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The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 464 A Waste Of My Time
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"Now that was a fight and a half…"

Xenia couldn't help but nod in approval upon seeing Bella's amazing fighting prowess. While she could understand that the latter had done a poor showing during the battle royale with Pinra and the rest, this one-on-one fight showed just how powerful and skillful Bella was once she got going.

Truly, fighting defensively didn't do Bella's skill any justice earlier.

[Look alive. Pinra's fight will be up next,] Darius told her through their Bond. [We best try and see how much we can glean from her technique and skill.]

[I agree,] she quickly replied. [Still, I'm kind of in awe at Bella's aggressive tactics. And Lady Evelyn wasn't a slouch with a sword either.]

The fight had been as glorious as it was explosive. With each blow landed, the crowd made the arena shake with how loud their cheers were getting. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end as Lady Evelyn inevitably yielded. Bella had just ground the woman into submission, ending the bout by grabbing her opponent's sword arm and disarming her into defeat.

[She did her best, but I suppose her best just wasn't good enough,] Darius cheekily remarked.

[Unfortunately,] Xenia chuckled. [Anyway, the announcer's starting to call out the next round.]

With their Bond going silent for now, she kept a careful eye on Pinra as she entered the arena. Like last time, she could tell that the woman was up to no good. The sheer hubris emanating from her every step was as malicious as her words, and there was no way that she wasn't aiming to kill off her opponent should the opportunity present itself.

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[She's going to try something again,] Xenia worriedly remarked.

[Don't worry, I made sure nothing like earlier will happen again in this match,] Darius reassured her. [Should push comes to shove, the match will end without a single drop of unnecessary blood being spent.]

Xenia could only mentally nod as the contenders began their usual greetings. Lady Benet seemed to look much deadlier than last time, however, and she could tell that her husband had something to do with it.

"Let the battle begin!"

At Darius's vocal signal, the fight began below. Almost immediately, the two contenders clashed not unlike the fight that went before them. This time, however, there was none of the jovial and sportsman-like vibes that emanated from Bella and Lady Evelyn. No… This fight was purely fought for survival, with Lady Benet clearly on the backfoot as Pinra quickly pushed her advantage with a cold grin adorning her face.

[She's ramping up,] Xenia noted as she watched Pinra's movements. [Those attacks… She's aiming for a fatal wound with every strike.]

[Indeed,] Darius agreed. [And if she's not going for a fatal strike, she's going for a wound that would cause immense pain and suffering to her opponent. Look at how she's moving.]

Xenia did as she was told, and sure enough, she saw that Pinra wasn't just swiping away with reckless abandon. She was targeting the legs and wrists of her opponent, clearly trying to sever any muscle or tendon that would make moving a painful experience.

With the fight developing with each blow, the crowd was also starting to simmer with anticipation. She could tell that something was about to give the moment the first blood was spilled. And sure enough, it finally happened.

Xenia bit her lip as she watched Pinra slice through Lady Benet's left forearm. The latter quickly disengaged, but the damage was already done. Her left arm had been rendered useless, further making her more helpless against the advantageous woman's attacks.

[Lady Benet already lost,] Xenia worriedly remarked. [We should stop the fight now.]

[Not yet,] Darius insisted. [Not until she yields.]

Hissing through her teeth, Xenia could only watch as the fight kept on going. With Lady Benet down an arm, it was only a matter of time before she inevitably succumbed to Pinra's bloodthirsty tactics. But before Xenia could stand up and try to stop the fight herself…

"I yield!"

Lady Benet's voice echoed across the arena, her declaration clear for all who heard her as she backed away. Unfortunately, that didn't mean that Pinra was going to stop her attack midswing.

Seeing the killing intent in the woman's eyes, Xenia stood up and prepared herself to intervene. [Darius! I'm going down there right-]

[Stop,] her husband told her. [I have everything under control.]

Sure enough, just as she was about to sprint down the arena, Lord Gilas had already moved to separate the two contenders. Along with a few other men they swooped in and took away Lady Benet to a safer location while the program went according to plan.

"We have a winner! Lady Pinra advances to the semi-finals!"

Xenia could only frown as she saw the look of disappointment in Pinra's eyes. Clearly, the woman had wanted to go in for the kill, only to be stopped by Lord Gilas even as the man held up her arm in seemingly triumphant cheer.

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[That was close,] she breathed out as she sat back down.

[As I said, I had things under control,] Darius reassuringly stated. [There's no need to worry. Nobody underserving will die moving forward.]

[Still, Pinra's a problem,] she grumbled. [And Bella will have to fight her now as well, right?]

True enough, the announcer quickly declared for the next fighters to get ready. Resigned, Xenia prepared herself for another round of keen watching as the next two contenders walked into the arena. But just as the crowd was starting to cheer for the so-called grudge match, Bella raised her hands up and quickly declared something that shocked the crowd to no end.

"I surrender!"

Frankly, even Xenia was stunned at the sudden announcement. But looking over at where Jayra was sitting, the breath of relief that went over her friend's face told her that this had been planned from the start.

"Huh?! Are you really going to show cowardice to this many people, Bella?!" Pinra taunted from below, her voice deliberately loud enough so that everyone present could hear her. "That's low even for you!"

"As if! I just realized that fighting you wouldn't be worth the wounds I'll get while doing so!" Bella haughtily replied with a tone equalling her opponent's. "Besides, I already impressed the people I wanted to impress! Fighting an unnecessary fight's just a waste of my time!"

Xenia couldn't help but chuckle as the crowd ate up Bella's words. Clearly, the latter's charisma and the lackadaisical nature of her surrender made the lack of action more palatable to the general populace.

"Well, if that's the case, then Lady Pinra will be moving on to the final round!"

As the announcer called out Pinra's win by default, Xenia found herself taking a deep breath. The next fight will be the one to end it all, and she sure as hell wouldn't lose right at the very end.