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The Daring Billionaire’s Wife by Lypstical

Chapter 27
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Chapter 27 Vanessa Had I actually taken it easy with my injured leg, I wouldn't be going through this right now, but if I'm being honest, I have no regrets. I wanted to see the hospital, the children and everyone around. It was my first there so it was still worth it.

I know I should be in that boardroom right now as that would also be my first briefing, but since it's not too important and I know what Deininic's talking to them about, I can always join them next time. Also, I already met them.

Trying not to exert too much pressure on my call, Hean back in my seat, placing my hands on the other two seats on my sides as I extend my leg "Is there anything you need, Mrs Richards?" one of the bodyguards asks as he comes closer.

"Not for now.

I close my eyes to take a few deep breaths and just then, I imagine the children's faces and it makessmile. I was actually a little nervous because I was interacting with them for the first time. I didn't know how they would receive me, but I'm glad they liked me.

I made sure to take note of everything they want. It looks like I have a lot of work to do and I'm so excited for it. I even look forward to going to the orphanage.

As I continue thinking about them, I hear footsteps so I look over to the right. When I see Frank approaching, I notice he's furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"What are you doing here?" he asks. "Shouldn't you be inside the boardroom?" "I ran into a little bit of trouble." "A little?" He scoffs, looking at my leg which I've left suspended. "Letguess, you overdid it, right?" "Yes, but I don't regret it." "Letsee that." He attempts to crouch down.

"No, it's okay. You're actually supposed to be in the boardroom." Straightening up, he says, "I know that, but letsee how bad it is." "It's okay. You don't have to worry." He chuckles dismissively.

"You two, stand over there and make sure no one no one comes through this hallway," he instructs the bodyguards.

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"Yes, Sir!" They both say in unison as they leave.

Once I'm alone with him, he crouches down right in front ofand places his hand on my ankle while the other one wraps around my foot.

"Frank, you really don't have to do this for me." "I just want to see how bad it is. That way, we can actually arrange the doctor for you since you're already here." Though the two of us aren't close, he keeps on insisting, so I let him check.

Chapter 27 Slowly, he trails his hand on my call, then begins massaging gently "Does that hurt? "Surprisingly, it doesn't." "Really?" "Yes "In that case........" He trails off, then adds more pressure.

"Well, I still feel nothing." "I think I know what's going on here. You only feel that pain when you step on this foot for support. Other than that, it's okay. But you know what? I'm still getting the doctor for you, but.

He trails off, then continues massaging my calf, his eyes lingering on my leg and I'm sure I see him smirk even if it's just for a split second.

"Hey!" I flinch as I hear Dominic's voice and when I look in the other direction, he's charging towards us with wide footsteps as he looks at Frank. “What the hell do you think you're doing?" Frank drops his hands. "I was just" "Step aside, right now." The scowl on Dominic's face is something I've never seen before.

"Hey, it's cool," Frank says to him. "I was just " "I said step aside." Dominic repeats himself.

Raising his hands in defeat, Frank nods as he steps aside.

Once Dominic's right in front of me, he crouches down and holds onto my leg with the sscowl, his shoulders rising and falling from his heavy breathing.

Suddenly, his gaze softens but my heart won't stop racing. What was that reaction? I've never seen him so mad, not even when I got in the way of his plans to go and pick up Carmella at the airport.

"Is it that bad?” His voice is so gentle and laced with concern that I actually press my lips together for a second before responding "I don't think so, but I think I've put too much pressure on it." "I told you to take it easy, but you didn't listen to me." "At least I made it until the end." He chuckles.

"Since she's already here at the hospital," Frank chimes in, “I suggested that the doctors can-” "I know." Dominic harshly cuts his best friend off and doesn't even look in his direction. My eyes even widen in surprise as I wonder if this is all because he was touching me. Could it be that he's being possessive right now? Why? After one of the doctors examines me, she provides a wheelchair forso I can use it to get to the limousine. I'm even ready to move from my spot and sit in it, but Dominic crosses his arms and shakes his head.

"You're not using this wheelchair," he says.

