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The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 477 [Bonus ]Final Day Of The Tournament
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At Cordon Castle

Dawn came, and Xenia prepared herself for her final battle. Of course, it wasn't final by the sense of the word, but it would be the last time she would ever fight for her position as Cordon's Queen. After this, she would be the undisputed winner of the Trial by Combat, which would then cement her spot as Darius's Queen.

She couldn't help but scoff at such a thought. She was already her husband's queen, and she was only fighting for the sake of optics and formality. After all, it wouldn't hurt for her to have some legitimacy to her rule, and it would only help Darius in the long run if she garnered the respect of every Cordonian that would watch her fight.

She was sure that there were still a few of her detractors out there, and she would make sure to silence them by making sure that she won this event without even breaking too much of a sweat.

'And of course, I have a few of my angel powers at my beck and call just in case I need them,' she inwardly chuckled. 'Not that I'd use them anyway. They'll have to be kept secret…'

Speaking of angel powers, Xenia sighed as she stood in front of the new armor Jayra made for her. After having explained how she had gotten a hold of her angelic heritage, her friend made it her mission to craft a few adjustments to her armor's design.

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Even now as the princess put the armor on, the clear gap just on top of her shoulder blades told her that she could slip her wings through them. The design was par for the course with her friend's tastes, and she couldn't help but think just how wild Jayra's imagination was if she could come up with these kinds of designs.

"I look like a holy warrior somehow," Xenia shook her head as she checked herself on the mirror. "Seriously, Jayra… Laying it on thick with the wings on the circlet, huh…"

Not that she minded, really. The way the armor hugged her curves made her feel sexy despite knowing that she was going to a proverbial war. Showing just the right amount of skin via her exposed back and abdomen, she felt protected while at the same time, still having the flexibility and mobility that she was so used to using.

"And no, I won't use the cape, Jayra," Xenia sighed as she spotted the red cape billowing on the rack. "It's tacky and dangerous. Though maybe I can use it for ceremonial occasions with Darius once all this is over."

She smiled as Darius came to her mind once more. She hadn't told him about her wings yet since she wanted them to be a surprise, but it wasn't like she was planning on using it on her fight anyway. She would just have to show them to him in private, perhaps during one of their romps in their chambers…

'Damn it… Keep your head out of such lewd thoughts, Xenia…' she scolded herself with a small chuckle. 'There's more than enough time for that after all this is over.'

Giving herself a light slap, Xenia grabbed her trusty sword before making her way towards the Cordon Arena one last time. Riding the carriage, she couldn't help but smile as a few Cordonians waved and greeted her. Of course, she greeted back, and the gratitude she felt waving off them almost made her feel like she was queen already.

"I'm going to get used to this," she chuckled as she waved her hand through the window of her carriage. "Hopefully, Darius wouldn't mind me going out of the castle every once in a while to mingle."

Soon enough, she arrived at the arena with a rather warm reception. Even before she managed to get into the waiting area, a few of her supporters had greeted her and some even bowed to her as their future Queen.


"Your Grace!"

Xenia simply returned the gesture with a grateful smile and wave. There would be more where that came from, but she still had a fight to prepare for.

"And here we are on the final day of the tournament! Who will win the Trial by Combat? Who shall be our new Queen?!"

The announcer began the usual hype and cheer as Xenia stood by the sidelines. Looking up, she couldn't help but search for Darius in his usual position high above the arena. Their eyes met, and their Bond quickly flared up with a warm greeting.

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[You really didn't wait for me earlier, huh?] Xenia teased through the Bond with a smirk.

[You needed the rest you can get, my love, and I'm needed here in the arena earlier than usual to oversee the program to make sure that all things will go well,] Darius explained himself with an amused tone. [And on top of that, I had to see to our foreign dignitaries.]

Her brows raised at her husband's last words. She had a feeling who exactly those foreign dignitaries were, and it would seem that Darius felt her emotions when he promptly pointed towards another part of the arena.

[They're over there by my level,] Darius vaguely remarked. [I'm sure you'll be glad to see them.]

Sure enough, Xenia couldn't help but smile as her gaze landed on a viewing box almost identical to her husband's. There, both her Mother and Father sat watching and waiting for the program to commence. Likewise, her brother and sister were also there, Ezekiel and Mineah along with her husband, the King of Valcrez having sat just beside their parents.

[They made it…] she gasped with a wide smile at them. They were so far but she knew in her heart how her family would be cheering for her from their spot.

[Of course,] Darius scoffed. [I've also taken the liberty of accepting their invitation for the upcoming coronation of Ebodia's future King.]

Her eyes widened at the news. [What?! When did that happen?]

[It was a recent development, according to your Father,] Darius explained. [Oh, the details would have to wait, however. The trial is already starting and I have to give out the signal.]

Before Xenia could even blink, her attention was forcefully taken back to the arena as she saw her opponent standing right on the far side of the arena. They were both staring each other down, and she couldn't help but grip her sword as she remembered all of the foul deeds the woman had done to her and her allies.

'You'll fall today, Pinra… Just you wait…'