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The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 510 Believe In The Impossible
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Bella remained at Cordon Castle after the celebration last night. Everything went so well, and it was indeed a joyous occasion where they finally also got to meet and interact with the Ebodian royals that her sister-in-law introduced to them last night. She was also present during the coronation and the parade today, occasionally exchanging meaningful glances with Osman after the two of them had a deep talk and understanding from last night.

However, things crumbled when something bad happened to her sister-in-law. She was utterly distressed and worried even though she had constantly been reassured that Jayra was already safe. Even now, she was still outside the bedchamber where her sister-in-law was being taken care of, unable to leave in fear that something even worse might happen if she was away.

"Why are you not coming in, Daughter?" her father asked when he arrived along with her mother.

Bella was speechless. She honestly just stayed outside the chamber silently crying, not even bothering with the fact that her eyes were already too swollen to even blink properly.

"I... I just don't want to see Sister-in-law in that state any longer," she weakly murmured.

She just wasn't used to it seeing Jayra laying still on a bed like that. She could still remember how the mage's face slowly turned black while her brother was running through the hallways carrying her body. Her sister-in-law was someone that was usually filled with high spirits and energy, and seeing her in that kind of state was just too much for her to bear.

Bella shook her head. "I'll go inside once Sister is awake."

With her piece said, she turned around and walked towards the nearest veranda to get some air. From where she stood, she could see the main gate of the castle where everyone would come in and out of the castle grounds.

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"They tightened up security..." she murmured, observing how the guards were thoroughly checking on every one that passed through the gates.

[Well, this is unexpected. Looks like Helion loves surprises,] Poona remarked. [Who would've thought that the Demon King himself would ruin such a joyous occasion for the new Queen?]

Bella could only agree with a sigh. There were still a lot of things to wrap up in their kingdom, including Helion's spies that she heard got easily snuck inside because of Nasser's meddling when he was alive.

"Everyone looks so busy," she mumbled as she then watched Calypso working from a distance. She was then about to leave when she sensed a familiar presence approaching from behind.

She bit her lower lip as she heard him speak. "I hope you're not staring at him because he looks attractive..."

She fought the urge to laugh. She was aware that Osman was simply trying to cheer her up, but she was also aware that he also partly meant the joke.

Turning to him, she directly asked, "If I say I'm staring because he's undeniably handsome, will you get jealous."

"I will," he answered directly without so much as a smile.

Satisfied with what she heard, she turned her gaze back to Calypso. "He has a mate, and it's apparently Gideon's sister," she nonchalantly commented. "The news has already spread like a plague about how the Everetts are lucky to marry into two positions of great power; a Princess and a Great Justiciar."

"Hmm, but I'm also of great power and position too," Osman snorted behind her.

"Indeed, you are, milord," Bella chuckled.

A pause settled between them before Osman spoke once more. "Two years seem too long, but I can only hope that time flies by quickly enough for it to not matter," he remarked.

Bella blushed hard at his words. She couldn't help but recall just how bold she was being last night in telling him that she would marry him after two years.

Turning her gaze back to him, she blushed even further when she realized how he was staring back at her from her side profile.

"What?" she murmured as she tried her best to compose herself despite the erratic thumping of her heart. She immediately looked away after a while. It felt like she was being hypnotized by his intense stare, and she didn't like feeling like she was going to lose some kind of duel between them.

"I meant what I said last year. I simply don't want to end up like Calypso's parents," Bella began. "Do you know why Calypso never got serious with any woman? It's because I strongly believe that what his mother did to him and his father played a big part in his behavior. I made sure to know everything about Calypso, which is why I found out about that particular incident about his family."

She narrated, "His mother married early for love; Lady Anna married Lord Marcian when she was only twenty. They said that the two were very much in love, and things were going fine until Lady Anna turned twenty-five and met her true mate..."

"Hmm... You've briefed me enough about your fears, milady," Osman commented.

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She gulped when she felt Osman's hand land on her shoulder. Feeling her body move, she let him turn her to face him eye to eye. And while she was aware of how redundant it was to say it, she just couldn't help but remind Osman about her situation. She couldn't promise him a thing at all... not until those two years of waiting were over.

They both stayed like that for a while, until he did something that she wholly didn't expect. Before she knew what was happening, he pulled her closer to him, his arm wrapped securely around her waist. Her heart was really going haywire at that point, what with their faces being only an inch apart from each other.

"I know what I have to do," he confidently remarked. "I just need to make sure that what you're going to feel about me is way too intense and strong that it can fight against a possible Mate Pull."

She frowned at his words even as she inwardly did her best to try and calm her body. She felt weak; as if a bolt of electricity had just shut down all of her systems. She felt his warm palm brush against her nape, and the tingling sensation running all over her nerves just from that simple brush alone was making her body excited.

"That's impossible," she hopelessly whispered. She had never heard of a thing that could possibly go against the Mate Pull.

"But the word 'impossible' was already removed from my vocabulary the moment I laid eyes upon you..." Osman whispered back, his eyes going down to her lips.

She couldn't help but gasp. The hunger and desire in his eyes were so evident...

Ah, this man was truly driving her insane. His words were simply the best at always making her heart flutter. And for the first time, Bella just wanted to simply believe in the impossible.

Slumping in defeat, she closed her eyes and let fate decide her future... And that was the moment she felt Osman's lips touch hers.


AN: It's been a while since I last asked this. How is the book so far? Are you already bored? Tell me your honest thoughts, please. Thanks.