19:20 Thu, 4 Jul ba Chapter 27 "Why not?" "I have something else in mind. Stand up." "What?" "Only on your good foot." "Uh.... okay." As soon as I stand on one foot, he scoopsup bridal style and I instantly wrap my arms around his neck. It takesa few seconds to compose myself as I didn't expect this.

"What are you doing?" I whisper to him. “Everyone's watching!" "It doesn't matter, I'm not taking aking you out there on a wheelchair." As he moves through the hallways, i spot a few onlookers covering their mouths to hide their smiles and giggles. Frank follows behind us but seems to keep a distance. Dominic's barely spoken to him after the incident in that hallway.

The moment we step outside, the press rush over and start taking pictures and asking questions about Penelope. Frank might have already briefed them, but they seem to want to hear from Dominic as well.

Once he answers all their questions, the subject changes.

ng happen to your wife? We've all noticed she's no longer on her feet." "Mr Richards, did something "I'm glad you asked." He looks atlovingly. "She wanted to see everyone here at the hospital and in the end, hid her pain fromuntil the very end. I don't even mind carrying her in my arms. This is her reward for being such a compassionate wife." Everyone present breaks into sounds of admiration and I'm so flustered that I hide my face in his chest as I smile like an idiot. What's wrong with me? As he walks down the stairs, I still keep my face hidden and just hear cameras shuttering and the bodyguards requesting that everyone makes way for us.

It's been a few minutes since we left the hospital this late afternoon and I can't stop glancing at Dominic. I never expected hum to just suddenly carrylike that, and his speech outside about that being my reward, did he mean it? "The children love you," he says, breaking my y concentration.

"Yes, they do and I want to cback here as many times as also want to visit the orphanage." "Fine, but only when you can use both feet on your own. I won't be carrying you around like that all the time." I can't help

't help but chuckle. I'm certain he doesn't mean that. Today madedifferent m see him in a different light. The M children love him so much and everything he does for them. He's an asshole, in other aspects, but not when it comes to them. When the space around us falls into silence, I look outside the window as the chauffeur drives along a different road from the one used earlier.

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Just then, I spot the sensual billboard of Dominic from before. For as long as it's in sight, I struggle to tear my eyes away.

Chapter 27 It's only when he clears his throat that I look away and my first thought is that this time, he's caughtin the act, but when I look over at him. It's far from the case.

He's actually looking down at his phone with a frown. I wonder what's going on with him.

I don't even bother to ask. Had it been anything to do with the children, he would've told me.

Once we get home, he carriesinside and my heart races while I'm in his arms. I can't stop glancing up at can't active jawline him and that attractive jawline staring right at me. What is this feeling? I keep asking myself. It doesn't matter. It should fade soon.

He's been so good totoday from comfortingafter I burst into tears in that aisle, to carryingout of the hospital Also not forgetting his reaction to Frank touching me.

Whatever that was, it still felt possessive toand that's the last thing I expected. Even when we get to the elevator, he continues carryingand my heart won't stop racing At this point, there's an obvious sensation on my cheeks. Am I blushing right now? I think of hiding my face in his chest, but that will just make everything too obvious. Instead, I face another direction.

After he bringsup to my bedroom and placeson the bed, he takes a few steps back and says, "You forgot something" "What is it?" "Are you seriously askingthat? Don't you know?" I shake my head, clueless.

He chuckles in disbelief. "Where's your mind right now?" I wonder what he's talking about. The only thing on my mind is his speech outside before we left the hospital and his attitude toward Frank...

When he leaves but says he'll be back shortly, I still can't figure it out, but the moment he returns with my bear and silently drops it beside me, I'm actually embarrassed that I forgot about it.

"Thank you for this." I clear my throat.

"Keep it safe with you." He definitely figured out just how important this kind of bear is to me.

"Stay in bed until you feel like you can use both feet without any help. Until then, call for the butlers." Since I've gotten used to having him around, I raise my eyebrows at him as I say, "Are you leaving?" "I'll be back tomorrow. I'm spending the night with my babe." D GIFT X