enemies using her magic. By hiding their presence, they wouldn't be able to be tracked down.

"Done," she murmured, followed by a relieved sigh.

With a small breath, Aurelia was about to stand up when Calypso held her tightly by the wrist.

"Please don't leave me..." he murmured. "Please..."

Alarmed, she touched Calypso's forehead, and her worried were validated when she felt that he was burning up. Sweat drops were accumulating all over his face and body, and he was also naked, which she only now just noticed.

Aurelia gulped at the realization. She had seen a lot of naked bodies during her time, but they were mostly just dead and pale bodies at most...

Immediately shaking her head, she murmured to herself, "What is wrong with me... Seriously..."

This was stupid. She should just focus on helping him cool down since he was practically burning up. At this rate, he was going to start hallucinating on her...

"Please... Mother..." Calypso breathed out. "Please, I beg you... Don't leave us... Don't leave me..."

Hearing his whispers, Aurelia couldn't help but feel a pang of pain as she saw him sobbing to himself, his tears rolling down his closed eyes as he clung onto her.

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She honestly didn't know a thing about Calypso, but she could still feel the pain in his voice... Losing family was hard, and even she took a while before she came to terms with it.

She was five when she found out her parents were gone, and it took her a while before she began opening up to the family that took her in. The Everetts, especially Gideon, made sure that she wouldn't feel that she was an outsider, and she was grateful for all the effort they went through just to make sure she wouldn't feel like an orphan.

"Please..." Calypso continued to beg, saying the same words that he kept repeating.

Sighing, Aurelia held his hand tightly as she said, "I won't leave you. Calm down and be at peace. I will remain by your side, Calypso."

She was startled when Calypso suddenly pulled her into his embrace, his face burying into the crook of her neck as he whispered, "You promise you won't leave... Right? You won't leave me no matter what, right? Father will be sad, and I'll get angry... I don't want to get angry at you, so please don't go and leave us for another man..."

Aurelia didn't know how to respond. He was still sobbing like a child, and she couldn't help but released a defeated sigh as she murmured, "I won't so calm down. Meditate. Be a good boy and heal yourself quickly, alright?"

She talked to him like a mother would, hoping that her words would help with his hallucinations. Biting her lower lip, she couldn't help but feel bad for Calypso. She was getting curious as to what exactly happened to him. Based on what she heard, there was a possibility that Calypso's mother left him and his father for another man...

If that was the case, that would just be unacceptable! How could a mother leave her son for another man?! Despite her growing anger, Aurelia managed to remind herself that she still didn't know the full story to this. She shouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet.

"Damn, you're burning hot!" Aurelia mumbled, feeling his hot temperature against her body. It was a good thing that the weather was rather chilly, or else she would end up sweating a lot on top of cradling Calypso's hot body like this.

Still... the weather was cold, but she was also feeling feverish all of a sudden "I feel weird..." she murmured with a frown as she stared at the dark rocks above them.

It was the first time a man had hugged her like this, and on top of that, he was a naked man! Maybe that was why she was feeling weird... Calypso's high temperature was the only thing making her feel hot right now... right?