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The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 455 Let The Battle Begin!
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[We'll look over them together once we have the time then,] Darius remarked, the clear hint of surprise and awe making Xenia giggle. [But for now, let's focus on the fight beneath us.]

With a nod of acknowledgment, Xenia went ahead and kept herself silent through their connection. While they wouldn't be talking much for now, being alone in her row meant that she needed some semblance of companionship to throw banter at. And what better way for that to happen than with Darius also keeping the line open on his part?

[If that's what you wish, then I'll make sure to keep myself available, Xen,] Darius chimed in, having picked up her thoughts.

[Thank you, my love,] Xenia smiled.

And with that, she finally turned her attention back down to the fight about to happen. Despite the height of where she was seated, she still had a decent look at the current fighters lining up in the arena proper. Counting out the participants, she saw Clara, Bella, and the rest all form a loose circle as they waited for the signal to begin. In the meantime…

[Besides Clara and Bella, are there any other notable contenders down there right now?] Xenia asked.

[Hmm… Lady Evelyn and Lady Benet are with them right now,] Darius replied. [As for the rest… I'm afraid that they're all in Nasser's pocket.]

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She blinked, her gaze rising up to meet Darius on the other side. [What?]

[They're all being led by Pinra,] Darius explained, a look of discontent flashing through his expression. [She's the one standing out from the rest of her group.]

Looking back down, Xenia couldn't help but notice the clear divide forming between the contenders. Sure enough, this Lady Pinra seemed to be closely tailed by her supposed minions, all of them clearly deferring to her direction as they let her take the front. Likewise, her allies along with the two other contenders formed a group of their own, a four-woman team that clearly had it out for the rest of their opponents.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The final round for the Trial by Combat is about to begin!"

As the announcement bellowed itself across the arena, Xenia kept a close eye on the contenders below. Even now before the fighting started, there seemed to be tension brewing between the two groups. Despite being outnumbered two to one, Clara and Bella's group somehow managed to look menacing against this Lady Pinra's posse, the latter simply scoffing at the supposed challenge as she crossed her arms.

"With one spot already occupied by Princess Xenia herself, who among these twelve ladies will emerge victorious to continue on with their aspirations to become Queen of Cordon?!"

Even as the announcer hyped up the crowd, she couldn't help but shake her head with worry. It almost felt like a prelude to slaughter, but why?

"Who will be able to fill the last four remaining seats beside the Princess!? We shall all see once the King announces the beginning of combat!"

Looking up, she immediately gave Darius a worried look, her beloved quickly coming to her call as he addressed her.

[What's wrong?]

[Something doesn't feel right,] she anxiously grumbled. [Will they be alright?]

[That is something that we can only hope, Xen,] Darius sighed. [For now, take this as an opportunity to study your future opponents. I'll have to start the trial shortly.]

Still frowning, Xenia could only watch as the women below all took to their respective sides. Clara and Bella along with the other two ladies took one side of the arena, while Lady Pinra and her group took up the opposite side. From where she sat, it was clear that the divide between them would be fundamental to the coming fight.

Meanwhile, Darius had already stood up from his seat. Walking a bit of distance toward the edge of his platform, his loud voice echoed throughout the entirety of the arena.

"Let the battle begin!"

And with that, the battle commenced. With her grip on her seat tightening, the only thing she had to comfort her was her husband's reassurances coming through the Mate Bond. Of course, it didn't do much when the fighting beneath them was the true source of her worries.

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Xenia watched as all eleven of them shot forward, their weapons bared as they clashed right in the middle of the arena.

The crowd roared with hype and excitement as the fight officially began. With every hit and clash of their blades, everyone cheered and booed depending on who they were supporting. Her eyes wandering, Xenia couldn't help but feel sick at the celebration of violence happening around her.

And what's worse, a status quo was forming between the two groups.

[Isn't this illegal or something?] Xenia asked with a frown, her gaze landing on the larger of the two groups. [This is free for all, right? Working together shouldn't be allowed.]

[Unfortunately, nothing's against the rules in this tournament,] Darius regretfully replied. [Should the contenders decide to team up against what they've perceived as the stronger foe, then nothing's stopping them from doing so.]

Xenia clicked her tongue as the contenders below simmered in their clashes. It was clear that an equilibrium had formed; a return to neutral as all of them had finished sizing each other up with Clara and Bella taking the lead in their own group while Lady Pinra stood alone in front of her own clique. The odds were far from being on their side, and Xenia felt her nerves fraying the longer the stalemate went on.

[What're they doing?] she couldn't help but complain. [They're going to get surrounded.]

[Relax, my love,] Darius reassured her. [I have faith in them to succeed. You should have faith in them as well.]

She shook her head. There was no way that she'll be able to shake off the sinking feeling in her chest. There was no doubt about it. If any of her allies were about clearly in trouble, she would jump into the fray without even a second thought. It was only fair, after all. She didn't want someone under Nasser's sway to wreak havoc on this occasion.


I will post the main four contenders' ai generated visuals in their armor in the comment sections.